There will be no ruling Wednesday on whether to reinstate President Trump’s ban on travel to the United States from seven predominantly Muslim countries.

The Ninth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, which heard arguments by telephone Tuesday, said at midday that no decision would be issued by the end of the day.

Trump’s Jan. 27 executive order halted U.S. entry for 90 days by anyone from Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria or Yemen. It also placed a 120-day ban on all U.S. admission of refugees, and froze admission of refugees from Syria indefinitely.

U.S. District Judge James Robart of Seattle issued a nationwide restraining order Friday suspending the order, in a lawsuit by the states of Washington and Minnesota, which argued that the travel ban discriminates on the basis of religion and nationality. The Trump administration argues that the president’s order was a national security decision that courts are not qualified to review.

US President Donald Trump lashes out at the federal judges mulling whether to reinstate his controversial travel ban, calling them "so political" and saying even a "bad high school student" would see the law was on his side. Video provided by AFP

Media: AFP

The losing side in the Ninth Circuit is expected to file an immediate appeal to the U.S. Supreme Court.

Here are the three judges on the appeals court panel:

William Canby, 85, appointed by President Jimmy Carter in 1980.

Richard Clifton, 65, appointed by President George W. Bush in 2004.

Michelle Friedland, 44, appointed by President Barack Obama in 2014.

Bob Egelko is a San Francisco Chronicle staff writer. Email: Twitter: @egelko