Small Business

Why starting a business in your 20s is the way to go

Amy Parfett was 25 when she first started working on her own business with her old school friend Melany McBride.  ​

"At a time when your life is super social there is a degree of sacrifice you have to make," she says. 

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What is Wedshed?

Working in a similar fashion to Airbnb, WedShed helps link unique venues available to hire for weddings with couples looking to find a special place to tie the knot.

"We forwent a wage for a really long time so we were financially struggling a bit at a time when everyone else's careers were taking off."

Besides a lack of cash, Parfett says the pair's inexperience caused a few problems along the way.

"We hadn't ever run a business before, it was a completely new experience for us," she says. "We were learning things on the go, which inevitably means you are making mistakes as well."  

Nothing to lose

But Parfett says the benefit was "we had nothing to lose" and the result was WedShed, which she describes as "a bit like Airbnb, but for wedding venues". 


WedShed has about 215 listings including everything from airplane hangars, to boats, whiskey distilleries, woolsheds and a former prison. 

"We knew the worse thing that could happen would be that we would fail and learn heaps from that and be in the position to start something else new or we could go back to working in the careers that we had," Parfett says. "It did feel scary and there were risks involved but the risks were outweighed by the potential to do something."

Taking a risk paid off for Parfett and McBride with WedShed turning over $250,000 last year and scoring the pair a spot on the shortlist for Veuve Clicquot's New Generation Award, which recognises up-and coming entrepreneurial businesswomen.  

Of this year's six finalists, five started their business in their 20s, defying the trend of Australians starting businesses at a later age.

No preconceived ideas

Jacqui Bull was also an early over achiever, giving up a plum graduate role at Deloitte to co-found on-demand staffing platform Sidekicker when she was 22. 

Bull is now 27 and says becoming an entrepreneur straight out of university has its benefits. 

The older you get the harder it is to jump out of a cushy corporate job into a startup.

Jacqui Bull

"You don't have any preconceived ideas about how an industry should work," she says. "You can think of solutions and the best way a product and service should work rather than thinking of the way it already works because you are not in that industry yet."

Bull says starting a business in your 20s is "a lot lower risk".

"I didn't have a mortgage or kids and I could get another grad position if it fell through," she says. "That made it easier to take the leap and fully commit to the lifestyle. The older you get the harder it is to jump out of a cushy corporate job into a start-up."

The downside is a steep learning curve.

"I think the chance of success is probably less," Bull says. ​"I lacked corporate experience and training in an industry but to counteract that I surrounded myself with a lot of advisers and mentors. I also had my business partner who is a couple of years older."

Bull and her co-founder Tom Amos tipped in $10,000 each to start the business and organised a partnership with development agency Loud and Clear, which took equity in Sidekicker, to build the platform.

"That made our cash go a lot further having access to their developers," Bull says.

A few years on Sidekicker is on track to turn over $1 million and Seek has come on board as a minority investor.  

Clients include Uber, Airbnb and The Sofitel with Sidekicker listing more than 4000 "Sidekicks" on the platform.

Bull says she has "no regrets" about abandoning her graduate role at Deloitte.

"What I've learnt over the last five years in my opinion is more than what I would have learnt if I went into a traditional career," she says. 

The importance of self belief 

Chairwoman of the Veuve Clicquot judging panel, Maryann Shearer, says business founders "seem to be getting younger".

Shearer co-founded T2 Tea when she was 32 but Shearer says this was now more than 20 years ago and the business environment now is tougher and more fast-paced.

"You need to be so passionate and innovative to even pass go," she says. "They are good believers in themselves. It's not cockiness or over confidence, they are just very keen to show the world what they are going to do." 

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