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Appendix C: Supplementary Tables

The tables in this Appendix provide information on key fiscal indicators at the Commonwealth, State and Local Government levels, and together at the consolidated level. Due to inter sectoral transfers, the non‑financial public sector (NFPS) does not always equal the sum of the general government and public non‑financial corporations (PNFC) sectors.

Table C.1: General government sector cash balance by level of government as a percentage of GDP
  Commonwealth(a)   State/local   Consolidated(b)
  Receipts Payments Cash balance(c)   Receipts Payments Cash balance   Receipts Payments Cash balance(c)
2002‑03 25.6 24.6 0.9   16.6 16.0 0.6   36.0 34.6 1.4
2003‑04 25.3 24.4 0.9   16.8 16.0 0.9   36.1 34.3 1.8
2004‑05 25.6 24.1 1.5   16.8 16.0 0.9   36.4 34.1 2.3
2005‑06 25.7 24.1 1.6   17.1 16.1 1.0   36.6 34.1 2.5
2006‑07 25.1 23.3 1.6   16.5 16.8 -0.3   35.9 34.5 1.2
2007‑08 25.0 23.1 1.7   16.1 16.4 -0.3   35.3 33.7 1.4
2008‑09 23.3 25.1 -2.1   16.2 16.8 -0.5   33.4 36.0 -2.8
2009‑10 22.0 26.0 -4.2   17.5 18.5 -1.0   32.4 37.6 -5.4
2010‑11 21.4 24.5 -3.4   16.5 17.4 -0.9   31.7 35.7 -4.2
2011‑12 22.1 24.9 -2.9   16.6 17.6 -1.0   32.5 36.7 -4.3
2012‑13 23.0 24.1 -1.2   16.0 17.4 -1.4   33.6 36.2 -2.8
2013‑14 22.7 25.6 -3.1   16.6 17.0 -0.4   33.5 37.3 -3.9
2014‑15 23.5 25.6 -2.4   17.3 17.3 0.0   35.0 37.4 -2.7
2015‑16(e) 23.5 25.8 -2.4   17.4 17.7 -0.3   35.4 38.2 -3.0
2016‑17(e) 23.9 25.8 -2.2   17.3 17.8 -0.5   35.6 38.3 -2.9
2017‑18(e) 24.2 25.5 -1.4   16.9 17.2 -0.3   35.6 37.4 -2.0
2018-19(p) 24.8 25.4 -0.8   16.5 16.8 -0.3   35.8 36.9 -1.3

(a) Commonwealth data have been revised in the 2016‑17 Budget to improve accuracy and comparability through time. See Budget Paper No. 1, Budget Strategy and Outlook 2016‑17, Statement 10: Historical Australian Government Data.

(b) The consolidated level comprises the Commonwealth, State, Territory and Local Governments and the multijurisdictional sector. Adjustments are made to avoid double counting between these sectors.

(c) The cash balance is equal to the ABS GFS cash surplus/deficit less net Future Fund earnings.

(e) Estimates.

(p) Projections.

