Daily Life

Your stars with Lilith

*ARIES: Venus in Aries warms everything you think, say and do this week with your own unique love-style. According to Aries author Leo Buscaglia, "The word most conducive to love is yes". A lover says yes to life. Yes to joy. Yes to people. Yes to differences. And if not yes, then maybe ...

*TAURUS: Earth-sign Taurans favour what they see, smell, taste and touch over intangible realities. But there's more to love than meets the eye – it's as necessary as water, food or sleep. This year's planetary cocktail offers spunky Valentine vibes for the sensual, tactile joy of loving hugs, perfumed blooms and fleshy pleasures.

*GEMINI: In the same way we need oxygen to live, we need love to live happily. You're an air sign, so do whatever it takes to keep the love molecules percolating in this week's atmosphere. Think with your heart and let your loved ones, family members, friends and colleagues know how much they mean to you.

*CANCER: While The Beatles sang Money Can't Buy You Love, Cancerians were probably secretly thinking "But it does cheer you up when nobody loves you ...". Nice try Crabs, but no panatella. Money can't buy love because amour isn't material, it's energetic. And the more you give this week, the more you'll get.

*LEO: Leo's sign rules the heart and Lions love to be loved. But never forget that you always have as much as you need at any given moment, available and accessible, there inside you. So pump up the royal love muscles and extend that aloha beyond your chosen few, as far as you can this week.

*VIRGO: Sometimes attitude adjustments are needed to let more love into our lives, and this week's challenge for you perfectionistas is to love what's in front of you, just as it is. While Virgos express their love by making life more organised for others, be your own Valentine and do something yummy for yourself as well.


*LIBRA: As beauty-loving Venusians you adore gorgeous possessions, but can stuff give you a hug? As you know, the art of love is cultivated the same way actors and athletes perfect their expertise: by constantly practising and exercising your lovecraft. Valentine's Day Libra moon offers an unbeatable opportunity for making life beautiful for others.

*SCORPIO: Ovid, the Roman poet of passion, believed love requires more enterprise, courage, subtlety, flexibility, sensitivity, understanding, tolerance and strength than any other human endeavour. In other words, not for the faint-hearted. If that doesn't throw down the gauntlet for you Scorpios, I'll eat my Valentine roses. Now break out the chocolates and champagne …

*SAGITTARIUS: Each star sign writes the book of love in their own way. Fun-loving Sagittarians like making others laugh and lifting their spirits: joyful energy which expands the amount of love in our world. So play the love game for all you're worth this week with everyone you meet, even strangers passing in the street.

*CAPRICORN: While Capricorns love status and prestige, you already know the car, house and bank account can't love you back. And understand that love's a decision. It takes discipline to put it first in everything. Business included, because you're in business to spread love: through your performance, product, work or service.

*AQUARIUS: The cosmos is currently blitzing you Aquarian humanitarians with oodles of wow power, so this Valentine's Day offers a grand chance to enhance planetary love vibes in whatever uniquely personal fashion you choose. A clue? Tender talk is important, so expand your love vocab and tell those you love and appreciate just how much.

*PISCES: Selfless love that doesn't ask for anything in return can never be painful, because if nothing is expected we can't ever be disappointed. Remember, a smile costs nothing, and can change someone's day. There's a wealth of juicy opportunities for soaking up this week's free-floating luuurve molecules.