Standard & Poor's reiterates Australian credit rating warning

Updated November 22, 2016 12:14:01

Ratings agency Standard & Poor's has reiterated its warning that Australia's AAA sovereign credit rating is under imminent threat without more budget savings or revenue measures.

Key points:

  • S&P to monitor Australia's budget performance over the next six-12 months
  • Labor calls on Government to adopt its capital gains tax, negative gearing and super policies
  • Treasurer says Government will push ahead with corporate tax cut

In July, the global ratings giant put Australia's credit rating on a negative outlook, meaning there is a one-in-three chance of a downgrade from AAA within the next two years.

However, in response to a Deloitte report predicting further blowouts in Australia's budget deficit, S&P has warned Commonwealth politicians that they may not have that long before ratings action is taken.

"As we said in July, we will continue to monitor, over the next six-to-12 months, the success or otherwise of the new Government's ability to pass revenue and expenditure measures through both houses of Parliament," S&P's head of sovereign ratings Craig Michaels said.

"Whether we maintain our AAA rating or not partly rests on the Government's willingness and ability to enact new budget savings or revenue measures to reduce fiscal deficits materially over the next few years."

Opposition calls on Government to adopt its tax changes

For its part, the Opposition has responded by saying it is open to negotiating with the Government.

"Where it's possible, we've shown we can do that. Again, with the omnibus savings bill and we'll pass the superannuation legislation, but we'll continue to lead the debate," shadow treasurer Chris Bowen said.

Audio: Bowen says revenue problem needs to be addressed in light of budget warning (Breakfast)

However, Mr Bowen told RN Breakfast that there are limits to the savings measures Labor can support on fairness grounds, and he again urged the Government to consider various revenue measures put forward by Labor.

"If the Government was serious about protecting the AAA rating, first they'd adopt our plans on negative gearing and capital gains tax," he argued.

"They would drop their $50 billion tax cut — I mean the Government's lecturing the Australian people about the need for restraint, while arguing at the same time for a $50 billion corporate tax cut, the biggest single hit on the budget that was provided in the last election campaign.

"And then, finally, the Labor Party's, of course, suggesting improvements to the Government's own superannuation package, which would add an extra $1.4 billion over the next four years and more than $18 billion over the next decade.

"Even if they didn't want to adopt our policy exactly, if they said 'look, we've got a different way of dealing with capital gains tax' or 'we've got a different way of dealing with negative gearing reform' or 'we've got a different way of raising an extra $1.4 billion on super', OK, let's have that conversation."

Government sticks with planned company tax cut

However, there seems little prospect of a deal in these areas, with the Government firmly opposed to negative gearing or capital gains tax changes in the election campaign and showing no sign of backing down on its corporate tax cut pledge.

Audio: Budget will be balanced 'when expenditure is less than revenue' says Treasurer (AM)

Yesterday, Treasurer Scott Morrison warned Australia risked becoming internationally uncompetitive if it did not lower corporate taxes.

"There will be a drain of capital going to the lower tax jurisdictions and where does that leave revenue then?" he asked rhetorically.

"So you have to remain competitive and continue to allow your companies to be able to have the earnings, and that means that they can pay their staff more, that they can give them more hours and that they can take home more. That's how you lift revenue."

The Federal Government will update the budget on December 19 when the Mid-year Economic and Fiscal Outlook (MYEFO) is released.

Topics: budget, federal-government, tax, economic-trends, australia

First posted November 22, 2016 12:09:33