Australia can build an affordable and secure electricity network with 100 per cent renewable energy, using existing technologies, according to research by the Australian National University.

A royal commission should be held to examine the approvals processes for the Roe 8 stage of the Perth Freight Link, the Conservation Council of WA says, as critics of the project hold a rally in Fremantle.

Malcolm Turnbull is facing not just the expected sniping from the sidelines but growing discontent from the political middle as tax reform and renewable energy policy go nowhere, writes Ian Verrender.

Never before captured vision of the "harsh and hostile" sea floor off Antarctica's Sabrina Coast will be used to support an application to make the region a Marine Protected Area.

Melbourne's famous brown river, the Yarra, will be protected under new legislation regulating the height of buildings along the riverbank and the distance from the water.

Researchers discover what could be one of the worst cases of mine pollution in the world in the heart of New South Wales' pristine heritage-listed Blue Mountains.

Hobart's Lord Mayor supports the Tasmanian Government's plan to take control of water and sewerage infrastructure, despite concerns about the loss of dividends to councils.

Gliding through the sheer mountain ranges of Pakistan is the remarkable and elusive woolly flying squirrel.

Cross-laminated timber is produced in factories and delivered to building sites, where it is slotted into place for all-timber housing, touted as an environmentally-friendly option with lower onsite risk than on conventional sites.

Scientists are employing the help of elephant seals in Antarctica to gather crucial information about the Southern Ocean, but first the animals need to be fitted with one vital piece of equipment: a sensor on their head.

Scientists in the US are coming together to fight back against Trump's apparent attack on their profession.

In far eastern Victoria at "one of the most spectacular places to dive" a group of conservationists are overcoming the death of one of their group to continue their work ensuring the marine wonderland is there for future generations.

A State Government takeover of TasWater is under "active consideration" and will speed up the job of water and sewerage upgrades by five years, Treasurer Peter Gutwein says.

As energy firm Chevron pushes ahead with plans to drill four exploration wells in the Great Australian Bight, an opposing alliance is preparing to release a documentary it says will initiate tourism in the region and persuade Australians to resist mining there.

More than 80 trees, some of which are claimed to be up to hundreds of years old and were set to be removed as part of an Adelaide housing development still in the planning stages, are given a stay of execution.

Logging in order to "rebuild the state's forest industry" will happen, the Tasmanian Government says despite environmentalists warning wilderness areas will be lost under the plan to end the "Peace Deal" moratorium.

Western Australia's iconic Carnaby's cockatoo could be lost from the Perth metropolitan area if pine plantation clearing in the city's north is not halted, WWF Australia warns.

An unusually warm winter and a second warm summer has the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority warning of "elevated and imminent risk" of bleaching, with a new report stating Australia has no plan for dealing with climate change impacts.

Civil libertarians urge all levels of government to see clean drinking water as a human right ahead of a much-anticipated meeting about TasWater's upgrade plans.

A multi-million-dollar global plan aims to save 10 per cent of the world's coral reefs as scientists predict the remaining 90 per cent will die by 2050.

A New South Wales farmer has placed a third of her property under a conservation covenant in the hope it will increase the value of the farm and its produce.

Tasmania's Premier hoses down claims he is picking a fight with councils, as his Resources Minister warns he will "fight in the trenches" to get controversial forestry legislation through the first session of Parliament.

A major Hunter Valley mine expansion, Anglo American's Drayton South project, is rejected for the fourth time amid concerns it poses too many risks to the environment.

The Federal Government's renewable energy target has proved a headache for Malcolm Turnbull, but what exactly is the RET and what is it hoped to achieve?

Renewables company Carnegie Clean Energy confirms it is interested in developing WA Labor's proposal for a wave power farm in Albany, in Western Australia's Great Southern.


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