- published: 17 Nov 2016
- views: 71444
Wang Leehom (born May 17, 1976), sometimes credited as Leehom Wang, is a Chinese-American singer-songwriter, record producer, actor and film director. He is currently based in Taiwan. Formally trained at the Eastman School of Music, Williams College and Berklee College of Music, his musical style is known for fusing Chinese elements (such as Beijing opera, traditional styles of ethnic minorities, Chinese classical orchestra) with hip-hop and R&B. Wang has been active since 1995 and contributed in 25 albums. He is also a four-time winner of Taiwan's Golden Melody Awards, the "Grammys" of Taiwanese music. His concert at the Beijing Bird's Nest on April 14, 2012 was the first solo pop concert to be held at the venue.
In addition to his music, Wang also acted in several films, including Ang Lee's Lust, Caution and Jackie Chan's film Little Big Soldier. He is an environmental activist, and his album Change Me was dedicated to raising eco-awareness among Chinese youth. Wang was one of the first torchbearers for the Beijing 2008 Summer Olympics, and performed in the Olympics' closing ceremony in Beijing. He was again a torchbearer for the 2012 Summer Olympics in London, making him the only person in the Mandarin pop circle to have taken part in the event twice. He is a longtime ambassador for World Vision Taiwan and was appointed World Vision Malaysia's 15th anniversary ambassador (from October 2011 to September 2012).
◪【电影简介】欧洲雇佣兵威廉(马特·达蒙 Matt Damon 饰)在被囚禁长城期间,发现了这一世间最大奇迹之一背后的惊人秘密。当一波又一波可怕的掠食生物将这座巨型城墙重重围困之时,威廉对财富的追寻演变为一段通往英雄主义的旅程——他加入了一支由精英勇士们组成的大军,共同对抗令人无法想象的强大力量。 导演: 张艺谋 编剧: 马克斯·布鲁克斯 / 爱德华·兹威克 / 马歇尔·赫斯科维兹 / 托尼·吉尔罗伊 / 托马斯·图尔 主演: 马特·达蒙 / 景甜 / 佩德罗·帕斯卡 / 威廉·达福 / 刘德华 / 张涵予 / 鹿晗 / 彭于晏 / 林更新 / 郑恺 / 黄轩 / 陈学冬 / 王俊凯 / 余心恬 / 刘冰 / 李亨 类型: 剧情 / 动作 / 奇幻 / 冒险 制片国家/地区: 中国大陆 / 美国 语言: 英语 上映日期: 2016-12-16(中国大陆) / 2017-02-17(美国) / 2016-12-30(台湾) 又名: 万里长城 ◪想看更多免费电影正片?那就快快关注我啦~\(≧▽≦)/~ Subscribe NOW: http://bit.ly/2dy2wcf ◪【高分电影推荐】豆瓣高分电影精选集 http://bit.ly/2fiDD6f ◪【❤一周精彩电影速递❤】最近更新的电影正片都在这里哦 http://bit.ly/2fiB8kk ◪【影片大全】点这里!!各类型电影应有尽有~ http://bit.ly/2fWrh6k
【欢迎订阅湖南卫视官方频道: http://goo.gl/tl9QpW】 湖南卫视2017跨年演唱会播放列表: https://goo.gl/WSJpYZ ■□ 更多官方资讯 欢迎关注我们社交网络页面 ■□ 全员加速中Facebook粉丝专页: https://goo.gl/HjzC1n 一年级官方Facebook粉丝专页: https://goo.gl/4KDRkL 中国湖南卫视官方 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/hntvchina 中国湖南卫视官方 Twitter: https://twitter.com/HUNANTVCHINA 爸爸去哪儿官方 Facebook 粉丝专页:https://goo.gl/FfFhCb 偶像来了官方 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/upidol ■□ 更多其他湖南卫视精彩节目【官方超清1080P】■□ 《爸爸去哪儿》第四季 整片播放列表: http://goo.gl/dN8YM9 《真正男子汉》第二季 播放列表:https://goo.gl/Pe5Aqn 《真正男子汉》官方版 全集: http://goo.gl/hCHHHs 《头号惊喜》官方版 播放列表:https://goo.gl/J7wJOx 《一年级·毕业季》全集: https://goo.gl/sgsSAO 《我们来了》第二季 全集: https://goo.gl/s0cDA9 《夏日甜心》官方 全集: https://goo.gl/jG0Sdv 《完美假期》第二季 全集: https://goo.gl/pzyUEn 《完美观察室》官方版 全集: https://goo.gl/ovzQ40 《开普勒452b》官方版 全集: https://goo.gl/adqoTN 《我想和你唱》官方版 全...
