United States

Corruption probe at City College of New York points to decline of public higher education

By Fred Mazelis, 4 March 2107

The president of CCNY was forced to resign last October after she was targeted in a corruption probe which continues to expand.

As attack on jobs escalates, AFL-CIO chief pledges to “partner” with Trump administration

By Jerry White, 4 March 2017

The unions are joining Trump’s efforts to divide the working class and block a unified response to his class war policies at home and imperialist militarism abroad.

“They’re laying people off and scattering them to the winds to find employment”

GM layoffs of 1,300 workers at Detroit assembly plant

By a reporting team, 4 March 2017

The layoffs are a major blow to workers and to the city, which is already the poorest big city in America with an official unemployment rate of nearly 10 percent.

Video: Daughters of Rómulo Avelica-González, detained for deportation in Los Angeles, speak out

By Genevieve Leigh and Andrea Ramos, 4 March 2017

Rómulo Avelica-González, long-time resident and father of four, was detained by Los Angeles ICE officials on Tuesday morning while dropping his daughters off at school.

Australian government flags “foreign policy reset” in response to Trump

By James Cogan, 4 March 2017

The Trump administration’s “America First” agenda has produced consternation within the political and strategic establishment.

New York University professor Bertell Ollman supports IYSSE fight for club status

By Isaac Finn, 4 March 2017

An IYSSE representative recently sat down with NYU professor Bertell Ollman to discuss the issues around the club application process at NYU.

As officials end subsidies and resume water cutoffs

Michigan blames Flint water crisis on racism: Part two

By James Brewer, 4 March 2017

A 138-page report on the Flint water crisis delivered on February 7 covers up the class issues in the poisoning of the city.

The Snap IPO: Trump agenda fuels an orgy of speculation

By Nick Beams, 3 March 2017

The massive rise in Snap Inc. stock took place amidst a surge in US markets, which has seen $3 trillion added to share values since the election of Trump.

ICE detains immigration activists in New York, Mississippi

By our reporters, 3 March 2017

US immigration officials have begun targeting immigration rights activists across the country to punish them for the “crime” of speaking out in defense of democratic rights.

Student walkouts oppose Trump’s vicious immigration policies

By Nancy Hanover, 3 March 2017

Young people across the US, opposing the Trump administration’s raids, roundups and arrests, have become outspoken in their defense of the democratic rights of all ethnicities and nationalities.

“They are just here trying to make a living for themselves and their families”

US auto workers speak out in defense of immigrants

By a WSWS reporting team, 3 March 2017

While the unions are aligning with Trump and his “America First” nationalism, workers are reacting against attempts of the administration to whip up anti-immigrant hysteria.

Illinois state workers vote overwhelmingly to strike

By Alexander Fangmann, 3 March 2017

AFSCME leaders are desperately hoping to avoid a strike, while Republican Governor Bruce Rauner has ruled out further negotiations and is preparing to use scabs and the National Guard against workers.

As officials end subsidies and resume water cutoffs

Michigan blames Flint water crisis on racism: Part one

By James Brewer, 3 March 2017

A 138-page report on the Flint water crisis delivered on February 7 covers up the class issues in the poisoning of the city.

Washington accuses Russia of bombing US-backed forces in Syria

By Jordan Shilton, 2 March 2017

The incident underscores the explosive character of the Syria conflict, which could rapidly escalate into a direct clash between nuclear-armed powers.

Wall Street, media celebrate Trump’s address to Congress

By Patrick Martin, 2 March 2017

Wall Street soared to record highs as media commentators praised Trump’s speech, which promised tax cuts for businesses, the slashing of workplace and anti-pollution regulations, and a massive military build-up.

US, South Korea mount massive joint military exercises

By Peter Symonds, 2 March 2017

This year’s war games take place amid an already tense stand-off with North Korea over its nuclear and missile testing and alleged assassination of Kim Jong-nam.

