The political issues posed by the Australian election crisis

The ruling elites, whether in Australia or around the world, cannot return to the stable and predictable parliamentary forms through which they ruled in the past. The systemic breakdown of world economy, ever mounting geopolitical conflicts, the rising danger of war, and, above all, the political radicalisation underway within the working class and youth, preclude that possibility.

Click here to read the SEP Election Statement

Australian stripped of citizenship, setting dangerous precedent
18 February 2017
By targeting Khaled Sharrouf, the government is continuing a pattern of using individuals demonised by the media to set legal precedents that threaten basic democratic rights.
Australian housing among the world’s most unaffordable
17 February 2017
Soaring housing prices are causing widespread financial stress and social hardship, especially for young people.
Australian government faces deep budget crisis
16 February 2017
Over the past decade, it has become increasingly difficult for any government to push through parliament the brutal measures demanded by the corporate elite.
Australian government in disarray over vote-swapping deal with One Nation
15 February 2017
The political crisis not only raises the prospect of a split in the federal government but points to the widespread popular disaffection wracking the entire parliamentary establishment.

Australian disability workers strike against privatisation
15 February 2017
Union officials sought to divert the widespread anger into impotent appeals to the state Coalition government, while promoting the opposition Labor Party.
Australian government uses investment collapse to push Trump-style corporate tax cuts
14 February 2017
Under intense pressure from the financial markets, the Turnbull government is seeking to slash social spending to enable cuts to business taxes.
Australian Paper workers voting on union wage-cutting deal
13 February 2017
The CFMEU is seeking to suppress opposition to the agreement, which cuts wages by 5 percent and creates a new tier of lower-paid workers.
Australian government reintroduces sweeping welfare cuts
11 February 2017
By resuscitating previously blocked budget cuts, Turnbull’s government is intensifying the assault on welfare entitlements.