
Brisbane's comic creator community taking charge of industry

In a world saturated by Marvel and DC superheroes, independent comic creators are banding together to create more content they can relate to, a Brisbane comic artist and mentor says.

Comic creator Alisha Jade, who publishes several mini-comics under Petrie Press, kicked off a mentorship program in February in partnership with Supanova to help aspiring creators get a solid footing in the realm of comics.

Alisha Jade Howard with her comics at Secret Identity Comics on Charlotte Street.

Alisha Jade Howard with her comics at Secret Identity Comics on Charlotte Street.

Photo: Glenn Hunt / Getty Images for Fairfax

She said the Banskia Project mentorship was established to due to a lack of funding and grants available for aspiring comic creators.

"It is a 12-month program – focused on sale skills and tailored to individual creators," she said.

"Most people who are learning are learning on their own which means they don't have the resources, they are 'MacGyver-ing' their way through."


Ms Jade said a "healthy little population" of comic book creators in Brisbane were taking things into their own hands, which has set them apart from other creators across the state.

"Brisbane is different to other places in that creators have set Comic Street (a one-day indie comics festival) – there aren't many places that creators are taking it into their own hands," she said.

"It may just be because the creators in Brisbane tend to meet up more, I'm not sure.

"It seems to be really cool little core group that are operating and doing stuff like running events."

She said a lot of comics created in Queensland tended to be either autobiographical or have a character-driven element, rather than the "superhero kind of stuff".

"There is not a lot of superhero content that gets made by independent creators, which I see as a good thing because getting a broad range of stories available to everyone is pretty important rather than just copying the same old thing," she said.

"Most of general public just don't know we exist because we don't have comic-saturated culture like US and Japan.

"Over here we think of prose, music, illustration."

Brisbane's Secret Identity Comics store co-owner Christine Chien said there were about 10 or so local artists with multiple titles stocked in at their Charlotte Street store at any one time.

Customers come in and I guess it would be something different for them, seeing something a bit more independent and more unique than the standard DC hero models that they are used to," she said.

"That is the great thing about independent content, it varies so much between genre, topic, even art style.

"We have a lot of aspiring creators who come in (and ask), 'when I finish my comic would you be able to stock it?' There is a market."

She agreed with Ms Jade that Brisbane hosted a community of local creators, rather than an industry.

"In Australia, when the market is already so saturated with DC modelled stuff, it is hard to start up," she said.

"That is the reason a lot of indie creators start off, they haven't seen a story they can relate to so they create their own.

"It is very much a community here and we try to support each other as much as we can."

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Amy Mitchell-Whittington

Amy Mitchell-Whittington is a reporter at the Brisbane Times, with a special interest in science and education

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