【讓我堅持的理由 只有你的愛】 王力宏新專輯主打歌《你的愛》欲傳達的,是對愛的信念與信仰,不因挫折而退縮,並且擴大愛的層面,可以是對親人的愛,對朋友的愛,對伴侶的愛,可以是對信仰的崇敬之愛。混音時更特別加入猶如教堂中吟唱的環境聲,讓愛情更添神聖與純潔感,讓對愛的領悟,進階到另一個更高的層次。 王力宏以電影規格拍攝主打歌《你的愛》MV 因來自上帝的靈感而創作 《你的愛》 遠赴700多年歷史古老大教堂拍攝,見證對愛的信仰及奇蹟 王力宏2015全新創作專輯《你的愛。》 1/23全台唱片通路、博客來、iTunes和各數位平台正式發行。
Music video by Leehom Wang performing YI RAN AI NI. © 2011 Sony Music Entertainment Taiwan Ltd.
賦音樂、西遊記、FLOW。 作詞:方大同,王力宏 作曲:方大同,王力宏 FLOW MV藉由傳統水墨元素,沒有框架的流動,帶著音符創作,融合山水、錦鯉、蝴蝶、電吉他、爵士鼓等中西元素在畫面裡,淹沒所有感官,FLOW沒有極限,隻有前所未見的無盡想象完美融合。而兩人對於音樂及影像的堅持格外默契,就像在MV製作過程中,力宏精準的察覺到僅有不到0.1秒的畫面與音樂時間差,讓大同與剪接師大讚力宏超級專業。 -------------------------------------------------------------- 跟著我Flow 跟著我Flow 這麼自由 這麼自由 Yi Li A E Yi Li A O 跟著我Flow 跟著我Flow…Flow…Flow I think I'm gonna rock I think I'm gonna roll 一聽到music start 我雙腳開始go 當節奏開始轉 是誰都能感受 那音符一起玩 我停不下來 我簡直停不下來 從頭到腳趾頭 沒有理由有點兒奇怪 ABC Do re mi fa sol 節奏輕輕地甩 微妙地笑 酷酷的跳 這是新的style 不如你一起來加入 跟著我Flow (我手指開始) 跟著我Flow (我彈指開始) 這麼自由 (那韻律開始 hey hey hey) 這麼自由 (我們都開始 ) (我們都開始) 歌聲多清切 靈感開始傾瀉 的一種感覺 woo… 感覺多強烈 不需要詳解 相同當中總有分別 兩種風格的交接 Just Flow…(Just Flow) I think I'm gonna rock I think I'm gonna roll 一聽到music start 我雙腳開始go 當節奏開始轉 是誰都能...
