
Clive Palmer's nephew Clive Mensink to return from global trip, but in economy class

Clive Palmer's nephew has been on luxury cruises, visited famous US cities and started a European tour with his new girlfriend, but he has been ordered to end his travels with an economy flight home to face court.

Clive Mensink, who has been travelling the world since June, said he intended to return to Brisbane in August to answer questions about the collapse of Queensland Nickel.

However, Federal Court Justice John Dowsett on Friday ordered him to cut his trip short to face court on March 27.

"I would rather hope that he sees his best interest lies in coming," Justice Dowsett said.

Mr Mensink, the sole registered director of Queensland Nickel when it collapsed in 2016, has been difficult to contact and did not want to return, the court heard.

His mental health problems would be exacerbated and he would lose significant money if forced to cancel travel plans, Mr Mensink said in an affidavit.


He said he promised his new girlfriend an overseas adventure and could not disappoint her.

The trip is very important to him as a "new page" in life after his 2015 divorce.

"The thought of my personal relationship being damaged at this critical time of my life following my recent divorce distresses me greatly and is causing me mental anguish and pain which I find unbearable," he said.

When he learnt that lawyers for liquidators PPB Advisory wanted to grill him over the collapse of Queensland Nickel, Mr Mensink sought help from his uncle.

"I asked Mr Palmer, would he pay my costs to return to Australia, and he said words to the effect that that was a matter for me to explore with the liquidators," he said.

On Friday, the court resolved Mr Mensink's return trip, but he will not travel in the style he prefers.

Business class was the only reasonable way for him to travel, his barrister, Alex Neilson, told the court.

"Economy travel is probably problematic," he said.

"Mr Mensink is a larger-than-average fellow."

PPB barrister David De Jersey said they would book him an exit-row seat.

Mr Mensink is expected to be cross-examined by PBB lawyers for four days from March 28, but Justice Dowsett said he needed to face court the day before to argue why he should not be committed for contempt.

While in Brisbane, he would be provided with $200-a-night accommodation and given $2000 to cover incidental expenses, the court heard.

Mr Mensink had estimated it would cost him $50,000 to come back but did not respond to a request to provide a rough list of expenses.