
Scope of information

This statement applies to personal information that you provide to the Australia Council when you interact and do business with us. You can download a copy of our Privacy Policy here.

On application and proposal forms:

  • name
  • address
  • birth date
  • telephone numbers and email address 
  • demographic details such as ethnic background and disability.

On registration forms for the register of peers:

  • all of the above + areas of expertise.

On funding agreements:

  • bank details.
Use and Disclosures

We only use your personal information for the purposes you gave it to us, and for related, internal management purposes.  We do not give information about you to other government agencies, organisations or anyone else unless one of the following applies:

  • you have consented
  • you’d expect us to or we have told you we will
  • it is required or authorised by law
  • it will prevent or lessen a serious and imminent threat to somebody’s life or health
  • the disclosure is reasonably necessary for law enforcement or for the protection of public revenue.
Our website

We only collect personal information from you when you provide it directly to us.  If you browse our website, we do not collect any personal information. Our website collects generic statistical only, such as data that gives the country of the person browsing the website, and which browser they used.  

User feedback

We appreciate feedback from our users relating to the services we offer on our website. Please let us know if you have any suggestions.

Your choices

You may access personal information that we hold about you or you can ask us to correct personal information we hold about you.  For information about how to access or correct personal information collected on our website see get in touch with us using our contact details.

Important information

Our Office is bound by the Australian Privacy Principles of the Privacy Act 1988. Our website follows the Privacy Commissioner's Guidelines for Federal and ACT Government Websites.

How to contact us

You may contact us:

  • using details on our website - Contact us  section or alternatively
  • write to us at: Australia Council 372 Elizabeth Street, Surry Hills NSW 2010 or
  • for information about the IPS or FOI by email at 

Further information about the Privacy Act can be found at the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner website

Privacy hotline: 1300 363 992 (local call charge)

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