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Updated Moonlight wins best picture over La La Land in stunning Oscars finish video
In a surreal moment destined for Oscar history, the best picture winner was mistakenly announced at the Academy Awards, with La La Land seemingly awarded the honour before Moonlight was ultimately confirmed as the real choice.
'This is not a joke': Confusion, Moonlight and other Oscar highlights video
There was drama, comedy and even a plot twist on Sunday at the 89th Academy Awards in Los Angeles.
Universal public coverage of essential drugs would improve health care, research suggests
Adding universal public coverage of the top prescription drugs would help Canadians take medications they need, new research suggests.
'It's nerve-racking': Life on the Quebec border in Trump's America
A quiet road in Champlain, N.Y., bordering Quebec has become a key passageway for asylum seekers making their way into Canada.
High rent could make Toronto a 'generational ghost town'
Young people across the income spectrum who would like to build lives in Toronto are choosing to leave rather than pay the city’s ever-increasing rents.