Live life after graduation debt free

Congratulations! You graduated from college with a lot of hard work and determination. Fresh starts are always exciting and having a plan for landing a new job as well as managing your money can be two of the greatest challenges facing graduates. In a …

Your attitude can determine your next job

Harvey McKay is one of my favorite authors about importance of keeping a good attitude and he shared a story that hits home with job seekers that I wanted to pass along. The story starts out with two hikers that were camped out overnight in the mounta…

Be aware of the five most common interview areas

Recently, I was listening to a group of candidates talk about interviewing and how overwhelming the whole experience was of sending out resumes, applying for positions and then being called in for an interview. Amid the nervousness of being invited for…

Multiple careers, one resume?

Changing jobs and industries throughout your career is likely, but writing a resume that covers all of them can be challenging. I received a question from a reader who was struggling with how to market her background with multiple careers and thought i…

Follow quick tips for making your first job successful

The interviews are over and what a great feeling knowing you have landed your first job! Making a lasting impact on your new boss and colleagues is now your focus because you only get one chance to make a great impression. First impressions are critica…

Battling depression during your job search

In today’s job market, it’s not surprising to have your job search last longer than anticipated regardless of your age or experience. Depression is one the topics that almost everyone encounters during a career transition but no one really talks ab…

Busting through job search fears

Conducting a job search doesn’t exactly make the top 10 list of fun things to do in life, but it’s a part of your career. Few people realize the energy it takes to overcome thoughts that are plagued by fears of rejection and the intimidation that f…

How can I make my career dream a reality?

That’s the question I often hear people talk about the most when wanting to start their own business especially after working awhile in the corporate world. They often describe all the positive aspects of what it would be like to set their own schedu…