@Beschizza est bloqué

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  1. Tweet épinglé
    23 févr.

    I made the dumbest publishing platform on the web!

  2. a retweeté
    il y a 8 heures

    Every idol has clay feet. There may not be anyone in particular who'll lead. It's our turn now. All of us.

  3. a retweeté
    il y a 11 heures

    Hi , I've made a similar thing recently. With more JavaScript and a silly backstory:

  4. il y a 12 heures
  5. a retweeté
    il y a 13 heures

    Grumpy 16-bit player pissing on Swedish traditional music

  6. a retweeté
    il y a 20 heures

    How long did this interview last?

  7. a retweeté
    24 févr.

    Hey, know who didn't have a problem with violence at "identity politics" demonstrations? 9/2015. We tried to warn ya

  8. a retweeté
    16 févr.
  9. a retweeté
    24 févr.

    [tweets increasingly unfunny, depressing as shit garbage for six months in a haze] wow how come i keep losing followers

  10. 24 févr.
  11. a retweeté
    22 févr.

    I did have to get this maternity shirt.

  12. a retweeté
    24 févr.

    Thomas the Tank Baby face swap

  13. a retweeté
    24 févr.

    Long live the independent web! by Sometimes a simple idea is just so perfect 😁

  14. 24 févr.

    Good soup

  15. a retweeté
    24 févr.
  16. 24 févr.

    I'm afraid I've turned off markdown on -- it'll be back when I can do it right

  17. a retweeté
    24 févr.

    I would love to see more dumb internet like this.

  18. Rob Beschizza s'est abonné et
  19. 24 févr.

    10,000 posts at in one day. A great many are "testing" and "lol" but also the entire canon of John Donne.

  20. a retweeté
    23 févr.

    is it just me or is Reince Priebus a fantastic name for a STAR WARS villian?

  21. a retweeté
    23 févr.

    I just found Catholic Priest Twitter and I already have a favourite.

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