

What Tony Abbott just doesn't understand about renewable energy

"In short," my friend Tony Abbott said this week, as he lined up Malcolm Turnbull for the umpteenth time, "why not say to the people of Australia: we'll cut the [Renewable Energy Target] to help with your power bills?"

Can I go first, Tony?

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Turnbull won't be 'provoked' by Abbott

The prime minister is tired of Tony Abbott's "outbursts", telling 3AW's Neil Mitchell that the former prime minister "knows exactly what he's doing," when he openly criticizes the government.

Could it be, the reason you don't say that to the people of Australia is because no one who is serious doubts that the dangers of climate change are real? Could it be that all those who are serious and in power, know that to limit the damage, they must follow the lead of responsible governments around the world who are seriously switching to renewable energy, and getting serious about limiting emissions?

Could it be that while there may indeed be a short-term political gain in denying the seriousness of climate change and promising the people that it is all OK and we don't need to do anything – and you can even likely boost your ratings by saying the same thing – no government with any claims on credibility, any desire to be judged well by history, could possibly do any such thing? Could it be that while it is all very well to talk about the virtues of market forces, there are actually more serious issues like, say, acting now to save the freaking planet!

How did I go?  

Vision of future

On that general subject, of renewables, back in the day the only place I remember seeing wind turbines was a very few out Grenfell way, and then those ones that you see off Lake George, on the approach to Canberra. Well, no more.


Flying back from Darwin last Sunday arvo, my Qantas flight had to circle regional NSW on the approaches to Kingsford Smith Airport, and there they were, somewhere west of Goulburn: dozens upon dozens of turbines, atop a series of ridges stretching out to the west, lazily and gloriously spinning in the afternoon sun. Let a thousand flowers bloom. I have seen the future, and this is it.

Beacon of hope

TFF was delighted to head off to the National Library of Australia on Wednesday evening, for the extremely well-attended launch of the latest book by Australia's national treasure, the nigh 90-year-old Professor John Molony, Captain James Cook.

Molony, as it turned out is a deep admirer, portraying Cook as a man of great wisdom, compassion and skill. Most moving was Molony's speech where he noted that he had dedicated his book to "the Little Old Man of the Guugu Yimithirr". After leaving Botany Bay and heading up the east coast of Australia, the Endeavour was obliged to spend seven weeks by what we know as Cooktown in far north Queensland. There was friction between Cook's men and the Guugu Yimithirr, but it was resolved, in part by a small, old Aboriginal man who came to Cook holding a broken spear. It was his way of saying, "Let us live together in peace and amity".

Molony finished his speech thus: "The rich relationship and subsequent reconciliation established by Cook and his men with the Guugu Yimithirr people of the north is a beacon of hope to us all. I say 'all' whether we are Aborigines of ancient lineage or one who arrived but yesterday among us ... Therefore let us determine to follow the old man's everlasting example."


Joke of the week

Two good ol' boys in a Tennessee trailer park are sitting around talking one afternoon over a cold beer.

One says to the other, "If I was to sneak over to your place Saturday and make love to your wife while you were off hunting and she got pregnant and had a baby, would that make us kin?"

The other guy scratches his head, develops a look of deep thought on his face and answers, "Well, I don't know about kin, but it sure would make us even."

Twitter: @Peter_Fitz

They said it

"We are thrilled. These mobile phones are a lifeline for people in detention. They need to be able to contact lawyers, or talk to family and friends in the middle of the night."

Refugee advocate Pamela Curr, after the Federal Court blocked a bid by the Australian Border Force to confiscate the mobile phones of detainees in immigration detention.

"Mr Netanyahu's policies consistently aim to provoke, intimidate and oppress the Palestinian population which increases that imbalance, thus taking Israel irretrievably further from peace."

From a statement organised by the Australia Palestine Advocacy Network, protesting against Benjamin Netanyahu's visit to Australia this week.

"These policies are inconsistent with Australian values and beliefs and we would not welcome him here."

Retired Anglican Bishop George Browning, speaking against Mr Netanyahu's visit.

"We have a non-discriminatory approach to immigration. That means we essentially don't discriminate between countries and we would have thought that it would be to your advantage to have a non-discriminatory approach to Australia."

Australia's High Commissioner in London, Alexander Downing, saying that after Brexit, Australians should be given the same right to work in Britain as EU citizens.

"Grammar makes a comeback."

Tom Alegounarias, chairman of the NSW Education Standards Authority, with the good news about the new HSC curriculum changes. 
"I was also a victim of sexual abuse by clergy when I first came to Australia, even though I was an adult. That had a powerful effect on me, and I want to walk in the shoes of other victims and endeavour to attain justice and dignity for them."

The Bishop of Parramatta, Vincent Long Van Nguyen, telling the Royal Commission into Child Sexual Abuse that he was abused after arriving in Australia as a refugee in 1981.
"They have been amazing and have stood by me through thick and thin – I can't say enough about them – I could not wish for better parents."

Grant Hackett thanking his parents for their support over the past week of troubles.
"They had to do something. It's got out of hand. There is [sic] certain elements there who think they're bigger than the club."

Wanderers fan "Mick" after 14 members of the Wanderers fan club were banned for 18 months for producing a lewd banner regarding the coach of Sydney FC. 

"Make no mistake about that, I will not tolerate any wrongdoing. If the Electoral Commission determines there is a case to answer, then I will act."

Premier Gladys Berejiklian defending her minister Ray Williams, who is accused of taking illegal donations from property developers.