
AMD Ryzen to challenge Intel for CPU-maker throne

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Intel has been king of the CPU market for over half a decade, with almost 80 per cent of all new computers packing Intel inside. However, AMD looks set to shake up the market and reignite the CPU wars with a brand-new product officially unveiled last week. Four years in the making, the AMD Ryzen CPU promises to offer better performance than competing Intel CPUs, at just half the price. 

While its overall sales haven't been strong, AMD has long been the leader when it comes to multi-cored CPUs. In layman's terms, each core in a CPU is basically an individual CPU, and AMD has long had affordable eight-core CPUs on the market. Meanwhile, Intel has been happy to stick to four-core CPUs for the mainstream, with its eight-core models being exorbitantly expensive. Unfortunately for AMD, the performance of its CPU cores was dramatically lower than Intel's chips, leading to Intel being the chip-maker of choice when it came to performance users, gamers and other demanding users. 

There's also the issue that software developers have been slow to figure out how to program for multi-core CPUs; in the past they only had to code for a single CPU core, and making the move to multi-core software has been challenging to say the least. Intel has also historically offered chips that require much less power to operate, making them by far the most popular products for laptops and mobile computers.

Ryzen looks set to change all that. At the AMD Ryzen technology launch held in San Francisco last week, AMD showed live demonstrations of its US$499 Ryzen 7 1800X chip outperforming Intel's US$1000 product, the 7th Generation Core i7-6900. AMD's new CPU has accomplished a huge 52 per cent performance increase per core, which is a vast improvement over the 7 per cent increase we've become accustomed to with Intel's annual chip updates. Best of all, the company has managed to deliver this while simultaneously delivering huge power savings, making its chips more suitable for mobile users, where battery life is king.

The Ryzen 7 1800X is the fastest Ryzen in the range, and packs a whopping eight cores, making it perfect for software that is programmed to make use of them. Traditionally, this has been limited to video editing, 3D design, image manipulation and other creative applications, but software engineers have slowly been making the most of the additional power of multi-core CPUs over the last couple of years. 

As a result, it's now becoming more common for games, video players and other consumer-oriented applications to utilise up to eight cores, making Ryzen a potent product that could finally present Intel with a true competitor. While full details of the Ryzen chips won't be released until they hit store shelves on March 2, it also brings to the table a raft of features that AMD has lacked, such as support for USB 3.1 , super-speedy NVMe hard drives and more.

CPU speeds and prices have stagnated since AMD's chips stopped being serious competitors to Intel's products over half a decade ago, but Ryzen could finally see Intel's dominance challenged. This can only be good news for consumers, as Intel's virtual monopoly may finally come to an end, leading to faster, more affordable PCs for all.