1.Fovever Love 2.你不在 3.落叶归根 4.另一个天堂(张靓颖) 5.心跳 6.依然爱你 7.爱的就是你 8.柴米油盐酱醋茶 9.第一个清晨 10.Kiss Goodbye 11.一首简单的歌 12.你不知道的事 13.心中的日月 14.唯一 15.大城小爱 Thanks for like and share this video visit or follow my fb at https://www.facebook.com/Dfemme.wu Please sent your comment if you have any songs suggestion. Subscribe my channel at www.youtube.com/c/dfemmechinesemusic for more Updates. Thanks you so much ^^
來賓:王力宏、陳建州、范瑋琪、唐志中 ❆【穿越康熙】每週一到五18:00更新→https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Vi7HB09JSU&list;=PLq_o2rIpiltbDfxNyHRYsptctov-JRqxS ❆【康熙時光機】影音專區→https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=__tPENPsxy0&list;=PLq_o2rIpiltZOX5nQaih7kXUBH2Qwwhva ❆【小明星大跟班】完整版→ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Zx-W1ByGUk&list;=PLPgID1Rky7Xk6fvGdDVlTC0G_-SywfUHZ ❆粉絲團按讚影音隨你看 康熙來了FB→https://www.facebook.com/kangxiofficial/?ref=bookmarks 中天綜藝攏底家FB→https://www.facebook.com/36tvshow
《康熙好經典》康熙好經典YouTube網路頻道 ●更多精彩內容歡迎點閱以下網址 節目網路頻道:https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8mAFu8AQNdJfiBS33qWvTA 中天綜藝攏底家:https://www.facebook.com/36tvshow 《康熙來了》 :https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLD97A53B76747131E 《大學生了沒》:https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL1EACA2F821AA5074 《SS小燕之夜》:https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL591A2E9E1370F50B 《真的不一樣》:http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLvrTMNP6Iw6o9Fnm-yf2oLaL3IkUQpu1O 《真的!了不起》http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLvrTMNP6Iw6qkG3cpWraSi_QlYuHnvHve
王力宏 2015 全新全創作個人專輯《你的愛。》 四年醞釀,累積愛的音樂能量 回歸愛的原點、成全愛的失去、找回愛的勇氣 1/9 全面預購,1/23 正式發行。 -------------------------------------------------- 王力宏新專輯首波主打《就是現在》 我的夢不是未來 就是現在 東方文化 日漸崛起 華人潮流 躍升主流 就是現在 華流站穩世界舞台 『無時無刻的華流正向能量』 預計於2015年1月16日上映的黑帽駭客Blackhat,是由王力宏,湯唯,以及「雷神」克里斯漢斯沃Chris Hemsworth所主演的好萊塢國際電影鉅片,在拍片過程中,力宏對於大環境的現狀有感,因而在飯店創作出[就是現在]這首歌曲。 『華流興起,世界關注』 接到導演麥可曼恩Michael Mann的電影劇本後,力宏對於世界時局有了一些不同的認知與體悟,他發現西方世界對東方世界逐漸改觀,華人演員不再限於帶口音的英文,拳腳功夫的陪襯角色,亦不會只淪於詭譎的陰險反派。 這個大躍進激起了力宏的創作靈感,為此寫下了[就是現在]這首歌曲,洋溢了正向能量,並鼓舞了華人的內斂之心,傳達現在時機正好,出就像是天文現象之中九星連成一線般的難得,以及人應把握現狀的積極之心。 『歌詞與譜曲的琢磨』 這首詞曲由力宏一手包辦,滿溢蓄勢待發的正能量,為音樂本體增添戲劇效果的立體感,其中歌詞加入了友人章子怡與張震在電影臥虎藏龍中的劇中角色名,饒富趣味。 全台唱片行、7-11全面預購中。 《你的愛。》博客來實體專輯預購 http://www.books.com.tw/exep/cdfile.php?item=0020183702 《你的愛。》iTunes數位專輯預購 https://itunes.apple.com/tw/album/ni-de-ai/id955720690?l=z...
【欢迎订阅湖南卫视官方频道: http://goo.gl/tl9QpW】 湖南卫视2017跨年演唱会播放列表: https://goo.gl/WSJpYZ ■□ 更多官方资讯 欢迎关注我们社交网络页面 ■□ 全员加速中Facebook粉丝专页: https://goo.gl/HjzC1n 一年级官方Facebook粉丝专页: https://goo.gl/4KDRkL 中国湖南卫视官方 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/hntvchina 中国湖南卫视官方 Twitter: https://twitter.com/HUNANTVCHINA 爸爸去哪儿官方 Facebook 粉丝专页:https://goo.gl/FfFhCb 偶像来了官方 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/upidol ■□ 更多其他湖南卫视精彩节目【官方超清1080P】■□ 《爸爸去哪儿》第四季 整片播放列表: http://goo.gl/dN8YM9 《真正男子汉》第二季 播放列表:https://goo.gl/Pe5Aqn 《真正男子汉》官方版 全集: http://goo.gl/hCHHHs 《头号惊喜》官方版 播放列表:https://goo.gl/J7wJOx 《一年级·毕业季》全集: https://goo.gl/sgsSAO 《我们来了》第二季 全集: https://goo.gl/s0cDA9 《夏日甜心》官方 全集: https://goo.gl/jG0Sdv 《完美假期》第二季 全集: https://goo.gl/pzyUEn 《完美观察室》官方版 全集: https://goo.gl/ovzQ40 《开普勒452b》官方版 全集: https://goo.gl/adqoTN 《我想和你唱》官方版 全...
