When Will You Get The NBN?

Image: Supplied

NBN has updated its online "address checker" - instead of telling you when NBN is available in your area, it now tells you when you can contact a retailer to get connected, as well as what kind of technology will be used.

To find out your updated installation information, you can head to the address checker here.

"As the nature of the rollout requires a certain level of flexibility, nbn will continue to refresh the website to reflect any changes with the rollout," a statement read.

"The number one question we get asked is 'when am I getting the NBN?' and todays update to our website provides the answer to that very question," said NBN's Chief Customer Officer, John Simon. "We have moved away from telling people when we'll be building in their neighbourhood to when they can contact their retailer to buy a service."

Simon says "tech enthusiasts who are interested in what kind of technology their retailer will connect them to" will be able to see that information, too.

"It's not until we are in the streets that we have a clear view of the technology available to individual homes so there are times where a different solution is determined to be better than that which was planned," Simon said.

"NBN relies on address information from external sources that are outside of our control which means we do discover the odd exception within our database containing around 12 million locations. We will continue to update our website as more information becomes available."


    H1 2019, HFC. Well I'm on cable already, so it'll just get cheaper. Could be worse, could be better!

      I'm in the same boat as you. I'm already on TRUE 100 Mbit connection with Telstra Ultimate Cable. The real concern for me is, will a top tier 100/40 Mbit NBN be cheaper than the $78 i'm paying for (500 GB/dl) and will it offer the same true speed? I don't see any how this will be achievable without an upgrade to DOCIS 3.0.

    What NBN my house is 2 years old and I still have to wait til 2018. 5G is faster and 6G will be out by the time I get it...

      5G isn't even likely until 2020 and if it does eventuate will probably be limited to major inner city locations. 4G is 100 times more expensive than broadband and already hugely over subscribed.

      You wont be getting 5G. It wont be rolled out in suburbia any time soon if ever at all.

      That's all well and good until the tower gets to much traffic and the speed disappears

    When Will You Get The NBN?

    I'm just gonna stick with "never" until I see it connected (at least HFC) to my neighbours.

    Why waste time when Tarot cards are more accurate than the NBN Web site?

    FTTC Win :D
    2018 awww :(

    Now to just buy a few meters of fiber to finish the job into my apartment.

      You might need a bit more. To cover their own backside, there is an asterisk cause indicating that the date and even the technology is subject to change.

        shhhh, don't say such things. I pray nightly to the fiber gods that they deliver.

    This is pathetic. I have to wait till 2019. Just let me have unlimited 4g data and I'll be set.

      That's the reason they're building the NBN. 4G data is pretty much maxed out technology wise. Its expensive and limited and what we got is close to its best. 5G will provide a small boost but will still be expensive per Mb and will have big issues with reception.

    Looked up my address with is in Essendon, VIC and here is what they say now:

    Planned availability: Jan-Jun 2019*.
    Planned technology: nbn™ Fibre to the building (FTTB)*.

    Any news on what quality FTTB is since they have so many installation methods these days?

    Last edited 27/02/17 8:39 am

      It should be very good. Basically FTTB = FTTN except the node is in your basement instead of somewhere down the road and around the corner. I would expect you'll have 100 download 40 upload capability if you want. FTTB can also be upgraded to FTTH if the buildings owners decide to do that - but that's something to worry about for another day.

    8 months ago I got a letter to say that HFC would be available by Dec 2016. It's now Feb 2017 and the only advice they are giving is "Additional work is still required in order to make your address ready to connect to the nbn™ network." Eff the LNP for neutering the NBN.

    The nbn becomes more farcical by the day. The website has moved from telling me that build has not commenced and is scheduled for jan-mar 2017 to now saying that build has commenced and is scheduled for completion feb 2017. But I have already ordered a service on the nbn and my area is on the telstra wholesale list as RFS.

      Where is the farce? Seems the website has apparently provided accurate info all the way through. Its now the end of Feb 2017. NBNCo are probably in the final stages of sign off (i.e. the paperwork bit). The Telcos would be informed months before you so they can send out info and offer NBN plans.

      FWIW I'd suggest looking outside Telstra now they are just a reseller of NBN equipment. Their premium pricing is hard to justify now. Other ISPs are offering unlimited downloads at 100mbps for $60 a month.

        Their premium pricing is hard to justify now. Other ISPs are offering unlimited downloads at 100mbps for $60 a month.But how much CVC are they buying? As I understand it, that's where RSPs can differentiate. Sure, el-cheapo might sell you a 100meg connection, but if he's only buying, say, half the CVC capacity of Telstra, you're gonna have a bad time.

        The farce is that prior to to the update in december, it said that nbn wasn't scheduled in my area at all, just that they were committed to delivering it before 2020, even though the wholesale website has shown for a long time that rfs would be this month. Their website has never actually accurately shown the details of my connection.

        First they incorrectly showed that they had no plans to install in my area, then they wouldn't show what connection type would be available and now they don't show that my area has already gone RFS.

