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This is the globalization category.

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  1. Fourth International Journal V. 20 No. 1: Capital, Labor and the Nation State

    Fourth International Journal V. 20 No. 1: Capital, Labor and the Nation State

    This volume contains: Capital Labor and the Nation State The Role of Stalinism in Germany The Political Background of the Restoration of Capitalism in China Why There are no Strong Socio Political Left Movement in Russia Bolshevism and the Avant Guard Artists Permanent Revolution and the National Question Today Learn More
  2. The Crisis of the World Capitalist System: The Perspectives and Tasks of the Socialist Equality Party 2008- 2010 (PDF)

    The Crisis of the World Capitalist System: The Perspectives and Tasks of the Socialist Equality Party 2008- 2010 (PDF)

    The Socialist Equality Party was incomparable in its ability to predict and assess the global financial collapse of September 2008. In the three years following the collapse of the housing bubble, the SEP laid out its perspectives for the resurgence of working class struggle.

    The three reports in this pamphlet track the development of the most profound economic crisis since the Great Depression, and outline the urgent tasks facing the international working class—more relevant today than ever.

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  3. The Breakdown of Capitalism and the Fight for Socialism in the United States:  Program of the Socialist Equality Party (PDF)

    The Breakdown of Capitalism and the Fight for Socialism in the United States: Program of the Socialist Equality Party (PDF)

    A fighting revolutionary program for the American working class, adopted by the First National Congress of the Socialist Equality Party in August 2010, this document lays out an analysis of the global economic crisis, its political implications and the tasks of the working class. The SEP program outlines a series of basic social rights for jobs, education and culture, health care and democratic rights—all of which are under attack within the current capitalist system—and can only be won by the mobilization of the working class.

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  4. The Economic Crisis and the Return of History (PDF)

    The Economic Crisis and the Return of History (PDF)

    David North, in three lectures delivered within a few months of the 2008 collapse of Lehman Brothers, argues that the rapid growth of social inequality rooted in the historic crisis of the capitalist system, will bring on titanic class struggles internationally. The crisis of 2008 represented a turning point in American and world capitalism.

    Published in 2012, and drawing attention to the mass upsurges of 2011, the themes in these lectures are indispensable for workers and youth currently entering onto the stage of history.

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  5. The Economic Crisis & the Return of History

    The Economic Crisis & the Return of History

    The economic crash of 2008, starting with the collapse of Lehman Brothers, set off the deepest world recession since the 1930s, and led to the destruction of tens of millions of jobs internationally. World governments, led by the newly-elected Obama administration, handed out trillions of dollars to ensure the bad debts of the banks and of financial speculators, even while imposing 50% wage cuts on US autoworkers and impoverishment of the broad population.

    David North, chairman of the International Editorial Board of the World Socialist Web Site, argues that the rapid growth of social inequality, rooted in the historic crisis of the capitalist system, will bring on titanic class struggles internationally. The complete breakdown of democratic forms of government, the turn to the far-right by today's ruling elites, the mad pursuit of escalating wars, and the emergence of working class struggle, all provide further confirmation that far from being at an end, "History" is very much with us.

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  6. The Crisis of the World Capitalist System: The Perspectives and Tasks of the Socialist Equality Party 2008- 2010

    The Crisis of the World Capitalist System: The Perspectives and Tasks of the Socialist Equality Party 2008- 2010

    The Socialist Equality Party was incomparable in its ability to predict and assess the global financial collapse of September 2008. In the three years following the collapse of the housing bubble, the SEP laid out its perspectives for the resurgence of working class struggle. Learn More
  7. A Contribution to the Critique of Political Economy

    A Contribution to the Critique of Political Economy

    First published in 1859, this work by Karl Marx was a preparation for the writing of Capital. In the preface Marx gives a brilliant exposition of the method of historical materialism. (hard cover) Learn More
  8. The Significance and Implications of Globalisation: A Marxist Assessment

    The Significance and Implications of Globalisation: A Marxist Assessment

    This lecture by Nick Beams is one of seven delivered to the 1998 international symposium Marxism and the Fundamental Problems of the 20th Century by the International Committee of the Fourth International in Sydney, Australia. Learn More
  9. The Globalization of Capitalist Production and the International Tasks of the Working Class: Perspectives Resolution of the Workers League

    The Globalization of Capitalist Production and the International Tasks of the Working Class: Perspectives Resolution of the Workers League

    1993 perspectives resolution of the Workers League (forerunner of the Socialist Equality Party US) Learn More
  10. World economic crisis bundle

    World economic crisis bundle

    A good introductory collection for those new to socialism. These writings explain the origins of the 2008 financial crash and outline a socialist perspective for the working class. It is a good compliment to the Socialist Starter Bundle and the SEP Bundle for those seeking to understand the basic conceptions of Marxism without overly complex words and in straightforward terms.

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