Daily Life

Your week in the stars...


January 21 – February 19

Your public image is brought into sharp focus and you'll be very conscious of how you come across to others. If you're looking for love, come out of your shell and interact more. Love can't find you while you remain silent.


February 20 – March 20

Stop drifting – you need a plan. Take control of your life by becoming more organised. Improving time management and setting clearer priorities mean you can pack much more into your day.



March 21 – April 20

Impulsive moves are a gamble this week, but you just can't help yourself, regardless of the consequences. Be very careful of flirting with danger in your love life. This is not a week to play with fire.


April 21 – May 20

Use lateral thinking to deal with a difficult teen or older family member. Tensions may rise at home, but it's important you stand your ground and allow your authority to shine through.


May 21 – June 21

Keep an eye on important paperwork – delays could cause anguish. Look out also for someone who wants to twist your words. Social media can be a minefield, so use your self-censor button!


June 22 – July 23

A financial shift could be good news or bad news, but what matters most is how it aff ects your self-esteem. Look beyond materialism to value yourself as a human being, not just as the operator of a bank account


July 24 – August 23

It's time to stand on your own two feet. The lunar eclipse in Leo highlights your independence – or lack of it. Do whatever you need to do to feel safe, secure and confident, without having to rely on others too much.


August 24 – September 23

More flair and less perfection, please. In work and your personal life, let go of the need to get everything absolutely right. Instead focus on being more creative, more daring and more inventive with your approach to life. Time to shine!


September 24 – October 22

Freedom is a major issue just now, especially if you are a possessive or jealous partner. Allow your loved ones and friends – especially teenage children or older relatives – some time and space to find their feet.


October 23 – November 22

Feel a change of direction coming on? The lunar eclipse may prompt a rethink of your career and life goals. It's never too late to change your path, so be confident in following your dreams, including new ones.


November 23 – December 22

Expect to find your beliefs and principles challenged. You may be forced to stand up for what you believe is right. Don't shrink from the fi ght, as it will definitely be worth your while.


December 23 – January 20

Find a better way to approach those people you don't really get on with. Th is week, it's up to you to bend, rather than waiting for them to do so. It's important that you get your point across, even to the most difficult of audiences.