20 March 2017

US blocks statement opposing protectionism in G20 communiqué

By Nick Beams, 20 March 2017

While attempts were made by G20 finance ministers to downplay the significance of the breach with the US, the decision to drop resistance to protectionism is a significant step towards a global trade war.

Merkel and Trump hold crisis talks in Washington

Trump, Tillerson press China for action against North Korea

By Peter Symonds, 20 March 2017

Despite his muted public remarks in Beijing, the US secretary of state had already made clear that “all options,” including military ones, were on the table to deal with Pyongyang.

US threats against North Korea and the danger of war in Asia

Former Australian ambassador calls for foreign policy turn toward China

By James Cogan, 20 March 2017

FitzGerald’s proposals reveal the impotence of the Australian ruling elite in the face of the decline in America’s global dominance.

FBI director to testify on wiretapping, Russia hacking charges

By Patrick Martin, 20 March 2017

James Comey will appear before the House Intelligence Committee, speaking publicly on both issues for the first time.

More on the Trump presidency »

Despite Trump’s anti-immigrant hysteria, US polls show broad support for immigrants

By Eric London, 20 March 2017

A CNN poll shows that 90 percent of Americans, including 84 percent of Trump supporters, believe the government should help immigrants living in the US acquire citizenship.

Detroit refugee aid facility may close due to federal cuts

By our reporters, 20 March 2017

Freedom House, a facility in Detroit that has helped asylum seekers for decades, may be forced to close due to the cutoff of federal funding.

Trump taunts judicial branch as judges block second travel ban

More on the attacks on immigrants »

Key House Republicans and Trump agree to Medicaid block grants, work requirements

By Kate Randall, 20 March 2017

Under a block grant, states would receive a fixed annual amount of federal funding, forcing them to either cut benefits or remove people from the program altogether

Trump budget to fund wider wars by slashing domestic spending

French police fire tear gas at protesters amid clampdown over Orly airport shooting

By our reporters, 20 March 2017

Social tensions are rising in the run-up to the April-May elections, amid a relentlessly right-wing, law-and-order atmosphere whipped up by all factions of the ruling elite.

Europe-wide demonstrations in defence of migrants and refugees

By Robert Stevens, 20 March 2017

Speakers at the London demonstration, including Trades Union Congress leader Frances O’Grady, declared token opposition to the treatment of refugees by May and Trump, which commits them to doing absolutely nothing.

Growing criticism of the EU in Poland after the re-election of Tusk

By Clara Weiss, 20 March 2017

At the EU summit, Poland was the only country to vote against Donald Tusk's re-election as president of the European Council.

Poverty in Germany reaches new record high

By Elisabeth Zimmermann, 20 March 2017

12.9 million people in Germany are living in poverty, according to a report presented at the beginning of March.

Death toll rises from Peru’s El Niño flooding

By Cesar Uco, 20 March 2017

The disaster has exposed the inability of the Peruvian government to either prepare for or properly respond to increasingly frequent climatic catastrophes.

Australian Labor Party and unions assist closure of Hazelwood power plant

By Paul Bartizan and Oscar Grenfell, 20 March 2017

The state Labor government’s union-backed worker transfer scheme will not defend a single job.

New in Spanish

¿Por qué estudiar la Revolución Rusa?

Por David North, 20 marzo 2017

Publicamos el texto de una conferencia entregada el 11 de marzo por David North, el presidente del Consejo Editorial del World Socialist Web Site, la primera de cinco charlas internacionales presentadas en línea por el Comité Internacional de la Cuarta Internacional para conmemorar el centenario de la Revolución Rusa de 1917.

EE.UU. amenaza a Corea del Norte y suscita peligro de guerra en Asia

Por Andre Damon, 20 marzo 2017

Mientras que el gobierno de Trump se encamina hacia una guerra en Asia-Pacífico, ni la prensa ni la élite política están discutiendo sus consecuencias.

