Our Structure

The Australia Council for the Arts is overseen by the Council Board (Board). The Board is appointed by the Minister for the Arts and comprises a range of expertise across artistic practice, arts management, business, management, public policy, corporate governance and administration, regional issues, gender, multicultural and Indigenous community participation in the arts, finance, philanthropy, legal affairs, corporate strategy and research.

The Australia Council welcomes the announcement by the Minister regarding recent appointments to the Board, which are detailed here.

Current Board Members are:

Rupert Myer AO, Chair
Lee-Ann Buckskin, Deputy Chair
Tony Grybowski, CEO
Leigh Carmichael
Adrian Collette AM
Khoa Do
Kate Fielding
Zoe McKenzie
Sophie Mitchell
Christine Simpson Stokes
Sam Walsh AO
Rebecca Weisser

Audit and Finance Committee – chaired by Sophie Mitchell
The Audit and Finance Committee oversees and reviews the Australia Council's corporate governance obligations in relation to external accountability, financial reporting, internal controls, risk management, internal and external audit activities, and legal and financial compliance. The committee also monitors the Australia Council's overall financial position, budget preparation and any other significant financial issues as they arise. 

Nominations and Appointments Committee - chaired by Lee-Ann Buckskin
The Nominations and Appointments Committee facilitates and oversees a streamlined nominations process, through which the Council recommends members to its panels and committees. The committee also advocates the Board's nominations to the Minister and assists the Board on governance matters, advising as required. It has an advisory role and is not delegated to act on the Board's behalf.

Strategy Committee
The Strategy Committee led the delivery of a new five-year Strategic Plan for the Australia Council which commenced from 2014–15. The Strategic Planning Process delivered a Board-approved long-term vision for Council. It reflects the functions of the Australia Council as prescribed in the new Act, and is being implemented through a rolling Corporate Plan with performance indicators against which the Council will be measured.

Australia Council Corporate Organisational Structure

The Executive Team:

Tony Grybowski
Chief Executive Officer

Tim Blackwell
Executive Director,
Corporate Resources
Lydia Miller
Executive Director,
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Arts
Frank Panucci 
Executive Director,
Grants and Engagement
Lissa Twomey
Executive Director,
MPA and National Engagement
Wendy Were
Executive Director,
Strategic Development and Advocacy

To view the Australia Council’s Functional Chart click here.

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