LEGIT PIANO SKILLS. Leehom performing "You're Not Here" (aka Ni Bu Zai 你不在) and "The One and Only" (aka Wei Yi 唯一) on the piano in the Taipei Arena; from his Music-Man concert DVD. "Ni Bu Zai" is a ballad single from Leehom's 2003 album Unbelievable, and "Wei Yi" is another from Leehom's 2001 album The One and Only (c) Sony Music Entertainment Taiwan 2009
Leehom singing forever love at his Heroes of Earth concert
Special guest of the night is westlife and they perform a song together
Our movie 'Everything Before Us' is now available for PRE-ORDER here! https://vimeo.com/ondemand/everythingbeforeus Please support and spread the word! This life holds infinite possibilities. A street performer in one life. An international megastar in another. Which will you choose? Director's Commentary: http://wongfuproductions.com/2014/01/one-ft-wang-leehom-new-video/ Special thanks to HTC for helping us make this happen Written and Directed by Wong Fu Productions Featuring Wang Leehom http://facebook.com/wangleehom Danni Wang https://www.facebook.com/DanniWangFanPage Original Song "As Long As I Have You" by Wang Leehom Original score: Kenson Lee https://soundcloud.com/rikognition PAs: Casey Tackett, Brenda Hu Translation: Jean Wu Special Thanks: HTC America Caty Truei Jon True...
last song from the concert
Asian Pop Star Wang LeeHom (王力宏) performs his hit single Wei Yi (The One and Only) (唯一) in his first performance in Los Angeles at the Hollywood Bowl for An Evening of Chinese Splendor on July 5, 2014.
Leehom's concert footage, very emoyional part when singing ni bu zai
Drawing on the lessons of his experience growing up in the US and then migrating East, Wang Leehom talks about Chinese pop music and the ability of music and pop culture to strengthen the relationship between the East and West. SUBSCRIBE for more speakers ► http://is.gd/OxfordUnion Facebook @ http://fb.me/theoxfordunion Twitter @ http://www.twitter.com/OxfordUnion Oxford Union Website @ http://www.oxford-union.org/ MIXTAPE: http://www.wangleehom.com/OxfordMixtape Wang Leehom FACEBOOK: http://www.facebook.com/leehom Wang Leehom YOUTUBE: http://www.youtube.com/officialwangleehom Filmed on Sunday 21st April 2013 ABOUT WANG LEEHOM: The first Chinese pop star and actor to be invited speak at the Oxford Union, Wang Leehom is the perfect ambassador for Chinese pop music and commentator on the ...
Singer-songwriter, producer, and actor Leehom Wang ’98 in conversation with Professor of Music W. Anthony Sheppard and Andrew Jaffe, Lyell B. Clay Artist in Residence in Jazz and senior lecturer in music. June 4, 2016. Williams College Commencement 2016.
