
The Australia Council for the Arts supports the excellence, diversity and vitality of Australian literature. 

We support the creation and development of new work through grants directly to writers and to the publishing industry, literary magazines and journals. We also provide grants to organisations and programs that contribute to the skills and professional development of Australian writers and the development and presentation of their work. 

The Australia Council for the Arts recognises the importance of the promotion of the work by Australian writers both nationally and internationally to ensure Australia is recognised for its great artists and its quality contemporary writing. We also invest in the development of a vibrant literary culture for all Australians. 

The Australia Council for the Arts supports the excellence, diversity and vitality of Australian literature.

2017 Featured Grants

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Writers on the Road Pyjama Party

Writers on the Road Pyjama Party
writingWA, in partnership with Mandurah Performing Arts Centre and Mandurah Libraries, held a day of literary activities at MPAC in Oct, 2015. A highlight of the day's program was the family-friendly "Pyjama Party" (dress code : pyjamas) featuring children's authors Sean E. Avery, James Foley and David Caddy. Joining them on stage to read bedtime stories were members of the local community.
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