Please say what you feel you need to say to me below. I promise I'll read all the comments and respond if I can. I have been an environmental activist and voice for more campaigns than I can remember. I've worked with Rhinos in South Africa to bring awareness and education to the poaching issues they experience. I've been a vocal opponent to #SharkFinning and find it a despicable practice which has no place in our world. I've worked with the @bosfoundation and raised funds for the protection and awareness around the plight of the Orangutans. I want to become vegan due to the treatment and slaughter of the most defenseless and innocent animals on this planet. I produce clothing from discarded fishing nets to help clean up the mess left behind by fishing industry. My heart is in the right place but now I am being vehemently attacked by the people I have most identified with for the majority of my life. Humans are the biggest threat to life on earth as most creatures know it. But they are also the most capable and able to fix the issues we face. My comments were in reaction to another death of a kid following his passion. I know more about this issues than 99+% of people commenting yet I still don't know enough. I was in no way advocating for a worldwide destruction of any species. In fact, there's a chance many more species of sharks and other sea life could thrive without the over abundance of bull sharks in Reunion Island ravaging the local environment. This is not about me having fun and being selfish for my sport. This is a human and environmental issue. Attacking me will do no good in the conversation that will continue to need to happen for resolution around this topic. I have never personally killed even a single shark in my lifetime and am not fronting an effort to do so. So say what you need to say and let's get on with where this needs to go. Maybe something good will come of it.
  • kellyslaterPlease say what you feel you need to say to me below. I promise I'll read all the comments and respond if I can. I have been an environmental activist and voice for more campaigns than I can remember. I've worked with Rhinos in South Africa to bring awareness and education to the poaching issues they experience. I've been a vocal opponent to #SharkFinning and find it a despicable practice which has no place in our world. I've worked with the @bosfoundation and raised funds for the protection and awareness around the plight of the Orangutans. I want to become vegan due to the treatment and slaughter of the most defenseless and innocent animals on this planet. I produce clothing from discarded fishing nets to help clean up the mess left behind by fishing industry. My heart is in the right place but now I am being vehemently attacked by the people I have most identified with for the majority of my life. Humans are the biggest threat to life on earth as most creatures know it. But they are also the most capable and able to fix the issues we face. My comments were in reaction to another death of a kid following his passion. I know more about this issues than 99+% of people commenting yet I still don't know enough. I was in no way advocating for a worldwide destruction of any species. In fact, there's a chance many more species of sharks and other sea life could thrive without the over abundance of bull sharks in Reunion Island ravaging the local environment. This is not about me having fun and being selfish for my sport. This is a human and environmental issue. Attacking me will do no good in the conversation that will continue to need to happen for resolution around this topic. I have never personally killed even a single shark in my lifetime and am not fronting an effort to do so. So say what you need to say and let's get on with where this needs to go. Maybe something good will come of it.

  • joaorajaTag the sharks, learn their patterns, study them. Cull if needed, but only do so with the proper research.
  • brunocazariniphotographyMan! The biggest problem on what you said is the influence you have on people! People look up to you... Can you imagine all those kids growing up thinking that is ok to slaughter sharks for the sake of peoples entertainment, because their idol said so? Dont get me You fucked up! And that is ok... After all you are only human...
  • brunocazariniphotographyMan... The biggest problem on what you said is the influence you have on people! Can you imagine all those kids growing up thinking that is ok to slaughter sharks for the sake of peoples entertainment, because their idol said so? I am a surfer too and and environmentalist as much as I can, and I've actually donated money for a few of your campaigns in the past, and I don't regret it, because regardless if your intention was just "good guy propaganda" or not, something was being done for the environment! You fucked up! And that is ok... After all you are only human yourself! But is never too late to apologize and get back to the good work! Double your efforts on the environment! Regardless of what you have done in the past,(and I know you've done more than many) you own the sharks now, as what you said became a big threat to their existence! Still believe in you... But you must understand that the rage against you now is only fair fucked up! I will be watching the next episodes....
  • torben_surferNo solution? Just go to Norway to surf.... If u want surf reunion, than u have to expect kettin killed like the kid slater mentions. Sorry for the parents, but it was the kids fault....
  • roher32Uma pena pelas pessoas q morreram mas a solução p isso é só parar de surfar onde tem tubarões,e não invadir seu território e matalos. O mar é dos tubarões e a terra e do ser humano natureza amigo!!
  • cinthiasaraivaluzStupid! Sharks live in the Sea. We are the invasors. We can't Kill sharks just for you surf...