Table C.2: Public non‑financial corporations sector cash balance by level of government as a percentage of GDP
  Commonwealth(a)   State/local   Consolidated(b)
  Receipts Payments Cash balance   Receipts Payments Cash balance   Receipts Payments Cash balance
2002‑03 3.4 3.3 0.2   4.9 5.2 -0.3   8.8 8.7 0.0
2003‑04 3.2 3.0 0.2   4.9 5.0 -0.2   8.2 8.1 0.0
2004‑05 3.2 3.0 0.2   4.7 5.1 -0.4   8.0 8.2 -0.2
2005‑06 3.1 3.2 -0.1   4.8 5.4 -0.6   8.0 8.7 -0.7
2006‑07 1.6 1.7 -0.2   4.8 5.5 -0.7   6.4 7.3 -0.9
2007‑08 0.7 0.7 0.0   4.8 5.8 -1.0   5.5 6.5 -1.0
2008‑09 0.6 0.7 -0.1   4.7 6.1 -1.4   5.5 6.9 -1.5
2009‑10 0.6 0.7 -0.1   5.4 6.4 -1.0   6.2 7.2 -1.0
2010‑11 0.6 0.7 -0.1   5.0 6.0 -1.0   5.7 6.8 -1.1
2011‑12 0.6 0.7 -0.1   4.8 5.5 -0.7   5.5 6.3 -0.8
2012‑13 0.6 0.9 -0.3   5.1 5.8 -0.7   5.8 6.8 -1.0
2013‑14 0.7 1.0 -0.3   4.8 5.2 -0.4   5.6 6.4 -0.8
2014‑15 0.7 1.0 -0.3   4.6 4.8 -0.2   5.2 5.7 -0.4
2015‑16(e) 0.7 1.1 -0.4   4.5 5.2 -0.7   5.1 6.3 -1.1
2016‑17(e) 0.8 1.3 -0.6   4.7 5.0 -0.3   5.4 6.3 -0.9
2017‑18(e) na na na   4.3 4.8 -0.5   na na na
2018-19(p) na na na   4.1 4.4 -0.3   na na na

(a) Commonwealth data have been revised in the 2016‑17 Budget to improve accuracy and comparability through time. See Budget Paper No. 1, Budget Strategy and Outlook 2016‑17, Statement 10: Historical Australian Government Data.

(b) The consolidated level comprises the Commonwealth, State, Territory and Local Governments and the multijurisdictional sector. Adjustments are made to avoid double counting between these sectors.

(e) Estimates.

(p) Projections.

na Comparable data are not available.

Table C.3: Non‑financial public sector cash balance by level of government as a percentage of GDP
  Commonwealth(a)   State/local   Consolidated(b)
  Receipts Payments Cash balance   Receipts Payments Cash balance   Receipts Payments Cash balance
2002‑03 na na 1.1   20.0 19.7 0.4   na na 2.0
2003‑04 27.7 26.5 1.1   20.2 19.4 0.8   41.8 40.0 1.9
2004‑05 28.0 26.3 1.6   20.0 19.5 0.5   42.0 39.9 2.1
2005‑06 27.9 26.4 1.5   20.3 19.9 0.4   42.0 40.2 1.8
2006‑07 26.3 24.6 1.6   19.7 20.8 -1.0   40.3 39.8 0.5
2007‑08 25.5 23.6 1.9   19.3 20.6 -1.3   39.1 38.5 0.6
2008‑09 23.6 25.6 -1.9   19.4 21.3 -2.0   37.0 41.0 -4.0
2009‑10 22.4 26.5 -4.1   21.1 23.0 -2.0   36.5 42.8 -6.3
2010‑11 21.9 25.1 -3.2   20.0 21.9 -1.9   35.6 40.7 -5.0
2011‑12 22.5 25.4 -2.9   19.8 21.4 -1.6   36.2 41.1 -4.9
2012‑13 23.5 24.8 -1.3   19.6 21.6 -2.1   37.6 41.2 -3.6
2013‑14 23.3 26.5 -3.2   19.8 20.6 -0.9   37.3 41.8 -4.5
2014‑15 24.0 26.4 -2.4   20.2 20.4 -0.2   38.3 41.2 -2.9
2015‑16(e) 24.1 26.8 -2.6   20.0 21.1 -1.1   38.6 42.6 -4.0
2016‑17(e) 24.5 27.0 -2.5   20.2 21.1 -0.8   39.1 42.7 -3.6
2017‑18(e) na na na   19.6 20.4 -0.8   na na na
2018-19(p) na na na   19.2 19.8 -0.6   na na na

(a) Commonwealth data have been revised in the 2016‑17 Budget to improve accuracy and comparability through time. See Budget Paper No. 1, Budget Strategy and Outlook 2016‑17, Statement 10: Historical Australian Government Data.

(b) The consolidated level comprises the Commonwealth, State, Territory and Local Governments and the multijurisdictional sector. Adjustments are made to avoid double counting between these sectors.

