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Battle over penalty rates revives ghost of Workchoices

Battle over penalty rates revives ghost of Workchoices

With Labor continuing to attack the Federal Government over the Fair Work Commission's decision to slash penalty rates, there are signs that history could repeat itself for the Liberals, as the battle starts to echo that of the fight over Workchoices.
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Housing crisis in spotlight after fire kills three

Housing crisis in spotlight after fire kills three

Melbourne's homeless crisis is again in the spotlight after three people, who were believed to be squatters, were found dead after a fire in an abandoned factory.
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Increasing levels of Myopia linked to environmental trends

Increasing levels of Myopia linked to environmental trends

There are worries that the surging number of people with myopia, commonly known as short-sightedness, could be linked to an environmental trend rather than pure genetics.
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Scientists hoping microbes key to fighting global warming

Scientists hoping microbes key to fighting global warming

Scientists in Antarctica are hoping that tiny algae that produce sulphur could be the key to fighting global warming, thanks to their ability to create cloud cover.
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