La alianza corporativista entre la UAW y Trump

Por Niles Niemuth, 20 marzo 2017

La participación de Dennis Williams, líder de la UAW, en una reunión con el presidente Trump y la patronal de la industria del automóvil para impulsar el proyecto nacionalista America First, es una evidencia más de la naturaleza antiobrera de los sindicatos.

Merkel y Trump sostienen conversaciones de crisis en Washington

Por Johannes Stern, 20 marzo 2017

Tensiones entre Alemania y los EE.UU. han subido a su punto más alto desde el fin de la Segunda Guerra Mundial.

Un juez federal detiene la prohibición de viajar de Trump

Por Patrick Martin, 20 marzo 2017

El fallo cita numerosas declaraciones del candidato Donald Trump declarando su intención de prohibir a los musulmanes entrar a Estados Unidos.

Asalto en barco en la costa de Yemen mata a más de 40 refugiados somalíes

Por Niles Niemuth, 20 marzo 2017

El asalto del viernes destaca la histórica crisis humanitaria que está envolviendo una parte significativa del continente africano y Oriente Medio.

New in French

Macron promet de rétablir le service militaire universel en France

Par Alexandre Lantier, 20 mars 2017

L'annonce du candidat actuellement favori pour remporter l'élection présidentielle française constitue un avertissement pour la population de la France et du monde.

Les menaces américaines contre la Corée du Nord et le risque de guerre en Asie

Par André Damon, 20 mars 2017

Avec l’administration Trump qui trace la voie vers la guerre dans l’Asie-Pacifique, il n’y a aucune discussion dans des médias américains et l’establishment politique des conséquences catastrophiques qu’elle pourrait avoir.

Merkel et Trump engagent des négociations de crise à Washington

Par Johannes Stern, 20 mars 2017

Les tensions entre l’Allemagne et les États-Unis atteignent leur plus haut niveau depuis la Seconde guerre mondiale

Pays-Bas : virage à droite des partis traditionnels après les élections

Par Peter Schwarz, 20 mars 2017

La défaite de Geert Wilders aux élections néerlandaises n’a pas entravé la croissance du nationalisme et de la xénophobie, elle l’a amplifié au sein des partis traditionnels.

New in German

Amerikas Drohungen gegen Nordkorea und die Kriegsgefahr in Asien

Von Andre Damon, 20. März 2017

Während die Trump-Regierung auf einen Krieg im asiatischen Pazifik zusteuert, findet in den amerikanischen Medien und im politischen Establishment keinerlei Diskussion über dessen katastrophale Folgen statt.

Außenpolitische Wende 2.0: Steinmeier beerbt Gauck

Von Johannes Stern, 20. März 2017

Gauck hat sich in seiner Amtszeit wie kaum ein anderer Bundespräsident für die Rückkehr des deutschen Militarismus stark gemacht. Mit Steinmeier soll dieses Projekt nun fortgesetzt und intensiviert werden.

Indien: Dreizehn Maruti-Suzuki-Arbeiter zu lebenslanger Haft verurteilt

Von Keith Jones, 20. März 2017

Indiens herrschende Elite hat an den Maruti-Suzuki-Arbeitern ein brutales Exempel statuiert. Damit will sie die Arbeiterklasse einschüchtern und Investoren zeigen, dass sie die vorherrschenden Ausbeutungsbedingungen aufrecht erhalten wird.

Other Languages


Thirteen sentenced to life imprisonment in India
Free the framed-up Maruti Suzuki workers!

20 March 2017

Thirteen Maruti Suzuki workers have been condemned to life in prison as the result of a monstrous frame-up mounted by the automaker, the police and judicial authorities, with the full complicity of India’s principal political parties.

Earlier Perspectives »

Centenary of the Russian Revolution

This week in the Russian Revolution
March 20-26: Dual Power in Russia

20 March 2017

In the vacuum left by the abrupt and ignominious collapse of the “filthy and blood-stained cart of the Romanov monarchy,” to use Lenin’s words, a precarious configuration of “dual power” emerged in Petrograd.