(e) Estimates.

(p) Projections.

na Comparable data are not available.

Table C.4: General government sector fiscal balance by level of government as a percentage of GDP
  Commonwealth(a)   State/local   Consolidated(b)
  Revenue Expenses Fiscal balance(c)   Revenue Expenses Fiscal balance(c)   Revenue Expenses Fiscal balance(c)
2002‑03 25.8 25.1 0.7   16.2 15.5 0.2   35.7 34.4 0.8
2003‑04 25.8 25.0 0.7   16.4 15.4 0.5   36.1 34.4 1.1
2004‑05 26.3 24.8 1.3   16.3 15.4 0.4   36.5 34.2 1.5
2005‑06 26.1 24.2 1.6   16.3 15.3 0.3   36.4 33.5 1.9
2006‑07 25.6 23.8 1.5   16.2 15.1 0.1   36.0 33.3 1.5
2007‑08 25.8 23.8 1.8   15.7 15.0 -0.4   35.6 32.9 1.3
2008‑09 23.7 25.8 -2.4   15.8 15.4 -0.9   33.3 35.1 -3.5
2009‑10 22.5 26.2 -4.2   17.1 16.4 -1.1   32.5 35.6 -5.5
2010‑11 21.9 25.2 -3.7   16.2 15.6 -1.0   31.8 34.4 -4.6
2011‑12 22.6 25.3 -3.0   16.0 15.6 -0.8   32.5 34.9 -4.2
2012‑13 23.6 25.1 -1.5   15.7 15.7 -1.1   33.8 35.3 -2.8
2013‑14 23.6 26.1 -2.8   16.2 15.6 -0.4   34.0 36.1 -3.5
2014‑15 23.7 26.0 -2.5   16.7 16.2 -0.3   34.5 36.4 -3.0
2015‑16(e) 24.0 26.1 -2.4   16.8 16.3 -0.5   35.2 37.0 -3.2
2016‑17(e) 24.2 26.2 -2.2   16.8 16.3 -0.7   35.3 36.9 -3.1
2017‑18(e) 24.9 25.7 -1.0   16.5 15.9 -0.3   35.8 36.1 -1.6
2018-19(p) 25.5 25.8 -0.5   16.1 15.5 -0.3   36.1 35.8 -1.0

(a) Commonwealth data have been revised in the 2016‑17 Budget to improve accuracy and comparability through time. See Budget Paper No. 1, Budget Strategy and Outlook 2016‑17, Statement 10: Historical Australian Government Data.

(b) The consolidated level comprises the Commonwealth, State, Territory and Local Governments and the multijurisdictional sector. Adjustments are made to avoid double counting between these sectors.

(c) The fiscal balance is equal to revenue less expenditure less net capital investment.

(e) Estimates.

(p) Projections.

Table C.5: Public non‑financial corporations sector fiscal balance by level of government as a percentage of GDP
  Commonwealth(a)   State/local   Consolidated(b)
  Revenue Expenses Fiscal balance(c)   Revenue Expenses Fiscal balance(c)   Revenue Expenses Fiscal balance(c)
2002‑03 3.0 2.9 0.2   4.5 4.4 -0.3   7.6 7.3 -0.1
2003‑04 3.0 2.7 0.2   4.4 4.3 -0.3   7.5 7.1 0.0
2004‑05 2.9 2.7 0.2   4.3 4.1 -0.4   7.3 6.9 -0.3
2005‑06 2.8 3.0 -0.2   4.3 4.2 -0.7   7.2 7.3 -1.0
2006‑07 1.4 1.5 -0.2   4.5 4.1 -0.6   6.0 5.7 -0.8
2007‑08 0.6 0.6 0.0   4.2 4.0 -1.1   4.8 4.7 -1.1
2008‑09 0.6 0.6 -0.1   4.3 4.2 -1.5   4.9 4.9 -1.6
2009‑10 0.6 0.6 -0.1   4.9 4.7 -1.1   5.6 5.3 -1.2
2010‑11 0.5 0.6 -0.1   4.7 4.8 -0.9   5.3 5.4 -1.1
2011‑12 0.5 0.6 -0.1   4.5 4.5 -0.7   5.1 5.1 -0.9
2012‑13 0.6 0.6 -0.3   4.5 4.7 -0.8   5.2 5.4 -1.1
2013‑14 0.6 0.7 -0.4   4.5 4.5 -0.5   5.1 5.3 -0.9
2014‑15 0.6 0.7 -0.3   4.3 4.0 0.0   5.0 4.8 -0.3
2015‑16(e) 0.6 0.8 -0.4   4.1 4.1 -0.5   4.8 4.9 -0.9
2016‑17(e) 0.6 0.8 -0.6   4.0 4.0 -0.6   4.7 5.0 -1.3
2017‑18(e) na na na   4.0 4.0 -0.5   na na na
2018-19(p) na na na   3.8 3.8 -0.3   na na na