US immigration authorities expand dragnet raids

By Zaida Green, 2 March 2017

Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents, encouraged by the Trump administration, are sweeping up growing numbers of undocumented workers in “collateral” arrests.

Immigration under capitalism: Life and death along the US-Mexico border

Part Two

By Eric London, 2 March 2017

11,000 immigrants have died crossing to the US as a direct result of anti-immigrant policies implemented by the Clinton, Bush, and Obama administrations. Those that survive face hyper-exploitation in the US.

US private prison industry thrives under Trump

By Shelley Connor, 2 March 2017

The policies of the Trump administration benefit the private prison industry at the expense of inmates and their health.

The Obamas sign reported $65 million book deal

By David Walsh, 2 March 2017

The Financial Times revealed that Penguin Random House had won a record-breaking auction between publishing houses and will buy the two books for more than $65 million.

UAW orders thousands of Caterpillar workers to stay on the job as contract expires

By Marcus Day, 2 March 2017

The UAW and Caterpillar have maintained a media blackout in the current negotiations as they prepare to demand further concessions from workers.

Boil advisory issued in Detroit following water system malfunction

By Kathleen Martin, 2 March 2017

The Detroit Water and Sewerage Department issued a boil water advisory Tuesday due to concerns over bacterial contamination affecting a large section of the city.

A revealing episode: Sanders applauds Trump during speech before Congress

By Jerry White, 2 March 2017

Sanders’ calculated applause for Trump’s economic nationalist policies during the speech on Tuesday night says much about Sanders’ politics and the role assigned to him.

Behind the anti-Semitic and racist attacks in the US

By Patrick Martin, 1 March 2017

The coming to power of the Trump administration has encouraged the most reactionary, racist and backward forces in American society.

Trump’s speech outlines plans for class war at home and war abroad

By Andre Damon, 1 March 2017

In addressing Congress, Trump reaffirmed his core goals: economic nationalism, the scapegoating of immigrants, the expansion of the military and the elimination of restraints on corporations.

Popular outcry against murder of Indian immigrant in US

By Wasantha Rupasinghe, 1 March 2017

Working people in India and America are drawing the connection between last week’s killing of an Indian immigrant and the Trump administration’s anti-immigrant witch hunt.

Michigan father receives unusual waiver from deportation

By Lawrence Porter, 1 March 2017

Several hundred people gathered outside the federal building in Detroit on Tuesday to protest as Yousef Ajin faced his deportation hearing.

Nine-month lockout of Honeywell workers ends as UAW pushes through company’s demands

By Jessica Goldstein, 1 March 2017

The betrayal of Honeywell workers in South Bend, Indiana underscores the anti-working class character of the United Auto Workers union.

Thousands flee as US artillery and air strikes intensify in Mosul offensive

By Jordan Shilton, 1 March 2017

The brutal offensive on Iraq’s second-largest city has already displaced upwards of 200,000 civilians, including 8,000 over the past week.

Stop censorship at Loyola University-Chicago

Students have the right to form political organizations on campus!

By the International Youth and Students for Social Equality (US), 1 March 2017

The IYSSE calls on Loyola University Chicago to reverse its decision barring the International Socialist Organization from forming a student club.

The Trump administration and the crisis of American capitalism

By Joseph Kishore, 28 February 2017

It is impossible to separate the fight against the Trump administration from the fight against the social and economic order that has produced it: capitalism.

Jewish cemetery vandalized in Philadelphia, bomb threats target community centers and schools

By Niles Niemuth, 28 February 2017

A fifth wave of bomb threats resulted in the evacuation of more than dozen Jewish Community Centers Monday, just a day after a second Jewish burial ground was desecrated.

UAW shuts down strike at Kansas City auto parts supplier plant

By Shannon Jones and Nick Rodriguez, 28 February 2017

The settlement maintains a low-wage regime at the factory that makes parts for the General Motors Fairfax Assembly Plant.