This week in the Russian Revolution
March 13-19: Tsar Nicholas abdicates

The Legacy of 1905 and the Strategy of the Russian Revolution
Second online lecture on centenary of the Russian Revolution to be held this Saturday

Fred Williams, translator of many Russian-language works of history and literature, will speak on the Russian revolution of 1905, the first great revolutionary upheaval of the twentieth century.

Writings of Leon Trotsky on The Russian Revolution

Writings of Trotsky from 1917
War or Peace? (Internal Forces of the Revolution)

By Leon Trotsky, 20 March 2017

The WSWS is publishing new translations of Trotsky’s writings from February-March 1917. In many cases, these articles are available in English for the first time. In this article, Trotsky writes, “The international struggle against world-wide slaughter and imperialism is now our task more than ever before.”

Writings of Trotsky from 1917
Two Faces (Internal Forces of the Russian Revolution)

18 March 2017

Writings of Trotsky from 1917
The Growing Conflict

18 March 2017


Pseudo-left groups champion Scottish National Party’s independence referendum demand

By Chris Marsden, 20 March 2017

Access to the European Single Market is the sole genuine concern of the Scottish National Party’s business backers, and it is one shared by broad sections of big business throughout the UK.

International Socialist Organization, Socialist Alternative promote Democrats and courts as defenders of immigrants

By Eric London, 18 March 2017

Canadian media denounces exposure of foreign minister’s grandfather as Nazi collaborator

By Roger Jordan and Keith Jones, 18 March 2017

Letter from a Syrian reader: “There is a new sentiment of solidarity in the ranks of the poor people”

18 March 2017

Israel air raid targets government positions as Syrian conflict intensifies

More on the war in Syria »

Netherlands: Following elections, establishment parties shift to the right

By Peter Schwarz, 18 March 2017

Garbage dump landslide kills over 110 in Ethiopia

By Eddie Haywood, 18 March 2017

The UAW’s corporatist alliance with Trump

Workers Struggles

Coal miner killed at mine owned by West Virginia governor

By Clement Daly, 18 March 2017

Sanders seeks to cast the Democrats as ally of coal miners at West Virginia town hall

Workers have the right to study the full contract!
Caterpillar-UAW deal: An anti-worker conspiracy

By Marcus Day, 18 March 2017


Free speech under attack at NYU: IYSSE appeals second rejection of club status

By Isaac Finn, 18 March 2017

New York University students denounce decision against IYSSE club status

New York University rejects club status for IYSSE for second semester

More on the fight for democratic rights at NYU »


Trump’s anti-immigrant orders and the Fugitive Slave Act of 1850

By Tom Mackaman, 14 March 2017

There are many parallels—and even a direct connection—between the notorious Fugitive Slave Act and Trump’s executive orders attacking immigrants.


Bitter Harvest: Ukrainian nationalist fantasy as film

By Jason Melanovski, 18 March 2017

Raoul Peck’s The Young Karl Marx

By Peter Schwarz, 15 March 2017

Revolution: New Art for a New World—A careless, unserious treatment of Russian Revolutionary art

New Greek Translation

Greek translation of “Socialism and the centenary of the Russian Revolution: 1917-2017”

We are publishing here the Greek translation of the January 3 perspective article “Socialism and the centenary of the Russian Revolution: 1917-2017” by David North and Joe Kishore.

The defense of immigrant rights

"Anyone whom ICE suspects of crime can be deported"
Interview with Alan Diamante, attorney for detained immigrant Romulo Avelica-Gonzalez

By Zac Corrigan, Marc Wells and Kevin Martinez, 11 March 2017

“This is class warfare!”
Video: Protesters oppose deportation of Rómulo Avelica-González

Video: Daughters of Rómulo Avelica-González, detained for deportation in Los Angeles, speak out

Immigration under capitalism: Life and death along the US-Mexico border
Part Four

By Eric London, 7 March 2017

More on the attacks on immigrants »

Socialist Equality Party

German ICFI section adopts new name

By Socialist Equality Party (Germany), 28 February 2017