1. 王力宏 - 前奏 (Intro) 2. 王力宏 - 天翻地覆 (Heaven and Earth Overturned) 3. 王力宏 - 裂心 (Cracked Heart) 4. 王力宏 ft. Avicii - 忘我 (Lose Myself) 5. 王力宏 - 你的爱 (Your Love) 6. 王力宏 - 就是现在 (Now Is the Time) 7. 王力宏 - 七十亿分之一 (7 Billion To 1) 8. 王力宏 - In Your Eyes 9. 王力宏 - 保护 (Protect) 10. 王力宏 - 梦寐以求 (Dream Life) 11. 王力宏 - 微博控 (Weibo Song) 12. 王力宏 ft. 章子怡 - 爱一点 (Love a Little)
Blackhat cast Chris Hemsworth, Wang Leehom, Viola Davis, Wei Tang and director Michael Mann press interviews. Watch more Blackhat interviews Chris Hemsworth ► http://youtu.be/EvxPqTwhnkQ Wang Leehom ► http://youtu.be/UTQ806Z9RPw Viola Davis ► http://youtu.be/rmFtNdXfN6E Michael Mann ► http://youtu.be/E60WmIyHwZc Blackhat comic con panel ► http://youtu.be/V9zj2gR4y4I Subscribe for more! ► http://bit.ly/FlicksSubscribe Movie & TV Interviews, Reviews & Videos ► http://bit.ly/FlicksSubscribe Game of Thrones Interviews, Reviews & Videos ► http://bit.ly/GameOfThronesVideos Comic Con Panels, Interviews & Videos ► http://bit.ly/SDCCPanelVideos More Flicks And The City below! Website ► http://FlicksAndTheCity.com Facebook ► http://facebook.com/FlicksAndTheCity Twitter ► http://twitter.com/FlicksC...
王力宏,亲自到台湾的松山高中,细心地教导合唱团的学生唱歌。歌曲名为《手牵手》。 Wang Lee Hom went to Song Shan Senior High School to teach the students to sing. The name of the song is "Shou Qian Shou", means hand in hand. Original source: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dfCeN5paNP8
Wang Leehom and Zhang Ziyi gave a press conference at the ArtScience Museum at Marina Bay Sands to promote their new film, My Lucky Star, which was partially shot in Singapore. Directed by American filmmaker Dennie Gordon, My Lucky Star tells the story of travel agent Sophie, played by Zhang, who embarks on the adventure of a lifetime after she wins a trip to Singapore and becomes embroiled in a handsome super spy's (Wang Leehom) mission to retrieve a stolen diamond. The film is the standalone prequel to 2009's Chinese box office hit Sophie's Revenge, which starred Zhang, Fan Bingbing, Peter Ho and Korean actor So Ji-sub. My Lucky Star premieres in Singapore on Sept 19.
cast: Leehom Wang, Stephen Fung Tak-Lun, Sammo Hung Kam-Bo, Gigi Leung Wing-Kei, Kristy Yeung Kung-Yu, Yuen Biao, Cecilia Yip Tung, Chin Kar-Lok, Roy Cheung Yiu-Yeung, Ekin Cheng Yee-Kin, Ron Smoorenburg.
A-Pop 亞洲流行音樂 YouTube 頻道誕生了!! 立即訂閱 A-Pop 頻道(www.youtube.com/APop) 馬上欣賞到來自台港、日、韓最夯熱行流行音樂! ! 迎接A-Pop誕生.特別企劃《 A-Pop Star Week 》 拉近你與巨星們距離.全球直播全週鎖定中 歡迎至C-Pop on Google+華語流行音樂圈了解詳情。 (http://google.com/+CPop ) 《 A-Pop Star Week 》 3/8 SHINee #apopshinee 3/9 王力宏 (Wang Lee Hom) #apopleehom 3/10 Super Junior #apopsuperjunior 3/11 Kyary Pamyu Pamyu #apopkyary 3/12 flumpool #apopflumpool 3/13 2PM #apop2pm 3/14 Mayday (五月天) #apopmayday 更多華語流行巨星訊息,請到 http://google.com/+CPop 更多日本流行巨星訊息,請到 http://google.com/+JPop 更多韓國流行巨星訊息,請到 http://google.com/+KPop A-Pop 亞洲流行音樂頻道 www.youtube.com/APop
Leehom Wang - XX...Best & More 1995-2015, 20th Anniversary. 王力宏 力宏二十 二十周年唯一精選 2015年索尼音樂娛樂 Mandarin 國語 Tracklist: 01. 公轉自轉 (OT:My Heart Holds The Love) (改編詞:姚謙 曲:Samuel Waermo/Pontus Soderqvist) (00:00) 02. 唯一 (詞:王力宏 曲:王力宏) (04:19) 03. 你不知道的事 (詞:王力宏/洪瑞業 曲:王力宏) (08:40) 04. 流淚手心 (詞:許常德 曲:王力宏) (13:19) 05. 情敵貝多芬 (詞:姚若龍 曲:洪晟文) (18:15) 06. 永遠的第一天 (詞:易家揚 曲:王力宏) (21:52) 07. 心跳 (詞:王力宏/易家揚 曲:王力宏) (26:48) 08. 落葉歸根 (詞:鄺裕民 曲:鄺裕民) (31:11) 09. Julia (詞:施立 曲:王力宏) (36:26) 10. 愛的就是你 (詞:王力宏/黃諼諼/樓南蔚 曲:王力宏) (40:59) 11. 如果你聽見我的歌 (詞:劉虞瑞 曲:王力宏) (45:48) 12. 愛你等於愛自己 (OT:Someone To Hold Me Tonight) (改編詞:林夕 曲:Gicho/Soderqvist) (50:47) 13. 好想你 (詞:林燕岑 曲:楊鎮丞) (54:44) 14. 安全感 (詞:王力宏/何啟弘 曲:王力宏) (59:12) 15. 在每一秒裡都想見到你 (詞:姚若龍/王力宏 曲:王力宏) (1:03:24) 16. 需要人陪 (詞:王力宏 曲:王力宏) (1:07:54) 17. 愛的奇蹟 (日語) (詞:王力宏 曲:王力宏) (1:12:03) 18. 好心...
