Religion & Ethics: Content from Across the ABC

Editor's Choice

Yassir Morsi 3 Mar 2017

Two Australian documentaries from SBS's recent week on racism mistook symptoms for the cause, and turned people of colour into seekers of acceptance rather than full agents in pursuit of justice. More

Ethan Blue 27 Feb 2017
Aileen Moreton-Robinson 21 Feb 2017
Scott Stephens (Introduction) 11 Nov 2016

Like it or not, Donald Trump is no aberration or political side-show. He is an expression of the people, an instantiation of the national identity. We have invited Luke Bretherton, Danielle Celermajer, Romand Coles, Lia Haro, Barbara Keys, John Milbank, Adrian Pabst, Chad Pecknold, Jedediah Purdy, John Thatamanil and others to reflect on what the presidency of Donald Trump might mean for the moral vocation of democratic citizenship and the future of democratic politics. More

The World Today 2 Mar 2017

A prominent survivor of clerical sexual abuse has resigned from a special Vatican commission set up to tackle paedophilia in the chur… More

RN Religion Ethics Report 1 Mar 2017

The church sex abuse crisis has rocked the faith of millions of Catholics. A Pew study found that, in the United States alone, 40 per… More

Big Idea 28 Feb 2017

A better Australia starts in your according to social researcher Hugh Mackay. He delivers this year's Gandhi lecture and , in the spi… More

Philosophers Zone 26 Feb 2017

Alfred Mele has spent four years and four million dollars trying to get to the bottom of free will. His mega project attempted to und… More

The Spirit of Things 26 Feb 2017

Learning to turn towards the pain... Back injury changed the life of a young New Zealander, who loved climbing mountains, playing cha… More

RN Religion Ethics Report 22 Feb 2017

Earlier this week, Donald Trump told supporters that Sweden was having problems like they never thought possible. Thats supposedly be… More

Lateline 1 Mar 2017

An apartment block in inner-city Brisbane has become home to some of the city's most vulnerable people, as part of an unusual program tackling homelessness. Lateline's Tierney Bonini reports on Housing First. More

Lateline 1 Mar 2017

An apartment block in inner-city Brisbane has become home to some of the city's most vulnerable people, as part of an unusual program tackling homelessness. Lateline's Tierney Bonini reports on Housing First. More

Lateline 1 Mar 2017

Jeremy Fernandez speaks with Dr Cameron Parsell, researcher at the University of Queensland's Institute for Science Research and Victorian CEO of the Urban Development Institute of Australia Dani Addison, about permanent solu… More

7.30 28 Feb 2017

Liberal MP James Paterson, Labor MP Graham Perrett and Greens Senator Nick McKim join 7.30 to discuss the recommendations handed down today by a parliamentary committee review into the Racial Discrimination Act. More

7.30 27 Feb 2017

American president Donald Trump has labelled the media an 'enemy of the people', the latest move in a battle against the media in which neither side is willing to back down. More

ABC Religion Programs


Divorce according to God

10/07/2016, 06:30 pm

For The God Who Sings


10/07/2016, 10:00pm

Religion & Ethics Report

Election, religious violence, gambling reform

8/07/2016, 17:30 pm

Songs of Praise

Creative Strathford *RPT*

10/07/2016, 11.30am

The Spirit of Things

Elie Wiesel

10/07/2016, 6.05pm

On the Wider Web

On Anger, Disgust, Aging and Love

An Interview with Martha Nussbaum

Friendship is one of the most important aspects of aging, and one crucial aspect of the friendship that sustains is humour and teasing. Aging is not just pain and death, it is, increasingly, a long span of life, maybe thirty years, and there are lots of things to think about: friendship, love, sex, money, whether compulsory retirement is good or bad, how we might deal with age discrimination and the stigma attached to the aging body.

Yassmin Abdel-Magied and the Australian Crucible

Susan Carland

The most horrifying test for witches during the Middle Ages was the swimming trials. Women were tied up and thrown into lakes or rivers by people believing that the 'sacred water of Baptisme', as James I of England wrote in 1597, would reject them if they were practitioners of the dark arts. If they floated, they were found to be witches and were executed. If they sank, their innocence was proved - but they also generally drowned ... And so it was in the past two weeks that a Salem-esque furore descended upon Australia and surrounded Yassmin Abdel-Magied.

Anti-Terror Move Could Ensnare American Muslims

Noah Feldman

Another executive action has been floated that would be devastating for Muslim individuals and organizations in the U.S.: a directive to the State Department to designate the Muslim Brotherhood as an international terrorist organization. When coupled with a U.S. Supreme Court decision from 2010, the designation could lead to widespread prosecution of American Muslims and others for material support of terrorism - a disaster for civil liberties and free speech that could dwarf the Trump administration's early initiatives.

Best of

On the road with The Waifs

Donna Simpson, The Waifs musician (Supplied/Dew Process)

The Waifs have released a double album to commemorate a significant landmark in the band's career.


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