Researchers have found that 'highly educated' people live much longer than everyone else, across the globe. Not a surprising finding, if you think education is primarily an indicator of income, social class and/or living in a place with a good health care system.

But the study's lead research scientist from the Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research, Domantas Jasilionis, said in a email exchange that there's more to it:

Yes, money matters, but this is only a part of the explanation. Higher education is related to higher incomes, better access to health care, and better health insurance (in some countries). They are the first having access to the most advanced treatments and medicines, especially related to cardiovascular diseases, cancers, and old age related mental diseases. Highly educated are the first benefiting from so called "cardiovascular revolution".

But they have other important benefits, which are not directly related to money. They have better knowledge and skills how to conduct their lives (especially how to cope in stressful situations), they feel more responsible for their health, and know better how to cope with/prevent health problems. They have better knowledge and (often) financial resources allowing to choose healthier life styles.

The study "Longevity and Education: A Demographic Perspective" published recently in the journal "Gerontology" points out that while life expectancy has risen on average by three months a year, most of that progress has gone to the highly educated. And those gains are primarily occurring late in life: Older folks are living better and longer.


"Mortality among older people has been declining since the 1960s and the 1970s, largely because of improvements in the treatment of heart and circulatory diseases that are collectively referred to as the "cardiovascular revolution." When we look at the contributions of the age groups to these educational group differences, it is clear that the highly educated benefited from this revolution the most," the researchers stated in a news release.

The researchers added that if a country wants a longer-lived and healthier population as a workforce and founts of wisdom — especially as we are entering a world of more old people than young in most industrialized countries — it should heed this study and improve access to education.

The researchers also found an interesting oddity in the lives of Americans:

"While the overall situation in the U.S. is similar to that of western and northern Europe, it is notable that in the U.S. life expectancy among women varied considerably by social class in the 1980s and the 1990s. Indeed, a number of studies found that the average life expectancy actually declined among the least educated non-Hispanic white women."



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