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Part 1 of the long awaited Talk Asia Interview Aired on 14 January 2009, 10pm (CNN) -- He performed to a watching audience of millions at the closing ceremony of the Beijing Olympic Games, but conducting the Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra has been the most nerve-wracking thing the American-Chinese pop star Wang Leehom has undertaken for some time. "I think I always throw myself in these impossible situations and then see if I can scramble out of them and gain something from these experiences," he told CNN during rehearsals for the December performances. "Standing in front of the orchestra was intimidating at times, but I think we got through it, and I think we made some exciting waves in town. We definitely got the crowd excited about it." Leehom has certainly made waves with ...
Watch the FINISHED video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=StCtPtPtmkc Did you see the preproduction? Watch here:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QMWoRSV_7gA Watch a full interview with Leehom here: http://bit.ly/nI54Pc An in depth look at one of our biggest shoots ever. Making a music video for international popstar Wang Leehom! SUBSCRIBE: http://youtube.com/wongfuproductions FACEBOOK: http://facebook.com/wongfuproductions TWITTER OFFICIAL: http://twitter.com/wongfupro TED FU: http://twitter.com/tedfu WESLEY CHAN: http://twitter.com/thewesleychan PHILIP WANG: http://twitter.com/philipwang OFFICIAL: http://wongfuproductions.com STORE: http://areyouaniceguy.com
http://www.joblo.com Leehom Wang Interview - Blackhat (HD) 2015, Michael Mann A furloughed convict and his American and Chinese partners hunt a high-level cybercrime network from Chicago to Los Angeles to Hong Kong to Jakarta. Directed by: Michael Mann Written by: Morgan Davis Foehl and Michael Mann Starring: Chris Hemsworth, Viola Davis, Wei Tang, Holt McCallany, William Mapother, John Ortiz
Lee Hom and Jay Chou are interviewed at a award ceremony in Taiwan. They're asked to sing each other's song Translation (all credits to elvenchamp!) Paraphrasing: There are two very good singers that are always being compared today. But what do they feel or think about it? Jay, what do you think of Wang Lee Hom? Jay: Well i think he's pretty handsome but besides just being good looking, he's abilities/personality is very moving. He also preservere's through the hard times and he would support him if he changed no matter for good or bad. Announcer: If you support him, do you listen to his songs? Jay sings Leehom's 唯一 (Wei Yi), the one and only. Announcer: Wang Lee Hom, discuss Jay Chou Lee Hom: I feel Jay is very talented and skilled and I think I'm speaking for everyone her...
The wait is finally over!! Here's the full version of our interview with Leehom Wang! Follow us on Twitter @sbspopasia and 'like' us at facebook.com/sbspopasia for more on Asian Pop!!
Old interview but a 'classic'. :-) These are more the "outtakes" of the actual interview but I really think the outtakes are more interesting than the actual interview ;-D ~~~~ Cut part from this 40-minutes-clip: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eiNXesvW4vc