Weird Al Targets Internet Fans in Latest Music Video Project

Famed parody artist Weird Al Yankovic returns for one of the biggest weeks of his career.
2:02 | 07/21/14

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Transcript for Weird Al Targets Internet Fans in Latest Music Video Project
And finally tonight long before the Internet and all those satires that go viral there was a strange pioneer. Weird Alan Yanukovich well tonight he is back his one of the best weeks of his career in fact. So put celebrities are now has target ABC's -- -- an -- rebel. And his new surprise. Easy yeah. Yeah we -- now has morphed happy yeah. -- every meal. Into attack. And like around and he's hoping the -- Which is kind of blowing my mind they've never had this -- -- response before why now I think it took -- while for the rest of the world to catch up with me. Weird hours been making music parity since 1918. -- What anyone knew what -- viral video walls. Yes lords royals is with -- -- I like to see is more of -- poke in the ribs and a kick in the butt. -- -- -- After Michael Jackson said OK then all of a sudden they were like well Michael -- -- it's all right I guess it's okay. Daily star who ever objected. -- are you friends and we don't go -- together -- that we've we've made up Yanukovich trained. Architects now in his fifties started making -- -- as an accordion playing high school. Every morning I wake up I look in the mirror and I'm still weird Al -- -- Like I could care. -- -- doing the same thing for thirty years and all of a sudden you know I'm I'm -- the best week of my life. -- -- ABC news. The Los --

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{"id":24656313,"title":"Weird Al Targets Internet Fans in Latest Music Video Project","duration":"2:02","description":"Famed parody artist Weird Al Yankovic returns for one of the biggest weeks of his career.","url":"/WNT/video/weird-al-targets-internet-fans-latest-music-video-24656313","section":"WNT","mediaType":"default"}