World News


  1. Oscars 2017: In photos

    Here's what Hollywood's best and brightest are wearing on the red carpet ahead of tonight's Academy Awards.

  2. Vanishing WWII naval ships

    Sunken World War II warships have been disappearing in Indonesia and there has been little action taken to ensure their protection.

  3. Khmer Rouge case dropped

    Cambodia's Khmer Rouge tribunal drops its case against a suspect accused of killing thousands of people at slave labour camps.

  4. A journey to Russia's past

    From the outside it appears Moscow has undergone a dramatic transformation in the past decade, but not everything is better.

  5. Scientists take on Trump

    Scientists in the US are coming together to fight back against Trump's apparent attack on their profession.

  6. Applying for a Russian visa

    It took four months and 300 emails to get two ABC correspondents out the door to Moscow.

  7. Trump's week in review

    The ABC’s US bureau chief has recapped the week that was as President Trump marks his second month in the job.

  8. The world's largest glider

    Gliding through the sheer mountain ranges of Pakistan is the remarkable and elusive woolly flying squirrel.

  9. Yemen's humanitarian crisis

    The UN World Food Program says millions of people in Yemen, north Nigeria, Somalia and South Sudan are at risk of dying from starvation.

  10. Moscow's Trump souvenirs

    In Moscow's souvenir shops, Donald Trump memorabilia is selling not just to tourists but to locals.

  11. Plan to save world's reefs

    A multi-million-dollar global plan aims to save 10 per cent of the world's coral reefs.

  12. New planets discovered

    Seven Earth-sized planets, some of which could harbour life, have been discovered orbiting a star in our own neighbourhood.

  13. No midway for two-state

    A hot and turbulent day in Gaza gave Stan Grant a glimpse into what divides Israelis and Palestinians.

  1. Australia, Indonesia to restore military ties

    Indonesia and Australia will fully restore military ties in the wake of talks between the two nations' leaders.

    Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull and Indonesian President Joko Widodo have held formal talks in Sydney, discussing trade, defence and counter-terrorism.

    The leaders agreed to fully restore military cooperation, less than two months after Indonesia suspended cooperation with Australia over "insulting" posters at a Perth training base.

  1. Kim Jong-nam investigation

    A woman detained in connection with the assassination of Kim Jong-nam says she was paid $120 to take part.

  2. Duterte critic arrested

    A leading critic of Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte's deadly anti-drug crackdown is arrested on drug charges.

  3. Wirathu backs Dhammakaya

    A firebrand monk who helped stoke sectarianism in Myanmar throws his support behind the Dhammakaya sect in Thailand.

  4. PNG loses United Nations vote

    Papua New Guinea loses its vote in the United Nations General Assembly after failing to pay annual contributions.