
Infrastructure spending welcomed but rural Queensland remains largely uninspired by federal budget

Updated May 04, 2016 17:04:42

Queensland farm lobby groups have expressed their disappointment that the federal budget did not provide a decision on the controversial backpacker tax.

The Government is undertaking a cross-departmental review of its plan to charge backpackers 32.5 cents for every dollar they earn from July 1.

Industry leaders questioned the Treasury Department's forecast that the backpacker tax would generate $540 million over the next three years.

Nervous wait on backpacker tax

Queensland Farmers' Federation (QFF) CEO Ruth Wade warned that it will now become the key election issue for her members.

Audio: QFF chief executive Ruth Wade says the Government's backpacker tax will become a key election issue (ABC News)

"We didn't get where we needed to get to last night," she said.

"We will be fighting very hard through the election to campaign to ensure that the government addresses this issue."

Agriculture and tourism industry leaders have presented a compromise offer of a flat 19 per cent to the government, which they suggest would raise $315 million.

Queensland Strawberry Growers Association vice-president, Adrian Schultz, said it was frustrating trying to get a clear outcome.

"A lot of the feedback we got from backpackers was that Australia is a fairly expensive place to come to," he said.

"Why would we spend that sort of money coming to somewhere where we're going to lose a third of our pay in tax?

"Anecdotally, there was some evidence that backpacker numbers were already affected.

"Our area alone (at Wamuran) handles up to 7,000 backpackers coming through, so we rely on them a great deal and it has a lot of people worried."

At a board meeting of Queensland strawberry growers on Tuesday night, members were holding onto the hope that the review of the backpacker tax could provide a compromise before the looming Federal election.

Board members had been fielding phone calls from as far away as Tasmania, with growers there equally concerned.

"As far as we were concerned, they said that they realised that it was a wrong decision, a bad decision and that they were going to review it," Mr Schulz said.

"I think there's a lot of backpackers at the moment who are just waiting to see what happens.

"A lot of them have an option to use their second working visa here but if they're going to be taxed as heavily as suggested, some have indicated to us that they won't exercise that right for their second working visa and they'll go elsewhere."

The Minister for Northern Australia, Queensland Senator Matt Canavan, urged the industry to be patient.

Audio: Minister for Northern Australia Matt Canavan says the budget offers plenty for Queenslanders (ABC News)

"There will be answers soon ... I know something is in the works, it just couldn't be concluded before the budget," he said.

"We have been working with industry to come up with a solution."

Rural health left out in the cold

The Rural Doctors Association of Australia (RDAA) said it welcomed some initiatives for regional areas, but that the continuing freeze on Medicare indexation left rural patients in "healthcare Siberia".

President Ewen McPhee said providing care in rural areas was becoming unaffordable for many doctors.

"For a number of years now the amount of money a patient gets back from going to see the doctor if they pay a private fee or the amount that is bulk-billed to the practice has remained unchanged," he said.

"It means that slowly and surely, the ability to be able to deliver care to rural people is becoming more unaffordable for practices and also the gap between what people pay as a private fee and what they get back is widening.

"It's going to really affect the people who can least afford to have this placed upon them, this financial burden."

He said the budget continued the stagnation of investment in the rural health sector.

"We have a situation where rural Australians still have poorer outcomes and I'm talking about all aspects of care, from cancer through to mental health," Dr McPhee said.

"We need an overarching strategy, an overarching area of reform for the rural health sector to improve health outcomes [and] we're not seeing that from the budget."

Toowoomba welcomes $594 million for inland rail

Toowoomba Regional Council mayor Paul Antonio welcomed the funding of the next stage of the long-awaited inland rail project between Melbourne and Brisbane.

The budget allocated $594 million to cover land acquisition in preparation for a 1,700-kilometre inland freight route.

A report by the former deputy prime minister and leader of the National Party John Anderson recommended the project and estimated the cost to be $10 billion.

The project has been touted as transforming the Toowoomba region into a transport hub with an increased export capability for the state's produce.

Mr Antonio said the Federal Government commitment was an essential step in the process.

"I think it is the beginning of a process that will make the primary producers of eastern Australia, and particularly here and further to the west, far more competitive," he said.

The Queensland Resources Council said funding for the inland rail project was a positive but should be open to private investment in a competitive tendering process.

Mr Antonio agreed that competitive tendering should be considered down the track, once the alignment of the rail line was completed.

"I think the government needs to do the next part of the process, but then there could be an opportunity, with the world awash with capital and expertise around building rail, to take this to the private sector," he said.

"Ask for expressions of interest to design, construct, to finance and to operate the line, I am sure that doing a similar process to what was done with the bypass here in Toowoomba, there could be an outstanding outcome."

The QFF's Ms Wade saw the latest funding allocation as a sure sign the project would become a reality.

"It may well be drip-feeding but we've heard too often of programs of $10 billion dreams that don't happen," she said.

"Clearly there is an intent to put the ground work in place for this project to happen and that we think is a step forward."

Queensland resource sector welcomes future funding

While the Federal Government said it was moving the economy away from mining, it has still allocated money towards future explorations.

The program called Exploring for the Future is aimed at improving the long-term survival of the industry, which is in the midst of a downturn.

An amount of $100 million dollars will be allocated to Geoscience Australia to identify major new mineral and gas sites.

Association of Mining and Exploration Companies' Bernie Hogan said he anticipated northern parts of Queensland were some of the most likely areas to be explored.

"It is an area that is significantly under-explored ... it has been prospective in the past," he said.

"That is where Mount Isa is and areas around Cloncurry and we have had very successful operations in that area.

"I would suggest that would be a prospective area where we would start to look for the mineral exploration and mining of the future."

While Mr Hogan said he hoped the new funding would provide an extra boost to investor confidence, he pointed out that more than money was needed to sustain the future of the resources sector.

"The ability for a mine to be produced in remote areas of Queensland, it needs to get through a port or maybe come by rail or by road that can support more traffic," Mr Hogan said.

"It is no good turning around and saying 'there is a fabulous new mine but we cannot get it to market'.

"We have to be sensible and plan and build for the future."

AgForce critical of Federal National Water Infrastructure Loan Scheme

While Senator Canavan argued the Government's $2 billion National Water Infrastructure Loan Facility would provide the catalyst for development, the Queensland broad acre rural lobby group AgForce has viewed the scheme more critically.

General president Grant Maudsley said Queensland's biggest hurdle in getting a water loan would be getting the State Government to acknowledge agriculture.

"I think the State Government certainly has some problems with its policy settings in the rural sense, in terms of providing some leadership," Mr Maudsley said.

"I don't think they have identified one priority agricultural area for water development, as an example.

"People need the certainty to invest and if you have got, at the state level, constant bickering about basic property rights, how are businesses going to evolve into something that is thinking strategically about water infrastructure, when you can't even get the basic policy settings right on land tenure?

"So it may well be a waste of money and it is probably quite foolish of the Federal Government to put all their eggs in one basket."

Ruth Wade from the QFF was more positive in her reaction to the programme saying it would lay the foundations for long term investment.

"I know it's a loan and I know it needs to be done through governments but it provides a pathway for how these things can be funded into the future," she said.

Topics: budget, federal-government, health-policy, rail-transport, rural, brisbane-4000, bundaberg-4670, toowoomba-4350

First posted May 04, 2016 11:27:11