(a) Commonwealth data have been revised in the 2016‑17 Budget to improve accuracy and comparability through time. See Budget Paper No. 1, Budget Strategy and Outlook 2016‑17, Statement 10: Historical Australian Government Data.

(b) The consolidated level comprises the Commonwealth, State, Territory and Local Governments and the multijurisdictional sector. Adjustments are made to avoid double counting between these sectors.

(c) The fiscal balance is equal to revenue less expenses less net capital investment.

(e) Estimates.

(p) Projections.

na Comparable data are not available.

Table C.6: Non‑financial public sector fiscal balance by level of government as a percentage of GDP
  Commonwealth(a)   State/local   Consolidated(b)
  Revenue Expenses Fiscal balance(c)   Revenue Expenses Fiscal balance(c)   Revenue Expenses Fiscal balance(c)
2002‑03 28.2 27.3 0.9   19.1 18.3 -0.1   41.0 39.5 0.7
2003‑04 28.1 27.0 1.0   19.1 18.0 0.3   41.1 39.0 1.1
2004‑05 28.6 26.9 1.5   19.0 17.9 -0.1   41.5 38.9 1.3
2005‑06 28.3 26.5 1.4   18.9 17.8 -0.4   41.2 38.3 1.0
2006‑07 26.6 25.0 1.4   19.1 17.7 -0.5   40.0 36.9 0.8
2007‑08 26.2 24.2 1.7   18.3 17.6 -1.5   38.7 35.9 0.2
2008‑09 24.1 26.2 -2.5   18.5 18.1 -2.4   36.4 38.2 -5.1
2009‑10 23.0 26.6 -4.2   20.2 19.3 -2.3   36.0 38.9 -6.7
2010‑11 22.3 25.7 -3.8   19.3 18.9 -2.1   35.4 38.1 -5.8
2011‑12 23.1 25.7 -3.1   19.0 18.5 -1.5   35.8 38.3 -5.1
2012‑13 24.1 25.6 -1.8   18.5 18.7 -1.9   37.0 38.7 -3.9
2013‑14 24.1 26.7 -3.1   19.0 18.5 -0.9   37.2 39.5 -4.4
2014‑15 24.2 26.6 -2.8   19.2 18.7 -0.6   37.6 39.6 -3.6
2015‑16(e) 24.6 26.8 -2.8   19.2 19.0 -1.2   38.2 40.4 -4.3
2016‑17(e) 24.8 26.9 -2.8   19.2 18.9 -1.5   38.4 40.3 -4.6
2017‑18(e) na na na   18.9 18.5 -1.0   na na na
2018-19(p) na na na   18.5 18.1 -0.8   na na na

(a) Commonwealth data have been revised in the 2016‑17 Budget to improve accuracy and comparability through time. See Budget Paper No. 1, Budget Strategy and Outlook 2016‑17, Statement 10: Historical Australian Government Data.

(b) The consolidated level comprises the Commonwealth, State, Territory and Local Governments and the multijurisdictional sector. Adjustments are made to avoid double counting between these sectors.

