
Congress: Demand Debate on Saudi Arms Transfers

Saudi Arabia is waging a military campaign in Yemen that has killed thousands of civilians and potentially committed war crimes and the U.S. has sold them the weapons and provided support for it! Congress was notified of another billion dollar arms sale to Saudi Arabia on August 9th. Urge Congress to force a public debate on U.S. participation in the Saudi war in Yemen by blocking the new sale of U.S. tanks and armored vehicles to Saudi Arabia.

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Congress: Protect Honduran Human Rights

The Berta Caceres Human Rights in Honduras Act cuts off $18 million in security aid the US sends to Honduras pending an investigation of the deaths of human rights activists, like indigenous activist Berta Caceres who was assassinated on March 2. Sign to urge your Rep. to cosponsor HR 5474.

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Meet a Syrian Refugee

To view this video in a larger format, go to its YouTube page.



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From The Blog

22 Feb 2017 - 2:36pm
Posted by Avram Reisman
21 Feb 2017 - 3:41pm
Posted by Avram Reisman
19 Feb 2017 - 3:29pm
Posted by Avram Reisman