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"Just turn the lights off. Turn the lights off," he ordered. "We'll take care of this... Can you just turn that light off?"

After Bleacher Report's Natalie publicized her Field Gulls: For Seattle Seahawks News and Analysis story about Frank Clark, Clark lashed out on Twitter, saying he had a job for her cleaning his fish tank once her journalism career was over.

Clark quickly deleted the tweet, then issued an apology to "anyone who felt offended by my tweet earlier," without specifically mentioning Weiner.
Downtown Seattle from Kerry Park
Evening Seattle
May Day's annual worker and immigrants' rights march heads up 12th Ave.

The April 4 spill was relatively small and was quickly cleaned up, and it didn't threaten any waterways. But, it bolsters arguments made by four Sioux tribes that say a larger spill would be catastrophic.

The Dakota Access pipeline leaked 84 gallons of oil in South Dakota early last month.

Who has 2017's bragging rights as the best employer? Two Seattle-area companies, to name a few.

Job-hunting is hard. But if you're looking for a positive work experience, maybe check out these Seattle-area companies.

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Whoa! Whale watchers got quite the show on Monday after they spotted a rogue group of orcas gang up on and then attack a sea lion swimming in Shoreline. Watch below:
(Video courtesy Alisa Lemire Brooks/Orca Network)


Pioneer Square is where Seattle got its start.

Pioneer Square, like much of Seattle’s once-gritty city core, has rebounded in a big way in recent years.

Police and medics arrived and took the man to Harborview Medical Center in Seattle for treatment of multiple gun shot wounds, according to an SPD spokesperson. He's expected to survive.

A man was hospitalized after being shot in the Belltown neighborhood early Wednesday morning.

She can finally be laid to rest once more.

Once it concluded that Edith was probably the girl, the team tracked down living relatives for a DNA sample to verify their finding.

It could take several days before the final vote is known.

A nail biter in the Great White North: Two major parties deadlock in British Columbia election; the Greens hold the balance of power.

These dogs can really hunt ... rolling suitcases.

More than 120 K-9 unit teams from multiple law enforcement agencies, including those from Portland and Spokane, participated in real-world training exercises at sites across the state Tuesday.

Durkan was lead counsel for Gov. Chris Gregoire in the bitter legal battle over her 129-vote victory in the 2004 governor's race.

Ex-U.S. Attorney Jenny Durkan is in trial this week but backstage efforts are underway, particularly in the Seattle business community, to court support for a run to become mayor of Seattle.

Pioneer Square is basically where Seattle got its start.

Pioneer Square, like much of Seattle’s once-gritty city core, has rebounded in a big way in recent years. When the Alaskan Way Viaduct comes down – one way or another – the neighborhood is poised to explode.

Cookie butter! And cheap wine. What's not to like?

Consumers view Trader Joe's as high quality but inexpensive. How can Trader Joe's afford to keep its prices so low?

Here are a few homes listed for less than $500,000.

Ask anyone perusing the Seattle-area real estate market aside from the sellers, and they can give you a one-word summation: Frustrating.

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More than 62,000 high school students around the country receive services from Upward Bound, which seeks to inspire low-income, first-generation and rural students to attend college.

Due to formatting errors in the applications, such as using the wrong font, some colleges and universities may not be able to continue offering the scholarship money.


Follow George Clooney’s journey throughout his career in Hollywood.

Spoiler alert: He's handsome like, the whole time.