
Musician Conor Oberst: surviving scandal through song

Conor Oberst sits in a bar. He co-owns it. Pageturners Lounge, in his hometown of Omaha, Nebraska, used to be a bookstore. Now, it features pictures of Mark Twain, Ernest Hemingway and Kurt Vonnegut on the walls, bathrooms labelled Alvy and Annie (after Woody Allen's and Diane Keaton's characters in Annie Hall) and an upright piano on a small stage in the corner. This is where one of Oberst's buddies plays ragtime tunes during happy hour. Oberst will occasionally hop up and do an impromptu set himself.

After 13 years in New York, he moved back to Omaha in 2015. The previous 18 months had been the worst time of his life, involving allegations of sexual assault and a serious health scare. He's come through it the only way he knows how – by writing songs, recording them and hitting the road to play live.

To a certain demographic, Conor Oberst is Bruce Springsteen, Patti Smith and Bob Dylan rolled into one. In fact, for years he has been referred to as "the new Dylan". He turned 37 the day before this interview. Does he finally feel old enough to pass that albatross on to someone else?

"I think I'm off the hook now, right?" he says, laughing. "I mean, 37 feels old, even though people keep reassuring me I'm still young. I feel like there's already been like a good five or 10 other new Dylans since me anyway, like Jake Bugg or someone."

The precociously talented singer-songwriter recorded his first album at the age of 13. With his band Bright Eyes, Oberst quickly built a reputation as a prolific, poetic songwriter and a spokesman for a generation of intense, angst-ridden teenagers and twentysomethings in the late '90s and 2000s. He was the ultimate emo icon, a floppy-fringed, wide-eyed troubadour with wordy, heart-on-sleeve lyrics and an impassioned, quivering vocal style.

It's no coincidence that in his 2010 novel Freedom, Jonathan Franzen had his disillusioned, bitter, minor indie rock star character attending a Bright Eyes show and coming away disgusted at the earnest, smiley solidarity of it all.


"I never read the book, but of course I saw the excerpts you're talking about," says Oberst. "He's a great author, so I guess it's flattering, because it's not him saying that about me, it's the character, who is this older frustrated person. I can understand why that kind of person would not be into watching some little young buck singing his songs."

The not-quite-so-young buck now has a huge back catalogue for someone who has been on earth for less than four decades – nine solo albums, nine albums with Bright Eyes, two with his punk rock band Desaparecidos, one with his folk-pop supergroup Monsters of Folk and various others with previous groups.

But all of this was reduced to a tabloid headline in December 2013. That's when a female fan calling herself Joanie Faircloth claimed that Oberst had raped her after a concert 10 years previously.

At first there was an outpouring of sympathy for her and the press turned on Oberst, but over the next six months there were counterclaims from people who knew Faircloth and her accusations came to be seriously questioned. Finally, in mid-2014, she recanted her story and apologised to Oberst, saying she had fabricated the whole thing to get attention during a troubled personal time. "I realise that my actions were wrong and could undermine the claims of actual sexual assault victims and for that I also apologise," she wrote.

But for Oberst, despite being vindicated, the damage was done.

"I don't harbour any ill feelings towards this person," he says. "It's just a case of a really sad person who's had, I think, a mental illness situation, and it is what it is.

"But I do harbour ill feelings towards the bloggers, journalists and other people who were just so gleeful about ruining my life. They liked seeing me go up in flames. It's like they'd been just dying for this to happen for so many years.

"It caused me a lot of pain and I feel like I probably lost a few years of my life due to stress and anxiety, but at this point I've got to move on."

He puts things in perspective. Although he's famous within certain circles, Oberst is by no means a household name. He remembers going to a Mexican restaurant after performing on Jay Leno's TV show in Burbank 10 years ago and wondering why he had to push his way past a gaggle of paparazzi to get inside. Once he sat down, he realised why. Britney Spears, her head freshly shaved, her life in meltdown, was holed up at another table.

"When she finally got up and walked outside, it was like they were hunting an animal," he recalls. "It was disgusting. I was thinking 'How do these human beings treat someone like this?' It made me so, so sad."

Oberst tried to move on from his own situation. But in 2015, during a tour with Desaparecidos, he started having fainting spells and feeling unwell for days on end. He visited a doctor who told him that his blood pressure was crazily high. After ordering an MRI, he got the news that there was something strange going on with his brain. The term "pre-dementia" was mentioned.

Eventually, after further tests at the Mayo Clinic in Minnesota, it was diagnosed as a benign cyst. It was unclear how long it had been there. He didn't have to undergo surgery and is maintaining his condition with medication.


In October last year, he released Ruminations, an intense and raw collection that was recorded solo in a 48-hour stretch in the snowbound studio at the back of his house. Next month he releases Salutations, which re-casts those stark songs with a full band, adds seven more tracks and features Gillian Welch, Jim James, M. Ward, Jim Keltner and The Felice Brothers.

If Ruminations is his Nebraska, then Salutations is his Basement Tapes. On both albums there's a song called You All Loved Him Once, which contains lines such as "You all loved him once, yes, you ate out of his hand, he mirrored your confusion so that you might understand, then your soul was an experiment so he drew a diagram, you all loved him once, it ended bad".

The song seems to be a passionate and pointed explanation of how he felt during the personal scandal he endured.

"Look, I'm obviously self-aware enough to realise how people would analyse it and think it was some kind of complete statement about my situation, but it really wasn't," he says. "I mean, there's undercurrents of those emotions in there for sure, but to me the song is about hero worship, which has been around forever. It's part of human nature and it can become troubling and negative. When I think about that song, I think about Julius Caesar, Jesus Christ, John Lennon and anyone who has been built up and then torn down."

With another song, Tachycardia, it's not so easy to distance himself. It's the medical term for a heart disorder where the resting rate is more than 100 beats per minute. "In a courtroom, sweat rolling down my back," he sings. "It's a bad dream, I have it seven times a week, no, it's not me, but I'm the one who has to die."

Oberst has always been politically active, playing on the Vote For Change tour with Bruce Springsteen and R.E.M. in 2004 and supporting Barack Obama in 2008. He backed Bernie Sanders' campaign last year, but when he lost the Democrat nomination, threw his weight behind Hillary Clinton.

"I had friends who were like, 'Bernie or bust'," he says. "They said they weren't going to vote for Hillary. I said 'You guys are crazy. You need to do this. There's too much at stake.' I wasn't initially super-stoked on Hillary, but she was probably the most qualified person to ever run for president. It was also high time that we had a woman president."

Back in 2005, Oberst wrote a protest song called When the President Talks to God, a scathing indictment of George W. Bush. He has not written something for the new president yet, but it surely cannot be too far off. Donald Trump's attitudes towards immigration and his proclamations about building a wall along the US's southern border are particularly personal for Oberst.

His wife, Corina Figueroa Escamilla, is Mexican. In December last year, she became a US citizen.

"At the end of the ceremony there's this message from the president on a TV screen," he recalls. "Barack Obama was on there welcoming these 20 or so people, including my wife, into the country, and talking to them about the value of being a citizen. I just started crying. It was so beautiful.

"But then I thought to myself, 'In a month or two, at a ceremony like this, it will be this orange-faced celebrity guy popping up on that screen. And what's he going to say?' "

Conor Oberst performs at the Sydney Opera House Concert Hall on February 27. Salutations is released on March 17.