(c) The fiscal balance is equal to revenue less expenses less net capital investment.

(e) Estimates.

(p) Projections.

na Comparable data are not available.

Table C.7: Gross fixed capital formation by sector
  General Government   PNFC   NFPS
  Commonwealth   State(a)   Commonwealth   State(a)   Commonwealth   State(a)
  $m Per cent
of GDP
  $m Per cent
of GDP
  $m Per cent
of GDP
  $m Per cent
of GDP
  $m Per cent
of GDP
  $m Per cent
of GDP
2002‑03 5,224 0.7   8,073 1.0   2,530 0.3   7,936 1.0   7,755 1.0   16,018 2.0
2003‑04 4,146 0.5   8,140 0.9   2,941 0.3   8,758 1.0   7,087 0.8   16,490 1.9
2004‑05 5,088 0.6   9,078 1.0   3,658 0.4   10,009 1.1   8,746 0.9   19,043 2.1
2005‑06 6,443 0.6   10,691 1.1   4,411 0.4   12,894 1.3   10,854 1.1   23,359 2.3
2006‑07 6,882 0.6   13,173 1.2   2,774 0.3   16,049 1.5   9,656 0.9   29,179 2.7
2007‑08 7,045 0.6   15,069 1.3   1,011 0.1   19,775 1.7   8,056 0.7   34,802 3.0
2008‑09 8,960 0.7   18,272 1.5   1,298 0.1   25,041 2.0   10,258 0.8   43,263 3.4
2009‑10 10,086 0.8   25,499 2.0   1,460 0.1   25,015 1.9   11,546 0.9   50,558 3.9
2010‑11 9,158 0.6   25,867 1.8   1,563 0.1   21,010 1.5   10,721 0.8   47,274 3.4
2011‑12 9,407 0.6   23,075 1.5   2,403 0.2   19,594 1.3   11,810 0.8   42,559 2.9
2012‑13 7,426 0.5   23,755 1.6   4,306 0.3   21,125 1.4   11,732 0.8   44,994 3.0
2013‑14 9,177 0.6   22,170 1.4   5,339 0.3   16,895 1.1   14,516 0.9   39,247 2.5
2014‑15 9,130 0.6   21,510 1.3   4,158 0.3   11,937 0.7   13,288 0.8   33,563 2.1
2015‑16(e) 11,155 0.7   14,463 0.9   4,602 0.3   9,503 0.6   15,757 1.0   23,224 1.4
2016‑17(e) 10,484 0.6   22,234 1.3   6,030 0.4   8,554 0.5   16,514 1.0   29,600 1.7
2017‑18(e) 10,963 0.6   19,173 1.1   na na   8,762 0.5   na na   26,407 1.5
2018-19(p) 12,693 0.7   16,261 0.9   na na   8,641 0.5   na na   23,993 1.3

(a) This table excludes Local Government gross fixed capital formation.

(e) Estimates.

(p) Projections.

na Comparable data are not available.