Nashville, Tennessee hands out millions in tax breaks for luxury water park

By Warren Duzak, 28 February 2017

While the Nashville is spending millions to promote a water park for the well-to-do, a majority of children in the city are at risk of drowning because of little or no swimming skills.

Dockworkers’ union threatens one-day strike on US East Coast

By Daniel de Vries, 27 February 2017

Tens of thousands of longshoremen are poised to shut down ports from Maine to Texas.

CWA forces 21,000 AT&T Mobility workers to stay on job as contract expires

By Mark Witkowski, 27 February 2017

Nearly two weeks after the contract expired the Communications Workers of America continues to force its members to work although it admits it “remains miles apart on all major issues.”

US Congress proposes governance changes for dysfunctional DC Metro system

By Harvey Simpkins, 27 February 2017

The federal government is seeking to punish workers employed by the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority for problems caused by the chronic underfunding of the DC area transit system.

Trump attacks media in diatribe to Conservative Political Action Conference

By Joseph Kishore, 25 February 2017

Trump’s remarks before the ultra-right gathering of Republican Party activists reprised many of the “America First” themes in his inaugural address delivered one month ago.

Capitalism and America’s addiction epidemic

By Andre Damon, 25 February 2017

The precipitous rise in drug overdoses is among the sharpest expressions of the profound social crisis gripping the United States.

One dead, two injured in anti-immigrant shooting in Kansas

By Shelley Connor, 25 February 2017

On Wednesday night, 51-year-old Adam Purinton shot two Indian immigrants in an Olathe, Kansas bar after harassing them with racial slurs and shouting at them, “Get out of my country!”

“They are leaving us basically to fend for ourselves”

Detroit GM workers speak on layoffs as deadline draws near

By Shannon Jones, 25 February 2017

The layoffs will add to the already high unemployment rate in Detroit, which stands at close to 10 percent.

US retail chain J.C. Penney announces over 130 store closures

By Niles Niemuth, 25 February 2017

The department store chain is only the latest retailer to announce major store closures in the US this year, including Macy’s, Sears and Kmart.

Chicago: Seven fatal shootings in one day, Trump threatens federal intervention

By Alexander Fangmann, 25 February 2017

Trump wants to unleash is a violent and ruthless crackdown on working class and impoverished communities, along with a clampdown on protests against police violence,

Tens of thousands evacuated from floods in Northern California

By Ben McGrath, 25 February 2017

While the Oroville Dam crisis highlighted the crumbling nature of US dams, levees around the country are also in deteriorating conditions.

Amid Mexico talks, Trump calls deportations a “military operation”

By Bill Van Auken, 24 February 2017

The president’s provocative statement came as his secretaries of State and Homeland Security were in Mexico attempting to secure the collaboration of the Peña Nieto government.

Man deported from US jumps to death at Mexican border crossing

By Toby Reese, 24 February 2017

Guadalupe Olivas Valencia was deported for a third time after attempting to cross back into the US, where he had previously worked.

US anti-immigrant witch-hunt leads asylum seekers to make perilous trek to Canada

By Roger Jordan, 24 February 2017

The Canadian government’s response to the spike in asylum-seekers has been a combination of callous indifference and outright hostility.

Democratic National Committee convenes to pick a new leader

By Niles Niemuth, 24 February 2017

Minnesota Representative Keith Ellison and Tom Perez, Labor Secretary in the Obama administration, lead a field of five candidates.

Off-duty police officer pulls gun and fires at youths, sparking protests in Anaheim, California

By John Andrews, 24 February 2017

Videos show an off-duty Los Angeles police officer drawing a pistol and shooting it during a minor confrontation with a group of young people.

The International Socialist Organization and the CIA-led anti-Russia campaign

By E.P. Milligan, 24 February 2017

The ISO has been virtually silent on the raging conflict between the Trump White House and the intelligence agencies over alleged Russian interference in the 2016 election.

