Federal Politics

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull says Tony Abbott 'knew exactly what he was doing'.

Turnbull takes swipe at Abbott over poll sabotage

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull has delivered a stinging rebuke to his predecessor, Tony Abbott, accusing the former prime minister of deliberately sabotaging the government to do maximum damage to the Coalition's standing in the polls.

Malcolm Turnbull blames Tony Abbott for government's poll slump

Mr Turnbull on Monday.

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull has laid the blame for the government's drop in the polls squarely at the feet of Tony Abbott, describing the former leader's "outburst" last week as a calculated and deliberate attack to undermine confidence in the Coalition.

Company tax cut payoff will 'take years'

Treasurer Scott Morrison has spruiked tax cuts but they could hurt the economy initially.

The Turnbull Government proposed company tax cut would cut national income for years before it boosted it and would never be self-funding, a new analysis from the Grattan Institute has found.

No legal help? Too bad, you're out

Asylum seekers who came to Australia prior to July 2013 are part of the "legacy caseload" who are able to apply for asylum.

The Immigration Department has begun issuing warning notices to about 12,000 asylum seekers in Australia to apply for refugee status immediately or face deportation.

Julie Bishop and British PM divided on Syria

British Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson has his tie straightened by his Australian counterpart, Foreign Minister Julie ...

The last time Malcolm Turnbull spoke with one of the handful of world leaders Australia might consider among its closest friends, the verbal stoush that ensued ended up becoming a global story.