Table C.8: Net debt by sector (as at end of financial year)
  General Government   PNFC   NFPS
  Commonwealth(a)   State/local   Consolidated(b)   Consolidated(b)   Consolidated(b)
  $m Per cent
of GDP
  $m Per cent
of GDP
  $m Per cent
of GDP
  $m Per cent
of GDP
  $m Per cent
of GDP
2002‑03 29,047 3.6   -10,295 -1.3   14,051 1.8   44,099 5.5   58,150 7.3
2003‑04 22,639 2.6   -17,323 -2.0   -1,554 -0.2   44,255 5.1   42,701 5.0
2004‑05 10,741 1.2   -24,905 -2.7   -20,389 -2.2   47,308 5.1   26,920 2.9
2005‑06 -4,531 -0.5   -35,867 -3.6   -52,924 -5.3   49,952 5.0   -2,972 -0.3
2006‑07 -29,150 -2.7   -31,968 -2.9   -78,208 -7.2   45,517 4.2   -32,690 -3.0
2007‑08 -44,820 -3.8   -26,507 -2.3   -86,251 -7.3   52,110 4.4   -34,140 -2.9
2008‑09 -16,148 -1.3   -18,188 -1.4   -44,514 -3.5   72,051 5.7   27,537 2.2
2009‑10 42,283 3.3   -5,246 -0.4   29,472 2.3   82,755 6.4   112,227 8.7
2010‑11 84,551 6.0   827 0.1   77,209 5.5   86,427 6.1   163,637 11.6
2011‑12 147,334 9.9   16,154 1.1   157,680 10.6   93,594 6.3   251,274 16.9
2012‑13 152,982 10.0   33,886 2.2   179,746 11.8   104,052 6.8   283,798 18.6
2013‑14 202,463 12.8   37,201 2.3   230,800 14.6   111,257 7.0   342,057 21.6
2014‑15 238,721 14.8   38,804 2.4   269,662 16.8   110,931 6.9   380,591 23.6
2015‑16(e) 285,684 17.3   40,567 2.5   319,805 19.4   117,918 7.1   437,721 26.5
2016‑17(e) 325,962 18.9   49,541 2.9   370,533 21.5   130,152 7.6   500,684 29.1
2017‑18(e) 346,842 19.2   58,305 3.2   401,728 22.2   na na   na na
2018-19(p) 356,373 18.8   64,909 3.4   419,490 22.1   na na   na na

(a) Commonwealth data have been revised in the 2016‑17 Budget to improve accuracy and comparability through time. See Budget Paper No. 1, Budget Strategy and Outlook 2016‑17, Statement 10: Historical Australian Government Data.

(b) The consolidated level comprises the Commonwealth, State, Territory and Local Governments and the multijurisdictional sector. Adjustments are made to avoid double counting between these sectors.

(e) Estimates.

(p) Projections.

na Comparable data are not available.

Table C.9: General government sector net financial worth by level of government (as at end of financial year)
  Commonwealth(a)   State/local   Consolidated(b)
  $b Per cent
of GDP
  $b Per cent
of GDP
  $b Per cent
of GDP
2002‑03 -82.9 -10.4   78.2 9.8   -3.7 -0.5
2003‑04 -72.4 -8.4   96.5 11.2   25.7 3.0
2004‑05 -58.9 -6.4   110.8 12.0   53.6 5.8
2005‑06 -59.8 -6.0   109.5 11.0   51.4 5.1
2006‑07 -35.7 -3.3   130.2 12.0   96.9 8.9
2007‑08 -14.7 -1.2   132.6 11.3   120.8 10.3
2008‑09 -71.5 -5.7   124.6 9.9   54.4 4.3
2009‑10 -144.5 -11.1   115.2 8.9   -25.4 -2.0
2010‑11 -198.8 -14.1   128.4 9.1   -66.2 -4.7
2011‑12 -355.8 -23.9   69.1 4.6   -283.5 -19.0
2012‑13 -312.7 -20.5   87.1 5.7   -222.1 -14.6
2013‑14 -370.3 -23.4   82.6 5.2   -282.8 -17.8
2014‑15 -421.1 -26.2   76.0 4.7   -340.3 -21.1
2015‑16(e) -387.9 -23.5   75.1 4.5   -307.8 -18.7
2016‑17(e) -427.2 -24.8   88.1 5.1   -333.8 -19.4
2017‑18(e) -445.2 -24.6   96.6 5.3   -343.1 -19.0
2018-19(p) -454.3 -24.0   106.6 5.6   -341.9 -18.0

(a) Commonwealth data have been revised in the 2016‑17 Budget to improve accuracy and comparability through time. See Budget Paper No. 1, Budget Strategy and Outlook 2016‑17, Statement 10: Historical Australian Government Data.

(b) The consolidated level comprises the Commonwealth, State, Territory and Local Governments and the multijurisdictional sector. Adjustments are made to avoid double counting between these sectors.