Violent arrests as police begin evacuating Dakota Access Pipeline protest camp

By Zaida Green, 23 February 2017

The eviction orders from the US Army Corps of Engineers and the North Dakota governor come as developers rush to complete the pipeline.

As the media hails Lt. General McMaster, the military strengthens its grip on the government

By Patrick Martin, 23 February 2017

The extravagant praise for Trump’s choice as national security adviser, Lt. Gen. H. R. McMaster, exposes the complete abandonment of such basic democratic principles as civilian control of the military.

Supreme Court hears arguments in murder of Mexican teen by US Border Patrol

By Barry Grey, 23 February 2017

The slaying of Sergio Hernandez was part of a pervasive pattern of wanton violence carried out on the Mexican border by US border police.

Trump administration revokes transgender rights guidance issued by Obama administration

By Shelley Connor, 23 February 2017

Guidelines for public schools that allowed transgender students to choose bathrooms matching their gender identity were rescinded on Wednesday.

“The UAW smooths everything out for the company”

One week to GM layoffs in Detroit

By Shannon Jones, 23 February 2017

The auto sales boom of the last six years is winding down as the threat to jobs mounts both in the US and internationally.

Tenants of Detroit’s Russell Industrial Center subject to mass eviction

By Kathleen Martin, 23 February 2017

Artist tenants at the century-old Russell Industrial Center are scrambling to find new work and gallery spaces due to a last-minute eviction notice from the city of Detroit.

“If you don’t have an education, you don’t have a life”

Teachers speak out on the schools crisis and Education Secretary Betsy DeVos

By Nancy Hanover, 23 February 2017

Teachers spoke to the WSWS on the Trump administration and the attack on public education.

US unions back Trump’s ultra-right “America First” program

By Jerry White, 23 February 2017

It was the socialists who opposed nativism and racism and waged a struggle to unify all workers, black and white, native-born and immigrant, against the divide-and-conquer strategy of the employers.

Trump administration adopts ruthless new immigration protocol

By Eric London, 22 February 2017

Press Secretary Sean Spicer made clear that immigrants with criminal histories are only the first targets of Trump’s anti-immigrant plan.

Appointment of “Warrior-Scholar” McMaster signals intensification of anti-Russia confrontation

By Bill Van Auken, 22 February 2017

The appointment of McMaster exposes the utterly reactionary and undemocratic character of the official debate surrounding the Trump administration.

Mounting anti-Semitic attacks in US draw half-hearted response from Trump

By Niles Niemuth, 22 February 2017

Since January, there have been 68 bomb threats at 53 community centers in 26 states and one in Canada, and some 200 headstones toppled at a Jewish cemetery in Missouri.

US defense chief arrives in Iraq amid renewed assault on Mosul

By Jordan Shilton, 22 February 2017

Secretary of Defense James Mattis will soon recommend an escalation of US military involvement in both Iraq and Syria.

Southern California hit by massive rainfall

By Glenn Mulwray, 22 February 2017

Rainstorms wreaked havoc over Southern California last weekend, causing mass power outages and flooding.

Ohio couple arrested after eight-year-old son overdoses on heroin

By Naomi Spencer, 22 February 2017

The genuinely tragic outcomes of so many children caught up in the drug crisis are compounded by official indifference.

New York police kill Brooklyn teen for pointing a fake gun

By Steve Light, 22 February 2017

A string of shootings by police of people with fake guns has occurred in recent years, including the killing of 12-year-old Tamir Rice in 2014 in Cleveland, Ohio.

Talk show host Bill Maher: Intelligence agencies “our last line of defense”

By David Walsh, 22 February 2017

In an extraordinarily foul outburst February 17, HBO’s Maher referred approvingly to Egypt and Turkey as countries where intelligence agencies had intervened against a “crazy” dictator.

Trump names Iraq war general and militarist as national security adviser

By Patrick Martin, 21 February 2017

The selection of McMaster is seen as a concession to the anti-Russian campaign waged by the intelligence agencies, the Democratic Party and sections of the Republican Party.

