
  1. Murray-Darling authority prepares final recommendations for basin plan

    More than 2,300 submissions respond to the Murray-Darling Basin Authority's proposed changes to its northern water-sharing plan.

  2. Innovations in food packaging aim to increase shelf life

    Packaging fresh produce in stores and supermarkets is now big business, with retailers seeking ways to improve the appearance, freshness and shelf life of fruit and vegetables.

  1. Dunedoo fire recovery

    Rebuilding fences and lives in Dunedoo: BlazeAid arrives in town following recent bushfires.

  2. 'Busting' buffel grass

    Central Australian wildlife warriors fight introduced grasses flourishing after massive rains.

  3. Industrial hemp push

    A Greens plan to legalise hemp cultivation for industrial use in SA has backing of Labor Government.

  4. Organic GM push back

    WA industry body says organic industry needs to change zero tolerance of GM organisms.

  5. Mackay Sugar woes

    A review of Mackay Sugar's financial position recommends a new levy on growers.

  6. Future of meat

    A Scientist, a butcher, and an edible bug seller discuss what's next for protein.

  7. Rabbit kit rollout

    Farmers and environmental groups receive the kits in preparation for rabbit virus release.

  8. Is cloning the future?

    Graziers in central Queensland clone a prize heifer, moving technology from lab to paddock.

Rural Life

  1. Q fever in a 4yo

    A mother whose son contracted Q fever as a four-year-old calls for better vaccination access.

  2. Jet setting alpacas

    Australian-bred alpacas are being sought after not only for their fleece and meat but also their genetics.

  3. Refugee community garden

    A tall crop of traditional African maize is being hand-harvested by a group of former refugees.

  4. Brewery in old mill

    Food and beverage businesses fill empty warehouses of Burnie's former pulp and paper mill.

  5. 'Where's your station?'

    A cattle producer says a NBN satellite internet installer struggled to find her property.

  6. Crowdfunding lifeline

    Queensland farming family teetering on the brink hopes crowdfunding will provide a water lifeline.

  7. Free-range veteran

    One of Australia's first certified free-range pig farmers is leaving the industry.

  8. Art breaks silence

    Former farmer uses art exhibition to encourage other farmers to talk about rural suicide.

Best Rural Photos


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