Peru: Homophobic rally confronted by LGBTI and anarchist groups

Tensions have been rising in Peru between an increasingly bold LGBTI movement and conservative groups in recent months, with the latest clashes happening on March 4th in the capital of Lima.

The San Francisco “White Night” Riots of 1979: Bruce Martinez

An essay on the causes of the 1979 "White Night Riots" and the role of harassment by the San Francisco Police in contributing the violent self defence by the large LGBTQ community in the city.

1979: The White Night Riot

Brief history of what became known as the White Night Riots in the aftermath of the murder of openly gay supervisor Harvey Milk and progressive mayor George Muscone.

A Personal View of Homophobia and Youth Suicide: Richard Kim

An article arguing that homophobic bullying is a symptom of the core attitudes and structure of society, and a criticism of liberalism as a solution to this problem.

1977-80: Gay Activists Boycott Orange Juice

A rather strange chapter in history, Miami Dade county passed an ordinance banning discrimination against homosexuals in housing or employment, quite rare for 1977. In response a former beauty queen/popstar and an orange juice company worked to over turn the ordinance, which prompted a boycott of orange juice and the creation of a new snakebite, and a pie attack.

1984-85: Gay Activists Campaign Against Discrimination in Manitoba

Article detailing the campaign to add sexual orientation to discrimination legislation.

1965: Philadelphia Dewey's Restaurant Sit In

After Dewey's restaurant began refusing to serve suspected homosexual customers three teenagers staged a sit down protest, possibly the first sit down protest in support of Gay rights. Their arrest lead to a campaign by local Gay activists against discrimination at the restaurant.

Du féminisme illustré - éditions Blast & Meor

This 2015 pamphlet, 'Feminism Illustrated', combines the translations of a 1974 article written for 'Le Fléau Social' ['The Social Plague'], and a 2015 interview, both signed 'Constance Chatterley', an alias Gilles Dauvé used for that French magazine in 1974. Nearly all 'Fléau Social' articles were signed under fanciful aliases.

Brown, James Morgan (18??-1893)

A short biography of James Morgan Brown, tailor, poet, gay socialist and anarchist communist.