Seattle Pacific University gunman Aaron Ybarra was sentenced Friday to 112 years in prison for the shooting spree that saw one student killed at the close-knit Christian college.

Ybarra's sentencing came nearly three years after the June 2014 shooting that rocked the Queen Anne campus. He was convicted in November on all counts, including first-degree murder for the death of 19-year-old Paul Lee.

He expressed remorse during his statement to the court before he was sentenced.

"I wish this situation never happened," Ybarra said. "I wish Paul Lee were still alive. I wish he had a future."

A jury considered Ybarra's insanity defense during the five-week trial, but prosecutors during the trial pointed to evidence that he formulated a long-standing plan to shoot up a school.

RELATED: Read about the contents of Ybarra's journal

Ybarra entered Otto Miller Hall June 5, 2014, to case the building before returning minutes later, armed with a shotgun he legally owned. He shot Lee outside the building, where birdshot from the gunfire also hit student Thomas Fowler.

He then headed into the building, passing the student security office where student Jon Meis was working a shift. He pointed his gun at one student, who ran away, before then firing at student Sarah Williams, hitting her in the chest.

Meis emerged from his office to find Ybarra opening the gun to reload it and took the opportunity to grab his personal pepper spray gun, head for the lobby and spray Ybarra twice in the face.

Meis seized Ybarra's gun and placed it back in the student security office and returned to see Ybarra reaching into a pocket. Meis grabbed his arms and a knife fell to the ground. Another student arrived to kick the knife away and help restrain Ybarra until police arrived.

Ybarra reportedly only said one thing to Meis: "You shouldn't have taken the knife away from me; I was going to cut my throat."

RELATED: Read more about students' account of the shooting

Since then, information emerged on Ybarra's struggle with mental health, low IQ, developmental delays and his admiration for the 1999 Columbine High School and 2007 Virginia Tech shooters.

He visited SPU weeks before the shooting and enlisted students' help in touring the school.

In the days before the shooting, he wrote in his journal, ""My friends, my family and the others, I'd hate to do this to them but it must be done. Everybody else in the world, I just want to blow their faces out with a 12 gauge shot gun blast!"

RELATED: Jury considers: Was SPU shooter insane?

The courtroom was packed with supporters of both Ybarra and the victims, but few spoke. The prosecution played a video montage of Paul Lee's life that was shown at his memorial service, which Ybarra watched.

Lee's father was present, but declined to give a statement. Meis's mother, Anne Meis, was the only person to give a statement on behalf of the victims.

"This is an act of terror that affected hundreds of parents, students and community members of Seattle, nationally and internationally," she said of the shooting. "... Our worldview of safety has been shattered and our lives will never be the same."

Ybarra's defense attorney, Ramona Brandes, mentioned that SPU students sent letters of forgiveness to Ybarra in jail.

"That meant a lot to him and his family," she said.

Brandes recounted Ybarra's struggles to find and secure work amid his developmental delays, brain damage and schizoaffective disorder. She lamented the state of the mental health care system.

"We as a community need to do better," she said.

Ybarra, wearing red jail scrubs, reflected on each direct victim in the shooting, saying none of them deserved what happened to them.

"I'm glad they all pulled through," he said of the surviving victims. "I'm glad they got away."

"Now I hope I get the help I need," he added.

Prosecutors called for 112 years, while the defense requested the lower end of the sentencing rage at 90 years.

Judge Jim Rogers opted to sentence Ybarra to the higher end, calling the shooting the "very definition of a cowardly act."

He expressed his admiration for the students who intervened in the shooting and rendered first aid to the victims. He also lamented the "completely inadequate" state of mental health care.

However, he said he believed Ybarra made conscious decisions to stop taking his medication, case the SPU campus and keep his plans secret until he opened fire.