anarchist communism

Jean Grave

Biografio pir la vivo de la fama anarkiisto Jean Grave.

Sebastiano Faŭro

Biografio pri la vivo de Sebastiano Faŭro Francio anarĥiisto.

Is the working class movement dead?

Winter of Discontent, 1978-1979

The following article is loosely based on the notes for a pre-discussion talk by an AF member to a libertarian socialist discussion meeting in Leicester, 25 January 2017.

In the tradition: where our politics comes from

The object of the following article is to outline the various political movements, events and current ideas and individuals which have in one way or another, served as influences upon the development of the Anarchist Communist Federation and subsequently the Anarchist Federation.

Non-Market Socialism in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries - Maximilien Rubel, John Crump (editors)

In the nineteenth century, socialists as different as Marx and Kropotkin were agreed that socialism means a marketless, moneyless, wageless, classless, stateless world society. Subsequently this vision of non-market socialism has been developed by currents such as the anarcho-communists, impossibilists, council communists, Bordigists and Situationists. By tracing this development, this book challenges the assumptions of both supporters and opponents of what is conventionally regarded as socialism.

Bloomsbury companion to anarchism

A comprehensive reference work to support research in anarchism. The book considers the different approaches to anarchism and explains the development of anarchist studies from the early 20th century to the present. It is unique in that it highlights the relationship between theory and practice, pays special attention to methodology, presents non-English works, key terms and concepts, and discusses new directions for the field. Focusing on the contemporary movement, the work outlines significant shifts in the study of anarchist ideas and explores recent debates.

Revolucia Registaro: Petro Kropotkin

Petro Kropotkin sur la kontraŭdiro de "Revolucia registaro".

What Marx should have said to Kropotkin - Adam Buick

The following is the transcript of a talk given by Adam Buick to the 1994 'Socialist Party of Great Britain Summer School', which was held that year at Ruskin College in Oxford, England.