Our Commitment to Fighting Hate Speech

Posted by Mario Paganini on February 08, 2017

Free speech is a fundamental part of the Disqus network. We power diverse discussions across millions of websites, reaching billions of readers. Our platform enables people from across the web and around the world to share, discuss, and debate issues and their beliefs. Whether or not we personally identify with everything posted on our network, we believe in the right to speak our minds and share our ideas.

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Time to go vote!

Posted by Mario Paganini on November 08, 2016

We love to see commenters use Disqus to share their opinions in a free and open environment. Over the past 18+ months we've powered passionate discussions about the 2016 presidential election on the The Hill, Rolling Stone, Breitbart, The Atlantic, CNBC, Mediaite, SayAnythingBlog.com, Red State, and many more sites across the internet. 

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Growing Your Company Community: From Pregnancy to Policy

Posted by Kim Rohrer on August 03, 2016

As Disqus has grown over the years, our company has changed. From the way we talk about our core values to the way we plan projects to the operational policies we create, we’re just not the same company at 50 employees that we were at 15! For the last six years, I’ve worked to create company policies that feel intuitive to the way we operate - natural (but official) extensions of the things we believe and the way we want to behave. After all, building a great community means investing in that community, and company policies are just a set of (sometimes legally-required) community guidelines!

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Disqus Goes to Camp 2016

Posted by Kim Rohrer on July 28, 2016

Last week, Disqussers piled onto a bus and headed off to camp. Our intrepid campers were in for a treat: campfires and s’mores, archery and rock climbing, stargazing and bike trails...and no meetings :)

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Talking with Teens: A Disqus Field Trip

Posted by Kim Rohrer on February 11, 2016

As the web’s community of communities, we pride ourselves on values that allow us to shift perspectives and share in diverse discussions. These values are an integral part of how we operate internally, and are key to the way we make decisions about our products, our business, and our company. One of our core values is making an impact: we make an impact at work, online, and IRL as well.

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Disqus GLIDEs into Community Service

Posted by James Mayagoitia on December 23, 2015

2015, where did you go? Is it me, or does each year seem to go by faster and faster? It certainly went by in the blink of an eye for me. One interesting thing to note, is that Disqus’s Community Service Program has been going strong for 1 year! Go Disqus!

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Game Night V: The Fall Classic

Posted by Tony Hue on November 05, 2015

Last night at Disqus HQ, we hosted our fifth Game Night event. For those unfamiliar, Game Night is our quarterly board game event where we welcome folks for a night of board games, food, and drink. While we host an internal event for Disqussers every month, it’s the public events with the local community that I look forward to the most.

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Disqus Partners with Local Startups to Give Back

Posted by James Mayagoitia on August 26, 2015

This past Friday, a few employees from Disqus and I volunteered our time to pack food boxes at the SF Marin Food Bank. You may recall that a few Disqussers participated in a similar activity at the SF Marin Food Bank last December, but what was different this time around was that we partnered up with a group called Startups Give Back.

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Our Colorful Community

Posted by Kim Rohrer on July 02, 2015

Here at Disqus, one of our values is being colorful. Our product is designed to let all sorts of people from all over the internet find each other to have great discussions. We’ve often said that Disqus is the web’s “community of communities” - an environment where all sorts of communities can gather and thrive. We believe that colorful characters are what make the internet a special place...and the same goes for our company! Employees are encouraged to share their whole selves with us, whether that means bringing their expertise from previous workplaces to their projects or teaching us how to juggle (seriously, we’ve had Disqusser-led workshops in everything from bike maintenance to ballet to brewing...and things that don’t start with “b” too). A diversity of opinions and experiences makes us a stronger team, and sharing our passions with each other helps us remember that we’re all humans :)

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Fun in the (almost) Sun: A Company BBQ

Posted by Kim Rohrer on May 22, 2015

Earlier this week, we hosted a good ole fashioned company BBQ at Crissy Field in San Francisco - it was about time that we brought the team together for a little fun in the sun fog! 

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