A majority of Americans give thumbs down to the job President Trump is doing, while a majority now approve of the Affordable Care Act, which Republicans and Trump vow to repeal, according to a new NBC News-Survey Monkey poll.

The poll found that 43 percent of Americans polled approve the job performance of their 45th president, while 54 percent disapprove.

The Affordable Care Act is enjoying a surge of popularity, especially as Republicans founder on finding a replacement and the public realizes that repeal could mean loss of health insurance for 20 million Americans.

NBC/Survey Monkey, in its survey of 11,512 Americans, conducted Feb. 13-19, found that approval for the Affordable Care Act (aka. Obamacare) has climbed to 52 percent, while disapproval has fallen to 45 percent.

The NBC/Survey Monkey findings are in line with a Gallup Poll released over the weekend marking the one-month office of Trump taking office.

Just 40 percent approved of Trump's job performance in the Gallup survey, while 55 percent disapproved.  The poll came at the end of a tumultuous week at the White House, although the President claimed in a 77-minute news conference that all was going well.

The President's approval figure, in the Gallup survey, was 21 percent below the historic average of newly inaugurated American presidents, and 11 points below the lowest on record.  Both President Barack Obama and George W. Bush were above 60 percent at this time in their presidencies.

NBC/Survey Monkey, Gallup and the Quinnipiac University poll have all found that support for Trump has declined since his January 20 inauguration.  The NBC-sponsored poll had Trump at an even 45 percent approve-45 percent disapprove at the time of his inauguration.

Polls trending conservative, for Fox News and the Rasmussen Report, have given Trump slightly higher ratings.  Pew Research, however, had his approval rating at 38 pecent.

The NBC/Survey Monkey survey found Americans evenly divided on Trump's immigration crackdown:  50 percent approved, 47 percent disapproved.