        Moving on to your second point, I'm aware of the different providers, like My Republic who offer the $60 100/40 connection. I worry about the service that they offer as many people have complained about non-existant customer service, dropouts and very low speeds on MR. I've talked to telstra and they have promised to maintain my current 100mbps speeds, and 500Gb of data for $80 a month. If they provide that, I'm happy to pay a little bit extra for the theoretical comfort of higher cvc compared to MR and the decent customer service.

        If they dont deliver, though, I'll be moving to another provider asap.

          Just double check the prices from Telstra.

          The $80/m plan you mention is 500gb data at 25/5 speeds. If you want to have 50/25 or 100/400 you need to pay extra. $20/m for 50/25, and $30/m for 100/40.

          Check the Critical information summary on the telstra nbn page. So your $80/m plan quickly becomes $110.

          Other providers are doing 100/40 unlimited plans for $100

            I also know that the $80 plan is only supposed to be for 25/5, but the sales rep clearly stated, multiple times, that my speeds would not be reduced even after I mentioned that I was receiving 100 Mbps (115, actually) speeds currently. I made it clear to them that my agreement to the terms and conditions was dependent on my continuing to receive those speeds. The choice is on Telstra to honour the deal, release me from my contract without penalty, or have the TIO and ACCC involved due to false advertising..

            Telstra online offer is currently $10 for 50/25 boost or $15 for 100/40 boost. I joined the NBN in Dec 2016, and since then they dropped the M bundle from $90 to $80. Rang them two days ago and had a few words with them, the moved me to the new pricing structure ($95 for 500GB and the 100/40 speed boost) with an extra $5 discount (so, $90 now) because the whole process took 45 minutes.

            Household never goes over 350gb, so losing the bonus 500gb from the previous M bundle wasn't an issue at all.

            Last edited 27/02/17 2:13 pm

    Still slated for February 2017. Yeah that ain't happening.

    Feb 2017. HFC.
    You can do it if you pull an all-nighter!

      It might already be active. Put your address in at tpg or iinet and they will tell you definitvely if or when you will be connected, if they have already been notified.

    Jan-Jun 2019 HFC.... Boo. So maybe some time in 2025...

    Jan-June 2018 for FTTN, meanwhile every suburb around me has builds either started or completed already.

    Was 2017, now changed to first half 2018. Local MP was adamant it would be in by Jul 2017, which given it isn't even being constructed was never going to happen.

    Hmm Jan-Jun 2019 ... that's better than "One day", but I suspect that is just the hold-all date for everywhere not currently planned.

    It says I'm getting HFC but my street does not have any cable in it, either Optus or Telstra. Are they seriously laying new coax??

    Last edited 27/02/17 10:19 am

    So the NBN has cost more than Turnbull was predicating Labors FTP would cost (before the Libs were voted in) and is it taking longer for a far inferior product. We're going to need commercial cattle super highways in Canberra to supply the amount of BS he's peddling.

    Jun-Dec for HFC. That's a long time to change the logo on the HFC box already attached to my house...

    You'd think they'd just wholesale take up the existing HFC network from Telstra at once... Probably too cheap and easy, they'll find a way to fuck that up.

    HFC in May. :D

    Although right now, their website is getting ABSOLUTELY hammered.....

    Planned availability: Jul-Dec 2018*.
    Planned technology: nbn™ Hybrid Fibre Coaxial (HFC)*.

    *This date is an estimate and could change. This technology is based on nbn’s current deployment plans and is subject to change.

    So, could be any time & any technology then... Doesn't really feel like much has changed after all

      So, could be any time & any technology then... Doesn't really feel like much has changed after all
      Yeah I guess they are under political pressure to *look* like they are making progress, and making stuff up on a website is easier than actually doing stuff.

    Watch the website crash just to truly highlight what a balls up the NBN is.

    Inner City Brisbane - HFC 2nd half of 2019...
    ... or I move house half a suburb away in two weeks to Fibre to Premises available NOW!

    The rollout map seems spotty at best, including the use of the technology.
    Unless you move to a major developer apartment complex, dont expect good internet with HFC in the inner city suburbs.

    NBN says I have Telstra velocity so they aren't doing anything with it. Does that mean I'm stuck with whatever Telstra charges forever?

      Yes, that is exactly what that means. I recently moved away from a velocity estate...

    Damm, the NBN website is almost as slow as the NBN roll out.

    My place was set to "No plans for NBN in your area" approximately two months ago.
    Checking yesterday it's showing:
    Construction of the nbn™ network has started in your area.
    Planned availability: Nov 2017*.

    Checking again this morning, it's showing:
    Planned availability: Sep 2017*.

    This is a bit of a surprise considering we weren't getting it at all.

    Planned availability: Jan-Jun 2019*.
    Planned technology: nbn™ Fibre to the curb (FTTC)*.

    WHY even bother.

    And their website has crashed.....oh the irony.

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