Queensland LNP MP George Christensen quits as Nationals chief whip

George Christensen (ABC News)ABC News

George Christensen has resigned saying he can't be both a rebel and an enforcer of party discipline.

Live: Senate grills Australia Post's Ahmed Fahour

Ahmed Fahour (ABC News)ABC News

Outgoing Australia Post boss Ahmed Fahour is facing Senate Estimates over his $5.6m pay packet.

Don't blame Beatty: How the Oscars stuff-up happened

Oscars stuff up (ABC News)ABC News

The wrong best picture winner was 'the craziest Oscar moment of all time', but how did it happen?

Plastic and how it affects our oceans

Plastic bag in water (Getty Images: Paul Kennedy) ABC Science

For all the benefits plastic has given us, disposing of products has become a major environmental issue.

Universities 'take plagiarism more seriously than rape'

Protest against violence against women on campus (Supplied - Peta-Jane Madam) ABC News

Advocacy group End Rape on Campus Australia claims violence against women is still a major problem on campuses.

100 per cent renewable energy network possible

Solar panels (ABC News) AM

Australia can build an affordable and secure electricity network with 100 per cent renewable energy, says the ANU.

WHO lists world's most threatening superbugs

Streptococcus agalactiae (Supplied: Centers for Disease Control) ABC Health

The World Health Organisation says new antibiotics need to be developed urgently to combat 12 families of bacteria.

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