Thousands of revelers took part in colorful street parties in Rio de Janeiro on Sunday ahead of the famous Carnival.

Media: MediaOS Video

Carnival officially kicks off tonight in Rio de Janeiro, but the festivities have already started.

Thursday night at the "LED is my Light" parade, revelers took to the streets to celebration the annual event, though Carnival traditionally begins the Friday before Ash Wednesday.

The largest parades at the Sambódromo take place Sunday and Monday but pre-Carnival festivities have been taking place for a least a week in Brazil. The dogs are even getting in on the fun.

This year not everyone may join in the fun. It's unclear if Rio's new mayor Marcelo Crivella, a retired Pentecostal bishop, will attended.

"Not showing up for Carnival doesn't seem like a smart thing to do," said Bernardo Mello Franco, columnist for the newspaper Folha de S. Paulo as reported by the Associated Press. "It's not like he would have to hug a half-naked woman. His function is simply one of protocol."

Brazil's deepening economic crisis is not helping matters either. Dozens of cites and towns around the country have reportedly canceled their official Carnival events over financial and security concerns.