Amanda Nudelman

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Passing the Mic: A How-to Guide for Open Threads

Posted by Amanda Nudelman on July 21, 2014


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Commenter Spotlight: Emma Hager

Posted by Amanda Nudelman on March 13, 2014

 Illustration by Luigi Savino

Okay you guys, I’ve found a real gem for you this week. Emma Hager is a frequent commenter on one of my favorite sites, The Man Repeller. She’s a real standout in their community, and I think you’ll easily be able to see why. She’s the smart/cool chick you want around to give it to you straight about your clothes, your boyfriends, your insecurities, and hopes and dreams. And she’ll do it in the nicest way possible.

For real though, I think we’ve found your newest girl crush. Read on and try telling me you don’t want to be her friend.

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Commenter Spotlight: Underdog

Posted by Amanda Nudelman on January 31, 2014

 Illustration by Luigi Savino

So, you may have heard that there’s a football game this weekend. In honor of the single day in which over 100 million people get together to watch football, we’re featuring one who actually talks football most other days of the year, too. Underdog is a big Denver Broncos fan (lucky him, this year!), and spends much of his time sharing his knowledge, and debating others, on It’s All Over Fat Man (the story behind the community’s name is brilliant — you can read more on their site).

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Commenter Spotlight: LiteBrite

Posted by Amanda Nudelman on January 17, 2014

 Illustration by Luigi Savino

Mommyish is not your typical parenting site. And LiteBrite, a rad commenter from their community, is the embodiment of their commitment to fresh and open dialogue about what it takes to be a modern parent. Whether she’s commenting on sex, pregnancy, relationships, raising kids, or the occasional story about baby teeth necklaces, LiteBrite is a commenter you want around. Her personal anecdotes lend depth to her opinions, and allow her authenticity to shine through as brightly as her name suggests. Plus, she’s a roller girl. And let’s be honest, a woman who knows how to throw an elbow with a smile is going to be a sparkling addition to any community.

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Commenter Spotlight: Hamish Lamont

Posted by Amanda Nudelman on January 10, 2014


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33 Disqus Communities for the New Year

Posted by Amanda Nudelman on December 20, 2013

There are a lot of communities that help make Disqus the lively and illuminating network it is today. Out of all of these communities there are sites that continue to rise to the top and make us take notice. So, in the time-honored tradition of “End of Year” lists, we bring you not a lame, Top 10 list, but a GIANT BLOWOUT TOP 33 SITES ACROSS 11 CATEGORIES LIST! We’ve compiled this list based on Gravity, the trending visualization featured on the Disqus homepage, along with some good ole fashioned human selection.

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Commenter Spotlight: Inconspicuous Detective

Posted by Amanda Nudelman on December 13, 2013


Illustration by Luigi Savino

This week, we turn our spotlight on Inconspicuous Detective, a frequent commenter on Listverse. His favorite site covers a wide range of topics (from gun control to Voodoo to the artist Banksy), and you’ll notice that Inconspicuous Detective’s thoughts and opinions are just as varied. He takes inspiration from an unlikely source: detectives. Inconspicuous Detective lauds them for not just their knowledge, but their wisdom. He draws particularly from two characters that make a rather odd couple. Read on to find out who they are, and don’t forget to share where you draw your inspiration from!

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Commenter Spotlight: NightOwl

Posted by Amanda Nudelman on December 05, 2013


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Commenter Spotlight: Hooded Justice

Posted by Amanda Nudelman on November 18, 2013


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5 Steps to a More Active Community

Posted by Amanda Nudelman on August 13, 2013

Disqus recently convened a panel of four women at BlogHer ’13 to talk about building community, return visits, and monetization through comments. These four accomplished bloggers — Danielle Smith, Lindsay Ferrier, Fadra Nally, and Lizz Porter — shared their wisdom, and what follows are 5 key takeaways that any blogger can put to use for building a stronger community.

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