  • clauportellaThe best solution could be trying to equalise the fauna over there again. Too much predator for small amount of preys could be the reason. Trying to grow some coral barriers in some areas with abundance of life (kinda lagoon) to keep fishing concentrated so sharks would have a "right" or at least "new place" to feed themselves in abundance... well, some huge tourist investors spend lot of money on building aquariums and doing practically the same thing to get people's money. You may have the resources to find the ones interested on doing that for saving lives and the ocean!!! All my positive thoughts for you @kellyslater
  • barbara___azevedowell, there's an easy way to solve the problem, just go surf to another place!! It's much easier and it's the best for all! People don't get killed by sharks and we don't have to kill sharks! 70% of our planet Earth is water and you're telling me that you have to kill the sharks in that place just beacause they are killing people? I mean wtf? Why don't you go to other place to surf and have fun doing it????? I'm sorry but I just don't understand you
  • lobopasoliniWhy don't you surfers get out of the sharks' homes? How dare you say that, so if an area of a city is violent, would you recommend the police go killing people there?
  • snitchkilla2220Fukn oath @kellyslater fuck the haters 🖕🏽🖕🏽
  • viniciusmviannaHave you ever wondered if the sharks were rational and they were attacking people for thinking like this: Humans are in imbalance with animals, we have to extinguish this race to return the balance of other species! You can surf where you want and accept the locations of each place.
  •, step back and realize this is a pursuit to kill threatened living beings who were here well before us surfers...These ancient creatures have managed to find a rare location to actually thrive in the oceans that are, as you know, dangerously threatened by our greed and ignorance. In my opinion, you're going about it the entirely wrong way... As a public figure, can you not comprehend how the message is being received? I would encourage you to promote sustainable ocean management and stewardship for the oceans...not culling or murdering innocent beings. It's all in the message...Let's figure out a solution that works with the planet, not forceful control to temporarily solve a selfish issue with cold murder. You of all people should know the force of nature 🌊 flow, balance, life... You wouldn't cut your right arm off to get better balance, you work at it...find the inner balance...and hopefully be proud of your actions...get centred Kelly... 🌀
  • awesomearthlingGood timing @kellyslater 🤦🏼‍♂️You should try taking a closer look what's under your board sometime... @teamsharkwater is a good place to start 🌊
  • tawanealYou want to kill an animal for your "fame" or hobby is absurd. You are in the wrong place, let them live and move. End
  • raphael_designer@tascafabiane Pra começar o Bull Shark não é "tubarão touro" e sim tubarão cabeça-chata, segundo, desequilíbrio acontece quando como você mesmo disse, espécies predatórias são introduzidas pelo homem de forma indevida em um ambiente, como no caso dos castores que vc citou ou como no caso do peixe leão que virou praga nos Estados Unidos pois alguém introduziu um em um ecossistema que não pertencia a ele. Agora, os tubarões cabeça-chata já estavam lá, não foi uma espécie introduzida pelo homem. O que acontece é exatamente o que acontece no Brasil, essa espécie de tubarão está ficando sem o seu "lugar" sem o seu habitat, e principalmente sem a sua comida, pois os mesmos seres humanos que reclamam dos ataques, estão de forma descontrolada pescando os peixes que seriam a base da alimentação do cabeça-chata, e tem mais, o ser humano está literalmente destruindo os recifes de corais e os manguesais onde essa espécie costuma habitar. Isso tudo é uma pequena parte de um processo muito, mas muito maior, onde por causa da poluição, lixo, pesca descontrolada, construções, exploração de petróleo não só o cabeça-chata como várias outras espécies perderam tudo para 1 animal se dar bem, adivinha qual esse animal? Então sim, é hipocrisia da parte dele e o comentário foi equivocado, mal colocado e ridículo.
  • carlinhospessanhaDisappointed with this statement. But I understand that the sadness must be enormous, for whoever accompanies you knows that such a thought coming from you is not common. We all messed up, I'm still your fan, being a fan is not agreeing with everything. I'm a fan of the great surfer you are. I'm just a little disappointed, as shooting down the sharks will not solve any problems. If there is any ecological imbalance there, it is because of the actions of the human being. When entering the sea, we are aware that we can be attacked by a shark, we take the risk. It is! Hugs.
  • dani.crystalIm disappointed, omg, ocean is sharks home, not our home. Respect nature Kelly, Respect ocean. Respect animais. Surfers should respect sharks.
  • efeitotsunamiBabaca!!!
  • rubiasmtrevisolNo, this is not right. At all. 👎🏻🤦🏻‍♀️
  • rubiasmtrevisolNo, this is not right. At all. 👎🏻🤦🏻‍♀️
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