North Dakota Senate passes bills criminalizing Dakota Access Pipeline protests

By Shelley Connor, 21 February 2017

As construction moves forward to complete the Dakota Access Pipeline, the bills subject protesters to prosecution and up to 20 years in prison.

California and federal government ignored numerous warnings about Oroville Dam

By Ben McGrath, 21 February 2017

The Department of Water Resources is engaged in a cover-up of its failure to address basic safety issues that imperiled the lives of thousands of people.

Plans to expand US Navy highlight vulnerable conditions of shipyard workers

By Toby Reese and Genevieve Leigh, 21 February 2017

In the decade spanning from 2005 through 2015, a total of 76 workers in the private shipbuilding and repair industry were killed on the job.

Pennsylvania Governor Tom Wolf proposes austerity budget

By Douglas Lyons, 21 February 2017

Wolf has proposed a budget for the 2017-2018 fiscal year that does nothing to resolve the state’s education crisis and continues attacks on state workers.

How many people would die in a war between the US and Russia?

By Andre Damon, 21 February 2017

Amidst the non-stop anti-Russian hysteria from the media and the Democratic Party, no one is posing the question: What will be the consequences of a war with Russia?

Trump White House under mounting pressure from anti-Russia campaign

By Patrick Martin, 20 February 2017

Seven congressional committees are now engaged in investigations into alleged Russian interference in the 2016 elections, including contacts with the Trump campaign.

Thousands protest in Boston against Trump’s threats to science

By Mike Ingram, 20 February 2017

The rally coincided with the annual meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of the Sciences (AAAS) at the nearby Hynes Convention Center in downtown Boston.

Federal reserve report reveals exploding levels of US household debt

By Tom Hall, 20 February 2017

Total US household debt is expected to surpass levels reached just prior to the subprime mortgage crisis that triggered the 2008 Recession.

“If you attack one school, you attack them all”

Anger grows over Michigan school closures

By Shannon Jones, 20 February 2017

As opposition mounts to the threat by state officials to close dozens of schools in Detroit and other cities, the unions and Democrats are stepping in to smother it.

Baltimore public schools face $129 million budget deficit, plan mass layoffs

By Ron Barzel and Brad Dixon, 20 February 2017

The current deficit amounts to 10 percent of the entire budget for the Baltimore City school system, which has an enrollment of around 82,000 students.

Indiana governor declares disaster in East Chicago over lead contamination

By Jessica Goldstein, 20 February 2017

Although lead contamination in the area has been known of for decades, no substantial efforts were made to address the toxin until recently.

Arizona invites lawyers for death row inmates to provide execution drugs

By Brad Dixon, 20 February 2017

Unable to procure the drugs needed for lethal injections, the Arizona department of corrections is inviting lawyers for death row inmates to provide the drugs to be used to kill their clients.

Iowa makes massive mid-year budget cuts targeting public education

By George Marlowe, 20 February 2017

Republican Governor Terry Branstad of Iowa signed a bill that would entail mid-year budget cuts of over $118 million, the bulk of which hit public schools and higher education.

Seventy-five years after FDR’s Japanese internment order, Trump prepares mass immigrant roundup

By Eric London, 20 February 2017

The attack on immigrants has been prepared by both the Democratic and Republican parties, which have jointly cultivated a climate of anti-immigrant xenophobia to advance their policies of war and social counterrevolution.

New York transit union pushes through concessions contract

By Alan Whyte, 20 February 2017

Less than one-third of those eligible to vote actually ratified the 28-month-long contract, which does nothing to improve wages, health and pension benefits and work conditions.

US Senate confirms industry stooge to head Environmental Protection Agency

By Daniel de Vries, 18 February 2017

Former Oklahoma attorney general and anti-regulation zealot Scott Pruitt was sworn in as head of the Environmental Protection Agency on Friday.