(e) Estimates.

(p) Projections.

Table C.10: General government sector net worth by level of government (as at end of financial year)
  Commonwealth(a)   State/local   Consolidated(b)
  $b Per cent
of GDP
  $b Per cent
of GDP
  $b Per cent
of GDP
2002‑03 -15.3 -1.9   470.2 58.7   476.9 59.6
2003‑04 -1.2 -0.1   515.0 59.8   537.3 62.4
2004‑05 14.6 1.6   572.7 62.1   612.4 66.4
2005‑06 18.0 1.8   608.6 61.0   652.8 65.4
2006‑07 46.4 4.3   678.7 62.5   754.3 69.4
2007‑08 70.9 6.0   785.6 66.7   888.5 75.4
2008‑09 19.4 1.5   878.3 69.8   930.4 73.9
2009‑10 -45.9 -3.5   938.4 72.4   928.4 71.6
2010‑11 -95.4 -6.8   967.1 68.6   910.0 64.6
2011‑12 -247.2 -16.6   947.1 63.5   739.1 49.6
2012‑13 -202.7 -13.3   1,003.3 65.8   843.3 55.3
2013‑14 -256.0 -16.2   1,025.5 64.7   814.8 51.4
2014‑15 -302.3 -18.8   1,052.0 65.4   795.7 49.4
2015‑16(e) -265.0 -16.1   1,078.8 65.4   860.9 52.2
2016‑17(e) -300.9 -17.5   1,129.2 65.6   877.4 51.0
2017‑18(e) -314.6 -17.4   1,180.8 65.3   917.8 50.8
2018-19(p) -319.4 -16.8   1,228.4 64.8   963.1 50.8

(a) Commonwealth data have been revised in the 2016‑17 Budget to improve accuracy and comparability through time. See Budget Paper No. 1, Budget Strategy and Outlook 2016‑17, Statement 10: Historical Australian Government Data.

(b) The consolidated level comprises the Commonwealth, State, Territory and Local Governments and the multijurisdictional sector. Adjustments are made to avoid double counting between these sectors.

(e) Estimates.

(p) Projections.

Table C.11: General government sector net interest payments by level of government
  Commonwealth(a)   State/local   Consolidated(b)
  $m Per cent
of GDP
  $m Per cent
of GDP
  $m Per cent
of GDP
2002‑03 3,758 0.5   582 0.1   4,184 0.5
2003‑04 3,040 0.4   -2,364 -0.3   521 0.1
2004‑05 2,502 0.3   -3,069 -0.3   -773 -0.1
2005‑06 2,303 0.2   -3,822 -0.4   -1,730 -0.2
2006‑07 228 0.0   -4,198 -0.4   -4,209 -0.4
2007‑08 -1,015 -0.1   1,047 0.1   -174 0.0
2008‑09 -1,196 -0.1   -719 -0.1   -2,134 -0.2
2009‑10 2,386 0.2   -479 0.0   1,732 0.1
2010‑11 4,608 0.3   -363 0.0   4,026 0.3
2011‑12 6,609 0.4   472 0.0   6,848 0.5
2012‑13 8,285 0.5   1,690 0.1   9,763 0.6
2013‑14 10,843 0.7   2,595 0.2   13,279 0.8
2014‑15 10,868 0.7   na na   na na
2015‑16(e) 11,980 0.7   na na   na na
2016‑17(e) 12,642 0.7   na na   na na
2017‑18(e) 13,356 0.7   na na   na na
2018-19(p) 14,224 0.8   na na   na na

(a) Commonwealth data have been revised in the 2016‑17 Budget to improve accuracy and comparability through time. See Budget Paper No. 1, Budget Strategy and Outlook 2016‑17, Statement 10: Historical Australian Government Data.

(b) The consolidated level comprises the Commonwealth, State, Territory and Local Governments and the multijurisdictional sector. Adjustments are made to avoid double counting between these sectors.

(e) Estimates.

(p) Projections.

na Comparable data are not available.