Monthly Archives: September 2011

Weekly Wrap-Up for September 30th, 2011

“A tall black figure, which a belated passer-by in the distance might have taken for a phantom, appeared erect upon the parapet of the quay, bent over towards the Seine, then drew itself up again, and fell straight down into … Continue reading

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Buy Me a Drink First – Second Base in Art History

The amazing blog, WTF Art History took my suggestion for writing a post about famous fondlings in Art History. Check it out here! My parents must be so proud ♥

CATEGORIES: From the Desk of FLUX | Leave a comment

The Armour to Survive the Reality of Everyday Life

“If you don’t take money, they can’t tell you what to do. That’s the key to the whole thing.” -Bill Cunningham If I had a grandfather, I would want him to be like Bill.  Never thought I would get bleary … Continue reading

CATEGORIES: From the Desk of FLUX, Phantom Project | Leave a comment

Matters of the Flesh

(Girl With a Pearl Earring, Johannes Vermeer) So, I got to thinking about a conversation I had with Fenway Studio artist David Lowrey this past spring while meeting with him to toss around ideas for his new website.

CATEGORIES: Art Education | Leave a comment

Weekly Wrap-Up for September 23rd, 2011

Hey! Not so fast. It’s time for the wrap-up! MICE x On the Shore x The Lead Shoes x Sounding Board

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Were You There? FLUX. Offline Opening Reception.

Rewan Al-Haddad‘s glamour shots from the FLUX. Offline opening are online! A few of my favorites after the jump..

CATEGORIES: In the 25th Hour | Leave a comment

Web Finds For September 20th, 2011

(The Island, Walton Ford) Well. Now that FLUX. Offline has left the nest, I’m free again to do what I do best. Unintentionally rhyme and lurk the internet. just in time x frivolous wolves x maquina de sueños x history’s shadow

CATEGORIES: Web Finds | Leave a comment

Aiming at Perfection

(Liberty Leading the People, Eugene Delacroix) “The Artist who aims at perfection in everything achieves it in nothing.” – Eugene Delacroix ♥

CATEGORIES: Inspiration | Leave a comment

Weekly Wrap-Up for September 16th, 2011

(No Ark, Sally B. Moore, currently on view at the Barbara Krakow Gallery) I think they are on to something.   Flights of Fancy x Human/Nature x Chronicler of the Absurd x The Exploding Company Man

CATEGORIES: Weekly Wrap-Up | Leave a comment

This One Goes Out..

to you. ♥

CATEGORIES: From the Desk of FLUX | Leave a comment