Bishop’s Castle Walking Festival 2017

in the Shropshire Hills

13 – 17 May 2017

~ the friendliest of walking festivals

Welcome to our eighteenth Walking Festival, held over five days in May when the countryside is at its best.

Bishop’s Castle is a small market town surrounded by the wonderful  Shropshire Hills Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty.  It’s near the Welsh border and off the beaten track.  It is a welcoming place. Local footpaths take walkers over open hilltops with impressive views, through valleys, hamlets, country lanes and sometimes the remains of ancient hill forts.


Friendly and informal, our guided walks are led by experienced local volunteers and offer great choice. Walks vary from 3.5 to 14 miles, cover a variety of terrain and are classified as leisurely, moderate, energetic and strenuous. Leaders are happy to answer any queries about their walks, so please don’t hesitate to contact them. For any other enquiries contact us:

Walks, apart from three ‘specials’, cost £3 per person per walk; under-sixteens are free, though must be accompanied by an adult.  Our Walk Details show any other costs involved, like possible transport fees. Where transport is needed to the start of the walk, we have tried to use local buses or community transport.  Eight walks will involve car-sharing – something we are introducing to the Festival for the first time this year. Where walks finish in Bishop’s Castle or near a café or pub, there will be the option of tea and cakes or a pint.

We have five evening events planned and, following feedback from last year, a meal is included with four of these. See the Festival Programme  page.

Accommodation providers in and around Bishop’s Castle:



The Small Print

  • Please note we cannot guarantee a place on any walk which has not been booked.
  • Bookings will close at 6pm on the day before the walk.
  • The Walk Leaders’ mobile phone numbers will be printed on the tickets. This is for last minute problems only on the night before and the morning of the walk. For all other queries, contact us:
  • Please come prepared for all weather, hills and mud and bring suitable clothing and footwear.
  • Please bring drink and food as suggested in the walk details. Food to take away is available in the town.
  • Even in the worst of weathers, Walk Leaders will always be at the meeting point and make a decision about walking.
  • No dogs please because of sheep and cattle in the fields

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