Religion & Ethics: Content from Across the ABC

Editor's Choice

Stanley Hauerwas 22 Feb 2017

The accommodated character of the church is at least partly due to the loss of the ability of Christians to speak the language of the faith. But learning to be a Christian is learning another language. More

Steve Fuller 23 Feb 2017
Christopher Mayes 20 Feb 2017
Scott Stephens (Introduction) 11 Nov 2016

Once elected, Donald Trump could no longer be dismissed as an aberration, a political side-show. He is now the expression of the people, an instantiation of the national identity. We have invited Luke Bretherton, Danielle Celermajer, Romand Coles, Lia Haro, Barbara Keys, John Milbank, Adrian Pabst, Chad Pecknold, Jedediah Purdy, John Thatamanil and others to reflect on what the election of Donald Trump might mean for the moral vocation of democratic citizenship and the future of democratic politics. More

RN Religion Ethics Report 22 Feb 2017

Earlier this week, Donald Trump told supporters that Sweden was having problems like they never thought possible. Thats supposedly be… More

RN Religion Ethics Report 22 Feb 2017

Leading members of the legal, religious, political and business communities signed a statement this week protesting the visit to Aust… More

RN Religion Ethics Report 22 Feb 2017

As Australias clergy grows older and as the priesthood no longer holds the prestige it once did churches are recruiting overseas. Mor… More

RN Religion Ethics Report 15 Feb 2017

The self-styled Islamic State is targeting Australias Grand Mufti and two Sydney Muslim clerics with death threats. Their so-called c… More

The Spirit of Things 19 Feb 2017

"Religion is a cow. It kicks, but it also gives milk." Huston Smith The son of Christian missionaries, Huston Smith was called 'relig… More

Late Night Live 21 Feb 2017

A universal basic income would pay every citizen a monthly stipend regardless of whether they have a job or not. It sounds weird but … More

7.30 22 Feb 2017

Senator Penny Wong, Labor's shadow foreign minister, joins 7.30 to discuss relations between Israel and Australia as well as how she would negotiate with US President Donald Trump. More

7.30 22 Feb 2017

Senator Penny Wong, Labor's shadow foreign minister, joins 7.30 to discuss relations between Israel and Australia as well as how she would negotiate with US President Donald Trump. More

Lateline 21 Feb 2017

Ahead of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's trip to Australia for diplomatic talks, Jeremy Fernandez speaks to journalist Chemi Shalev in Tel Aviv. More

Four Corners 20 Feb 2017

A report from the frontlines in the battle against Islamic State. More

Lateline 20 Feb 2017

Jeremy Fernandez speaks to counter-insurgency analyst David Kilcullen about the climactic battle to reclaim Mosul from Islamic State. More

ABC Religion Programs


Mum's boy, dad's girl PT 4

26/02/2017, 6.30pm

For The God Who Sings

Lilies, light and ashes

26/02/2017, 11:00pm

Religion & Ethics Report

Sweden & Trump, Australia, Palestine & Netanyahu

22/02/2017, 17:30 pm

Rhythm Divine

Where music meets spirituality


Songs of Praise

Winchester *RPT*

26/02/2017, 11.30am

The Spirit of Things

The problem of pain

26/02/2017, 6.05pm

Sunday Nights

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On the Wider Web

Anti-Terror Move Could Ensnare American Muslims

Noah Feldman

Another executive action has been floated that would be devastating for Muslim individuals and organizations in the U.S.: a directive to the State Department to designate the Muslim Brotherhood as an international terrorist organization. When coupled with a U.S. Supreme Court decision from 2010, the designation could lead to widespread prosecution of American Muslims and others for material support of terrorism - a disaster for civil liberties and free speech that could dwarf the Trump administration's early initiatives.

Hamilton's Choice

Martha C. Nussbaum

At its heart, Lin-Manuel Miranda's musical "Hamilton" is the Choice of Hercules, retold in a more subtle and compelling form, as a choice between two kinds of political life, one of service and another of positional preeminence. Both lives involve an ambition for preeminence and a desire to make a difference. Neither is a life of indolence and profligate vice that makes the bad side in the myth such an obvious loser.

Look Back in Anger

Samuel Moyn

In his "Discourse on the Origin of Inequality," Rousseau depicted how enraging it is to subordinate oneself to the desires of others ... Because Rousseau had experienced the life of a social climber himself, he understood "the many uprooted men" who failed to "adapt themselves to a stable life in society," and began to see that failure as the product of a larger "injustice against the human race." Enslaved by manufactured desires, most Europeans experienced merely the frustration of never seeing them realized. Commercial modernity imprisoned the rich as much as the poor in a syndrome of "envy, fascination, revulsion, and rejection."

Trump's Sincere Religious Convictions

Stanley Hauerwas

Many Americans appear ready to give President Trump a pass when it comes to his lack of religious knowledge, sensibilities or behavior, but I think that's a mistake. Trump is quite pious and his religious convictions run dangerously deep. But his piety is not a reflection of a Christian faith. His piety is formed by his understanding of what makes America a country like no other.

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How to stop money ruining your relationship (Nightlife)

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