Strategies and Frameworks

The Australia Council works with the arts sector to build its rich arts ecology through two significant areas of activity - Arts Strategy and Arts Infrastructure.

The Australia Council is committed to building and maintaining the nation's arts ecology through frameworks, strategic analysis and capacity building investment.

We build on the strengths of our programs, so that Australia's rich arts ecology is meaningful here and overseas.

Along with this commitment, the Australia Council is responsible for the development and implementation of strategic projects to build audiences and markets for Australian arts.

Arts Strategies

The Australia Council delivers a broad program of strategic initiatives and partnerships. These strategies are designed to enhance the profiles of artists, develop markets and audiences, and facilitate collaborations and cultural exchanges, nationally and internationally.

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Arts Infrastructure

The Australia Council works with over 300 arts organisations through our suite of funding programs.

The Australia Council aims to strengthen the arts ecology through the support and strategic development of regularly funded organisations.

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