The popular movement against Trump vs. the corporate media’s anti-Russia witch-hunt

By Andre Damon, 18 February 2017

Following Donald Trump’s extraordinary news conference, the ferocious battle over imperialist policy between contending factions of the ruling class is intensifying.

US Homeland Security memo: Deploy 100,000 National Guard troops to round up immigrants

By Eric London, 18 February 2017

The proposals outlined in a memo obtained by the AP would require the imposition of de facto martial law across broad swaths of the United States.

As Trump promotes America First nationalism at South Carolina Boeing plant

UAW to launch “Buy American” campaign

By Shannon Jones, 18 February 2017

The UAW is ramping up its promotion of economic nationalism in line with the reactionary America First demagogy of the Trump administration.

Republican health care plan guts Medicaid, shifts funds from poor to rich

By Kate Randall, 18 February 2017

The proposals would roll back Medicaid expansion under Obamacare and convert the program to either a per capita cap or a block grant to the states.

Iowa governor signs bill limiting collective bargaining for state employees

By Marcus Day, 18 February 2017

Iowa’s Republican-controlled state government enacted legislation Friday gutting collective bargaining rights for teachers and other public workers.

US late-night comics fall into (anti-Russian) line

By David Walsh, 18 February 2017

Predictably, America’s late-night comics and television talk show hosts have joined the right-wing campaign to depict Trump as an ally or even pawn of Russia’s Vladimir Putin.

The Trump press conference: A ferocious conflict within the ruling elite

By Patrick Martin, 17 February 2017

The press conference was unlike anything seen in modern American history, as the US president traded insults with journalists and engaged in a bitter battle with his nemeses in the media.

Thousands participate in nation-wide “A day without immigrants” protest

By Genevieve Leigh, 17 February 2017

The protests including work stoppages, marches and student sick-outs, and were directed against the Trump administration’s actions against immigrants and refugees.

Stunning rebuke to machinists’ union at South Carolina Boeing plant

By Jerry White, 17 February 2017

The IAM’s record of collaboration with Boeing’s attack on jobs and living standards did far more to repel workers than the campaign against the union by the aerospace giant.

As Michigan cuts off water bill credits, Flint officials announce shutoffs

By James Brewer, 17 February 2017

An improvement in water lead levels is the pretext for cutting off water bill subsidies to Flint residents and resuming water shutoffs.

Video exposes official lies about police killing in Nashville, Tennessee

By Warren Duzak, 17 February 2017

Police claims that Jocques Scott Clemmons had assaulted the officer who eventually killed him as he left his car during a traffic stop have been shown to be demonstrably false.

Woman forced to give birth on floor of Macomb County, Michigan jail cell

By Nick Rodriguez, 17 February 2017

The disturbing incident, which took place last year but was only recently made public, sheds a stark light on the harsh realities of life confronting the working class.

On eve of GM Detroit layoffs

Jeep announces partial shutdown of Toledo, Ohio complex

By Shannon Jones, 17 February 2017

The UAW is collaborating with GM to lay off some 1,300 workers at the GM Detroit-Hamtramck plant while trying to divert anger with a reactionary “Buy American” campaign.

Heroin overdoses spike in Louisville, Kentucky

By Naomi Spencer, 17 February 2017

Last week, Louisville reported 151 overdoses over four days, 52 of them within a 32-hour period.

Intelligence agencies clash with Trump over Russia allegations

By Tom Eley, 16 February 2017

The warfare within the ruling class is being waged along a front that extends from the intelligence agencies through the Republican Party and into the Trump White House itself.

Democrats seek to channel opposition to Trump behind anti-Russia offensive

By Joseph Kishore, 16 February 2017

Trump’s critics in the media and political establishment are seeking to disorient the opposition of workers and youth to Trump and corral it behind the war plans of the CIA.

Fast-food mogul Andrew Puzder withdraws as Trump labor nominee

By a reporter, 16 February 2017

Puzder faced opposition from both the right wing of the Republican Party and all Senate Democrats.