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Tom Perez Narrowly Defeats Keith Ellison for DNC Chair

To succeed, Perez must ally with the grassroots activists who are more concerned with principles than with partisanship.

John Nichols

Jeff Sessions

Memo Restoring Use of Private Prisons Is Good News for One Company

There is an obvious trail from Jeff Sessions to a major contractor.

David Dayen

Striking on International Women’s Day Is Not a Privilege

The most vulnerable women have been striking all year long.

Magally A. Miranda Alcazar and Kate D. Griffiths

Trump Admits That His Deportation Agenda Is a ‘Military Operation’

The only way to achieve a mass-deportation agenda of the scope Trump desires is to turn a person’s very existence into a crime—and his latest memorandums spell out how.

Julianne Hing
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From the Magazine

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Why We Must Oppose the Kremlin-Baiting Against Trump

The Russia-connected allegations have created an atmosphere of hysteria amounting to McCarthyism.

Stephen F. Cohen

In Trump’s White House, It’s the Billionaires vs. the Bombardiers

These two factions are fighting for supremacy.

Michael T. Klare

Can a Sanders Democrat Win the New Jersey Governor’s Race?

John Wisniewski is fighting Wall Street money and the party machine.

Bob Dreyfuss and Barbara Dreyfuss
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Edward Jay Epstein’s Alternative Facts

A new book suggests Snowden may have been a spy, but what it reveals is its author’s own duplicity.

Sue Halpern

Austra’s Ear for the Moment

The band’s new album calls for the future by harkening to the past.

Erin Vanderhoof

When Time Stopped Forever

Han Kang’s new novel mines the violent past and uncertain future of South Korean politics.

E. Tammy Kim


Why Millennials Aren’t Afraid of Socialism

It’s an old idea, but the people who will make it happen are young—and tired of the unequal world they’ve inherited.

Julia Mead

Only Socialism Can Defeat Trumpism

Millions of ordinary people are ready for an alternative, one pointed to by the success of Bernie Sanders.

Nicole Aschoff and Bhaskar Sunkara

Socialism’s Return

After more than a half-century in the wilderness, the socialist left reemerges in America.

Patrick Iber
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Watch and Listen

View: In a World of Closed Borders, Deciding Who Deserves Asylum

At Kakuma refugee camp in Kenya, workers face few humane options.

February 9, 2017

View: Photos of Resistance: Inside the DC Women’s March

Over 500,000 people flooded the streets of the nation’s capital to protest everything President Trump stands for.

January 22, 2017

View: These Photos Show the People Who Turn a Cotton Plant Into Your Jeans

Following the path of cotton from Burkina Faso to Bangladesh to your local mall.

December 12, 2016
