Barack Obama and his many encounters with children in photos

Updated January 20, 2017 09:12:20

Being president of the United States is no child's play.

There are lots of important, grown-up jobs to be done and adult business to attend to.

But over his eight years in office, Barack Obama still found time for fun, particularly with his youngest supporters.

At first some kids seemed unsure:

But once he introduced himself...

It didn't take long for them to come around.

He was an A+ storyteller...

And wasn't afraid to dance.

He was down to Earth...

And looked out for the little guy.

He knew people in high-up places...

And Down Under...

And he was never afraid to sit down with the little people.

Topics: us-elections, government-and-politics, federal-government, family-and-children, children, human-interest, united-states

First posted January 20, 2017 06:08:56