
Applying Warren Buffett-isms to the ASX

Over the weekend, revered investor Warren Buffett again professed his unwavering love for almost all things American – he remains dark on active hedge fund managers – but there are several lessons Australian investors can take away from Berkshire Hathaway's yearly letter to investors. 

The case for buybacks

There has been much criticism of companies spending their excess cash on buying back shares rather than funding expansion, but Mr Buffett insists it is a great way to use lazy capital or if the price is particularly attractive. 

"From the standpoint of exiting shareholders, repurchases are always a plus," he writes. "Though the day-to-day impact of these purchases is usually minuscule, it's always better for a seller to have an additional buyer in the market.

"For continuing shareholders, however, repurchases only make sense if the shares are bought at a price below intrinsic value."

Mr Buffett's words come as QBE announces a $1 billion share buyback

Credit Suisse's equity strategist Hasan Tevfik has long believed in the added value buybacks create for investors, outlining how the average ASX200 company can increase earnings-per-share handsomely from the process. 


"We do like buybacks, not least because those Aussie stocks retiring equity have a good history of outperformance," says Mr Tevfik. "And we are not worried if the right buyback means less capex."

During earnings season many companies displayed a conservative approach to managing their balance sheets, even as some investors are looking for growth.

Rio Tinto plans to buyback shares in the near future while Aurizon's new chief executive Andrew Harding pointed out he will focus on creating shareholder value and is "not diversifying for diversification's sake".

Whitehaven Coal, which has enjoyed a stellar return to form thanks to a recovering coal price, has said all forms of capital distribution were on the table. 

"All other things equal (they're not), we would be viewing these companies from a more positive light," says Mr Tevfik.

AMP plans to buyback $500 million worth of stock, Coca-Cola will retire $350 million worth and Bluescope, Seven Group, Charter Hall Retail, GPT Group and Sirtex are also set to buy shares back from existing shareholders. 

Fear is your friend

The uncertainty that has swept financial markets since the middle of last year has persisted, but Mr Buffett insists it is prudent to ignore the masses and instead focus on overcoming the inevitable advent of "personal fear".

"Investors who avoid high and unnecessary costs and simply sit for an extended period with a collection of large, conservatively financed American businesses will almost certainly do well," writes the Oracle of Omaha. 

Closer to home, Credit Suisse likens the jitters plaguing Wall Street to that which overcame investors last year when BHP Billiton posted a poor earnings result and in turn slashed the dividend. 

Investors fled the stock, sending it plunging to a 10-year low.

"The reduction in distributions was the single most important reason why ASX200 dividend fell by $3 billion during the 12 months to June 2016 versus the 12 months before," says Mr Tevfik.

An investor who held their nerve and were aligned with BHP's strategy, would have found an opportunity to pick up the stock rather than be spooked by the widespread carnage.

In the 12 months since that price tumble, the stock has rallied almost 100 per cent and the company is likely to raise its dividend by more than 200 per cent compared with the last financial year. 

The virtues of restructuring 

Mr Tevfik points out the constant restructuring of Berkshire Hathaway has allowed the firm to increase book-value per share by an average of 19 per cent per annum since 1965. 

Indeed, Australian shareholders are also happy to reward companies that remain flexible in company structure, with share price movements over the last earnings season rewarding those that have restructured.

In 2016, more than 25 per cent of companies reported a restructuring expense, and Credit Suisse points to the likes of Boral, Crown, Computershare, Fairfax and IOOF as those looking to reorganise the operations of their businesses

"Investors are happy to pay up for companies pulling levers to increase returns rather than just waiting on the 'macro' to carry them along," says Mr Tevfik.